Daily Horoscope October 22

Daily Horoscope for Today October 22, 2013

October 22nd is everyone you know grumpy today? Maybe you all woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You might just need to take a bit of space from them. Go for a walk or maybe spend the afternoon with friends. Get lunch, go to the library or do some shopping. Reserve the evening for your mate; if they are not to grumpy. You do need time to yourself if you can refrain from the nasty comments and sarcastic statements.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Aries find something artistic to do today. Get your hands dirty in the garden or work with paint as your finish chairs and stools. Take time to beautify your surroundings with creativity. No need to get everything perfect. Imperfect and creativity go hand in hand.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Great energy today Taurus! You have the energy to do what you need to do. Go back into journals from the first of the year and write down again what your dreams and goals are. Take time to listen to those around you as they tell you again what you need to do with your life. It is good to have advice and help.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Gemini, remember that little nest egg you had saved for an autumn vacation? Might want to make those plans now. If you have the money and expendable income, start a bank account for holiday spending. You might just be great! Go for a walk in a red and yellow forest. It is gorgeous outside and even though it is October, there are still a few leaves on the trees.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Yum! Your neighbor just brought over their best pumpkin cheesecake recipe. Don't eat the entire cake; you might end up with a stomach ache. Give them a hug and reciprocate with your own recipe of pumpkin cookies. Best baking month of the year!. Avoid sensitive emotions today Cancer.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Feeling lucky Leo? Wear emerald green. You really don't need luck; you have all the luck you can handle. Every day is going to be good if you make it so. Reflect on where you have been this year. Is it just like all the other years? A failure? Whew!

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

If you work very hard in the office today Virgo you just might have an incredible payout. A bonus? Time compensation? A promotion? Or a new move to another floor? Have a great time with family members this afternoon. You might have to console a family member who is having a hard time with life right now. Rent movies and take time to vegetate on the couch Virgo.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Have you thought about how much money you could save by not going out to eat all the time? Just cook what you have on hand in the kitchen; go to a bulk store and stock up on good whole foods; eat in more than you eat out. If you are tired lately it might be the soda you drink every day. You might feel better if you drink water instead Libra.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

You have great negotiating skills Scorpio. Use them to ensure that family tensions are smoothed over. Take time to have a romantic night with your love. Take them to dinner and movie or dancing. Talk, listen, and don't start any time of disagreement or arguments.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Take awesome risks today Sagittarius. Just don't go crazy. If you want to take up paragliding that would be highly entertaining! Try an Iron-Man craze or a marathon. Live life to the fullest. Begin to train today Sagittarius. If you cannot think of anything extreme to do; take a nap and daydream about the possibilities of excitement in your life.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Capricorn what do you do with the energy you are feeling today? Maybe call friends and go dancing? How about dinner at a fabulous new restaurant. If you can think of anything fun to do with all your energy, maybe just vacuum and clean until you drop. Yuck. Do something fun instead.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Need a fun get away tonight? Dress up in your fanciest clothes and grab some hot friends for a night of dancing and laughing. You feel and look great and the glances and looks you are getting are giving you confidence to do anything. Just enjoy! The influences of the planets are with you tonight Aquarius.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today October 22

Pisces if you want to get extra work done over the weekend; lose your love interest. They want to do just sit on the porch, veg, and complain. Not good for you. Jump into what you want to do and negotiate terms with your partner. Tonight can be a great night once you are cleared to go.

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