Daily Horoscope December 27

Daily Horoscope for Today December 27, 2016

An ever-slimmer waning crescent moon passes through Sagittarius on the twenty seventh of December. A slim moon means a decreased impact, but a more negative impact, so the natives of all signs can expect to have difficulty staying to task on this day.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Children of the House of Aries are passionate, enthusiastic, and courageous people who are often quick to make decisions. The moon in Sagittarius may draw even the most down-to-earth Aries off of the beaten path, and perhaps a little too swiftly for judgement. Natives of Aries should ask others for opinions on new ideas today, or at least try and take some time to think them over before acting on impulse.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Taureans are often known for being stubborn and task-oriented, but many also have a great love of music. Consider trying to make some of your own music on this day, as the moon in Sagittarius should give you some interesting new ideas, and fresh enthusiasm.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Natives of Gemini should consider being followers today. The Sagittarian courage and sense of adventure is in all signs today, but your ability to shift from task to task should allow you to think on your feet rather than tripping over them like the natives of other signs.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Cancerians should consider devoting some time to romance today. You are often drawn to family, which can make you seem predictable, but it you focus on the Sagittarius in you, you may be able to show your significant other a little extra enthusiasm and adventure on this day.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Leos should be great at team building today, which is a valuable skill on a day that everyone is likely to need a little support and advice. The stars today may draw you towards taking on new challenges and heading in new directions, but people of your sign are often skilled with communicating and staying loyal to a group.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Virgoans should tend to the aspects of their own lives today. The nature of this day draws many others into groups and out of doors, but one can make positive change in one's own life while remaining firmly within their personal spaces. Take a moment to look at how your schedule your time, the kind of relations you keep, and how you plan for emergencies.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Libras should take some time today to address their personal doctrines. Much of your personality often comes from your personal beliefs and philosophies, but times change, and you should too. Today should be an interesting day to look in the mirror and decide what you believe.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Scorpios should be particularly aware of their tails today. While you shouldn't raise it in any situation, other people may get caught up in the moment and come a little too close to stepping on or over you to pursue their own agendas, and some may need a reminder that there are other people to consider.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

While most people neglect to think of Sagittarius as one of the more intellectual signs, many natives of this House have a deep love of knowledge. Consider learning something new today, whether you learn it from a book, or from experience out under the sky.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Capricorns should think of how they can switch up the way that their world works. Many Capricorns are too busy being great at what they do to put a lot of thought into the frames in which they do it. Look at the structure of the organizations that you work in, and consider trying to achieve systemic change that will allow you to do what you do better.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Aquarians are often very independently minded people, and this may be doubly so today. The moon in Sagittarius may give you an urge to get out and about in the world, and this could be a much more valuable experience for you if you manage to do so alone.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today December 27

Natives of Pisces, like natives of Aries, tend to be too quick to follow impulses. Fortunately, the natives of Pisces tend to have better impulses. While it may be in everyone's best interest for you to follow your gut, you should be sure to have some other people on your team to help you make good, sustainable decisions.


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