Daily Horoscope November 26

Daily Horoscope for Today November 26, 2013

November 26th you have spectacular ideas today and you want the world to know what they are. You might want to check out what a simple group thinks before you go global. Take your rhetoric down a notch and change your attitude. You don't need enemies in your life to make things miserable. Put your career above you dreams today; you need the money in your bank account.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

You will go on a long trip today Aries. Plan an escape if you find that things are difficult in your in-laws home. Honest is admirable, but if you are too honest and blunt you will cause hurt feelings. Take care that you have something important to say before just chatting away.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

You do not like to schedule you life too far in advance Taurus, but you can find benefits when sharing travel plans with you family and friends. It is a bit irritating to have your dreams for an adventure laughed at, but you might want to consider discussing travel plans with a relationship partner. You might try out a short trip to get things going. You will have to make plans to escape responsibilities.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Gemini jump into life head first. Ensure that your dreams and the dreams you have for your family tie together. You might have a headstrong nature, but you are very gentle when you have to be. Take care that you do not put too much emphasis on you instead of us.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

You are restless and you sense of calm is gone. You might find that you want to take a straightforward path to finishing a project, but you will find that success is not around the corner. Don't hide you uncertainty, just go and do it. You don't have to act on what everyone else wants you to do; just do what you know needs to be done Cancer.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Leo as you move toward the end of the month this is a perfect time for finding out why you are have emotionally charged issues with your partner. The moon is moving around, but that is not the only reason. You need to face powerful feelings. Think of something fun to do tonight with you family. A trip to the ice cream parlor is definitely in order.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Virgo if you are single you might find that today is the perfect time to meet a partner for the upcoming holiday events. You will find that your seductive power is pleasing and you know exactly what to say and when. What power! Go with it! Discuss the events of the day and move into what you want to do in the future. It will be so awesome!

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Libra today is charged with emotion and drama. You are feeling very powerful feelings today and you might find that the alignment of planets is driving you to take control of a complicated issue. Be kind when you talk to your love. If you are single you might want to clean up and charge up your repertoire of words.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Scorpio there is no reason for someone to question your integrity and honesty. You always do the right thing and today you are ultra-truthful. You usually like to hear all sides of a question, but today you will not even listen. You will just say "no" without hearing the total project outline. That is not like you, but if you play by the rules today you will find that you cannot do the honorable thing for your friends.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Sagittarius you will have a financial windfall today! Or you just might find that there is more money in your paycheck than you expected. You will find that this means you can buy that special present for a loved one for the holidays. You might want to play the lottery today. Buy an extra ticket. You never know, you might just be the next lucky winner.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Capricorn the greatest fortune in your life is you hard work and tenacious demeanor. You feel that you are lucky, and that luck is augmented by planet alignments and good fortune. Take care that you are not "stuck-up" over your luck and riches. You can be brought down if you are too "uppity."

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Aquarius you are at the top of your game today. You want to show off your charm and wit at parties, luncheons and even in the office. You will go home, however, this afternoon and you love will knock you down a couple of rungs. That will not feel good, but at least you will be normal. Put a positive spin on everything you touch today and that will impress everyone around you; especially your love and of course yourself.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today November 26

Pisces stick to the truth in any situation right from the start and you will experience a great freedom. It is hard to try and remember all the lies you have told, so just don't tell any. Take the time to let others know that you love them and will be there when there is a need. Use your intuition to talk to your love today and let them know what is going on.

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