Daily Horoscope December 9

Daily Horoscope for Today December 9, 2014

If you have been working hard for quite some time, December 9, 2014 is the day to finally start seeing first fruit of your efforts. You will evaluate the first results and based on your findings will either keep working hard or find it necessary to work even harder.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Emotional stability is the road to success today. If peace has finally settled in your heart, don't disturb it and don't let others in. Cherish the mental harmony, family bliss and love joy you have achieved. Take a rational approach to work and communication: don't allow too much soulfulness at the first stages of business interaction.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

The future that Taurus' imagination is picturing today resembles a dream or a fairy tale. However, harsh reality has other options in store for you. Whatever gets bestowed on you in your dreams will have to be earned with hard work in real life.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Determined Gemini with bountiful imagination will become the most successful today. You've got reasonable financial base and necessary experience to make the best choice of options. If you are lazy, just leave things be: the running engine of your project will function perfectly well on its own.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Cancer's personal positions are sturdy and indestructible. You have no reasons to worry about your children's life, your partner's faithfulness or lawfulness of a certain undertaking of yours. You've got good confederates and have timely access to needed moral support and spiritual foundation.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Leo shouldn't claim a spotlight today: this will hardly make things move any faster, but will be sure to throw more troubles your way. This day should better be devoted to general resources as well as matters tied to insurance, taxation, property inheritance, capital merging and secret keeping.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

On December 9, 2014 Virgo will reap the fruit of its months' long strategy. If you made the right choice of friends, environment and value system; if you picked the right side or made a good deal, things will be just fine. If you feel you were taken advantage of, don't waste time on empty regrets and grudges.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Libra's goal for today is routine work proper organization. Even if you are tempted by a new project, don't just abandon your current affairs. It's them which will ensure a stable income and/or career advancement as well as provide for a shelter in time of trouble.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Reliability and predictability are what Scorpio prefers today in everything it does. Its gut feeling, experience and instinct of self-preservation are never faulty. Many of you will follow a certain plan of action which was probably created by you.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

If you want to get the most out of a situation and be able to control events on top of that, you will have to put all your personal ambitions aside. Learn to stay in the backseat if it benefits the common goal. Don't talk to strangers about important things; don't do unnecessary intriguing and don't show off the trust you've been shown.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Capricorn is ready to do what it takes to get a valuable prize. You may be hoping to hit a jackpot, win a sport competition, seat in a boss' chair, be awarded a tendered contract or conquer any other equally impressive height.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

Revenue sources should be in Aquarius' center of attention. Try to better systemize them and expand them if possible. If you are employed, don't quit your job. Stars suggest those of you are have your own business or are freelancers should continue with a current project that has already taken much time and effort.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today December 9

The right system of values, loyal contacts and a reliable plan of action are Pisces' guarantee of stability and safety on December 9, 2014. The chances are you understand this very well. Today, however, it is difficult for you to resist an adventure.

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Comments: Daily Horoscope December 9

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Sofia 2014-12-08 08:32:06
It's very helpfull. After reading the horoscope I can prepare for the day.

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