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Monthly Horoscope for Virgo

June 2021 Virgo Horoscope

Mercury is in retrograde this month, and as a Mercury-ruled sign, you might feel the effects of it a lot more intensely than others. Popularly, Mercury Retrogrades tend to get a bad reputation. For a methodical Virgo, though, this will be a time you get a more in-depth look into your limitations regarding your work life, especially those instigated by your coworkers. The transit invites you to take a look at the give-and-take dynamics in your work environment. Watch out for miscommunications and mismanagement of duties. It would be wise to avoid arguments at this time if necessary, but pay close attention to people overusing your ability to excel at everything you do. Being good at something doesn’t justify you getting all the work while others get away with mediocre effort. Alternatively, you could be the one delegating work to people that don’t have the same eye for perfection as you do. Either way, this month, you are called to be more strategic about your career. You can do so by revising the very structure you built your work on and look for any gaps that could quickly be filled up with a little revision.

Another major planet that will be moving backwards in the sky this month is Saturn. This will be happening in your 6th house, which also has a close relationship with your work life. The 6th house is really where Saturn’s energies shine the most. This transit may give you a heightened sense of responsibility towards the more mundane aspects of your work. Since the planet is retrograde, it asks you to pay attention to how much your work life is taking over your personal life. Are you perhaps one of those Virgos who basically live at your office? If so, be kinder to yourself and allow for time for rest and entertainment. You will not lose everything you have accomplished because you took one day off. This transit may push you to detach a little from your own self imposed limitations. If you act like the whole world depends on you doing what you do, Saturn will be willing and able to prove you wrong. Take a well-deserved bath and relax a little.

While Saturn is retrograde, the ringed planed will also be squaring Uranus, who has been transiting your 9th house in Taurus for quite a while now. With Uranus transiting this house, you likely have been slowly changing your ideas surrounding comfort. Speaking directly to Saturn, this makes those of you who find solace in being looked up to because of your apparent “perfection” a direct target of this transit. Keeping up appearances is emotionally draining and unsustainable. Whatever idea of perfection you have constructed for yourself may be wholly dismantled by Uranus’ rebellious approach to transformation. Suppose you embrace this new approach to life. In that case, you will find many of your other problems being resolved on their own with all the latest free time you will have if you open up space for some time in your schedule. The more you resist change, the more Uranus will push against it, so just give in to it and surrender to all the possibilities that lie beyond your “responsibilities.” Your primary duty here should be your own happiness. If you don’t have the time to do the things you enjoy, what’s the point of doing anything?

This New Moon in Gemini is also going to play a pivotal role in your journey through healing any self-destructive habits. This will be an excellent time to set your intentions for some new direction, so light a candle and ask your spirit guides (or whatever higher power you believe in) to aid you through this new journey. The key is to embrace the uncertain and let go of control. Remember to let go of any expectation and embrace the excitement of uncertainty. There’s nothing to be afraid of when you are as capable and eager to succeed as you are. This month is a very transformative month for many Virgos out there. So, you should be ready to embark on a journey very different from whatever you have lived so far. This can be exciting to those who are dissatisfied with where they currently are. Yet, for those of you who are still anxious about this new chapter, remember it’s not just you who is going through a transformation. The whole world is with you in this, and we should get excited to see what lies on the other end of all this.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is a very familiar energy to Virgo. They are both driven earth signs, so this moon will be a breath of fresh air for all who feel a little anxious. Capricorn is all about the long run. Allow for this focus on a distant goal to motivate you to get past thresholds you were never able to overcome before. With each cycle, we get stronger and more confident in our abilities to succeed. Allow for the abundant energy of this Full Moon to permeate your spirit and charge forward with the certainty that you will get to where you want to go.

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Monthly Horoscope for Virgo Zodiac signs Well

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