March 2011 Horoscope

March 2011 Monthly Horoscope


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March 2011 year of the White Metal Rabbit is curious with the fact that Venus as a very important astrological unit, which has a huge impact on all astrological aspects begins a retrograde motion. This event will lead to the life of everyone and that of the society as a whole witnessing old and perhaps already forgotten connections and memories that will once again become relevant in the present life, and will simply have an enormous importance for the future. Each representative of the zodiacal circle can truly assess his future prospects if he looks at them through the prism of the past.

Interesting memories, past experience and already acquired knowledge will all prove useful in March. The personal life may encounter the rise of past relationships from the ruins, which has already seemed to have been gone out of date long and forgotten. People can aspire to see their former lovers, find out how they are, but March can also present quite unexpected meetings with people from the past. This first month of spring will be very intense for individual members of the zodiacal circle because one needs to expect the emergence of people from the past and some of these events will carry problems and unpleasant memories that need to be finally resolved. These signals cannot be ignored because their successful solution depends at least on a successful continuation of new issues started and events, which will be a landmark in the year. One therefore needs to triple one's activeness and turn one's attention both to new issues and to the same old problems by solving them together. The planetary union, as if anticipating the importance of the moment and the complexity of forthcoming issues, attaches almost the whole month to such work, during which even the most indecisive and sluggish Zodiac signs must catch up in the best way. In order for the coming problems to be solved successfully, not to rush in search of necessary courses of action, and then not be in the lagging, time and effort should be devoted to finding the right acquaintances and important partnerships in the first decade of March. At the same period, personal contacts, which can become significant in every zodiac sign's destiny, are possible. The second and third decade of March 2011 year of the White Metal Rabbit are not very suitable for making acquaintances, friendships and personal relationships, and therefore this period should be devoted to strengthening ties and developing relations.

The last decade of March is not a very favorable time for engagements and weddings, but this very period of the month will help to better develop existing relationships, enrich them spiritually and emotionally, and promote understanding and feeling for each other. In March, it is very important not to try to force events, but rather consolidate one's present success, give the needed boost to already existing business affairs to make it move forward without undue delay or jerks. A fast start is not needed during this month, and it is better to consider what needs to be engaged in for success because false starts and mistakes in over-intense activeness are very likely, and this will take a considerable fraction of the time and effort of each Zodiac sign. The trends in the month are such that the financial sector will continue to remain fragile for many representatives of the Zodiacal circle. This is because all the business affairs that were started this year have not yet been properly developed even more so that old issues that also need to be addressed will emerge in March. The budgets of almost all members of the zodiacal circle may be reduced and this despite the fact that income will be stable and even growing. There is nothing wrong in this if one attaches great importance to the organization of one's business, feels and uses in practice all opportunities to overcome the crisis in business affairs. In March, the planetary union recommends one to avoid exorbitant financial expenses, investments of large amounts of money in one bank, purchase of securities, engaging in long-term financial commitments. The next month will be favorable for better use of resources without loss, but for now, each Zodiac sign has to better save. Business affairs should not be skyrocketed, in March it is necessary to consider the best tactics for further work, as well as thoroughly strengthen the position of present work and not lose ground from excessively sharp jump.

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