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2017 Horoscope

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Pisces Monthly Horoscope

February 2017 Horoscope

Pisces February 2017 Monthly Horoscope.

Pisces February 2017

Pisces in February 2017 could endure a number of quite ambiguous situations, which will be united by a common denominator: a positive ending. We are referring to the fact that the confrontation of Mercury and Venus in this sign will now reach a peak. However, with the support of Jupiter, your primary benefactor, the situation will level out dramatically in the
second ten-day period of the month, so during this time it is better to plan the most important meetings. Overall, we are dealing with quite a calm period, the dynamics of which will not be permanent - the first ten-day period will prove to be bright, but controversial when it comes to the nature of the events which are taking place,
and then quite abruptly things will settle down. In the third ten-day period there will be more developments, but they will be essentially brighter and more positive. In other words, if you are expecting a time which would allow you to implement your most daring and unexpected plans, the present stage will be more suitable than anything else for such ventures.
Now fortune will clearly be on Pisces' side, although, of course, you should not neglect the elementary rules of safety. The primary risks connected to the position of Mercury are based on inattentiveness. Absent-mindedness and absence could result in irrevocable consequences.

In this way, the "work front" in February 2017 will require from Pisces quite a high level of focus on the
most important tasks. There is clearly no point in chasing after two hares at this stage, and definitely not after three. However, a competent study of the current trends will allow you to achieve surprising results. In the first ten-day period, make an effort to think more and act less. Then build up momentum. An excellent option would be a gradual
expansion of the business, as this is a good time for business trips and the search for new business partners. It is better not to start your own business now, but it is the best time to plan it. Help your colleagues if they require your assistance, but not because they will help you in return (although this aspect also applies
of course). At the current stage of life, altruism will significantly strengthen your positions and allow you to develop spiritually, literally in leaps and bounds. Such is the nature of this yearly cycle. In the work sphere in February there is the risk of making a fool of yourself. For this it will be enough to be in the wrong place
at the wrong time. So be attentive and don't make a habit of believing everything that people you hardly know say.

In February 2017 for people born under the sign of Pisces, the sphere of personal relationships will become a real lifesaver. In the home environment no significant metamorphoses are foreseen, so here you can feel safe; here you will get rest
from various travails which fate has decided to bestow upon you. Don't get involved if conflicts suddenly arise between your family members. Now is not the best time to take on the role of arbitrator, the situation will work itself out, and much faster than you would expect. It is better to try to be a model, in every sense of
the word. Spreading warmth and love, you will unite those who are dear to you, and you will help them to overcome every adversity. It is worth paying attention to at least one point: due to the position of Mercury, you should not make any large acquisitions. It is also better not to lend large sums to relatives or friends. This
could be really risky, not because of any impure intentions, but because of circumstances which could be extremely unpredictable. Apart from that, there are no limitations; just enjoy this successful stage of your life.

Choose your Zodiac sign for February 2017 Monthly Horoscope

Pisces February 2017 Comments

My friend is brilliant I didn't get betrayed for 3 yrs Lol He didn't rob me he just slanders me know

[ Ture friend ms d ] [ Post Reply ]

Bday sex let's have it lol

[ Dirty Betty and mutley ] [ Post Reply ]

2 years ago we ago shool half term booked room near Oxford Circus I even paid for it Hope he does a better birthday for now So kept up to his word and didn't play with my affections or did he take me for a ride lol time will tell

[ My bubby ] [ Post Reply ]

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