Daily Horoscope for Today January 10, 2017
The tenth of January sees a waxing gibbous moon traveling through Gemini. Gemini is a very communicative sign that tends to get along well with others. The social success of Gemini comes from being a flexible sign. While you are likely to get into conversations with many people in many positions today, be weary of those who may be trying to take advantage of your agreeable temperament.
♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Aries is a sign that could do well communicating a little more, and is not likely to be swayed by others in the process. Your energy and courage may even sway those who would try to deceive you. Be careful, however, as you tend to throw yourself at projects, so if you are tricked, it could do a great amount of damage.
♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Natives of Taurus are stubborn people, and despite the influence of Gemini, you are not likely to give on anything unless there is a very good reason for it. While the moon in Gemini may make you more sociable, it is not likely to make you more flexible.
♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
The children of Gemini are not likely to be victims of deception today, as you are not usually looked at as the biggest players in the room. You may, however, consider keeping an eye on what those around you are up to.
♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Cancerians are a sensitive people who are likely to be pleased with the way that people are treating each other. Consider spreading this good feeling by being sociable with your own family, as you often care about them, but are not always gifted with communication as you are today.
♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Leos are usually good at putting their best foot forward when the moon is in the House of a social sign, but you should be aware that others may distrust you if you come off too soft. Don't be afraid to try to connect with your audience, but remember that you are a lion.
♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Virgoans, like Taureans, tend to be very comfortable with their day-to-day routines but are more flexible in terms of what they work on and when. You should be aware of this when working with others so that you can make effective decisions, but be careful not to be too sceptical of others, as they may be worth listening to.
♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Libras should consider taking a moderator position, as people are likely having difficulty making decisions today, as well as being more social than usual, and both of these can lead to misunderstandings which should easily be overcoming with a little thought.
♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Scorpios should keep their tails at the ready today. While it is not very likely that you will be directly attacked, or even indirectly offended, be wary of what others are doing and be consider working on your own when possible.
♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
It is in the nature of Sagittarians to enjoy adventure and freedom, and you do not often care for company, but today you may be in the mood to have, or to make a travel companion. Wherever you go on whatever leisure, consider bringing someone with you today.
♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Capricorns are the sign most likely to use a moon in Gemini to their advantage. Consider talking to those around you and those above you in an attempt to take on new responsibilities. People of your sign are often interested in career advancement, but are too cautious to actively seek it. Today may be your day to overcome this.
♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Natives of Aquarius are often interested in creating social change, but have difficulty convincing others of their ideas. While it may not be too effective to use the moon in Gemini to this end, it might be wise to use it to get to know people a little better so that they are more willing to listen to you when you do want to get things done.
♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today January 10
Pisces might be the sign most likely to be taken advantage of, deliberately or otherwise, by the natives of other signs. People of your sign often have trouble making up your minds, which is true of Gemini as well. As a result you may feel as though you are being pulled in different directions. Beware of any parties that seem to be pulling harder than others, and do try to make up your own mind.
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