Daily Horoscope April 29

Daily Horoscope for Today April 29, 2017

The twenty-ninth of April sees a slim, but ever waxing moon continue its path through the house of Gemini. Because Gemini is a social sign, and it's natives are sometimes too talkative for their own good, natives of this sign are often intellectually underestimated by the natives of other signs despite being quite clever. Natives of all signs should try to find new ways of doing things, or creative ways to do new things.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Natives of Aries are often so devoted to having projects done their way that they do whatever they can to keep other people out of the process, often leading them to unnecessary obstacles. Today natives of this sign should try to think of a way around a problem, other than asking for help, naturally.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Taureans seldom have trouble getting the job done, but may take more time than necessary to complete it, as they tend to be stubborn traditionalists. While there is generally something to be said for the old ways, natives of this sign should consider trying new things today.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Children of Gemini should consider being a little sneaky to get what they want today. Because natives of this sign tend to know so much about those around them, and because those around them don't see them as a threat, the clever Gemini can be quite devious.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Cancerians may find that in some ways family life can be just as dramatic and intriguing as business or politics. Natives of this sign should consider applying themselves to those pesky family matters that can only be solved through wit and planning.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Natives of Leo should be careful today. Natives of this sign often find themselves in positions of power, or build such positions for themselves, and as such can develop quite a few enemies. Leos should act natural, but beware of any plots against them.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Virgoans should consider potentially difficult or dangerous obstacles ahead. Natives of this sign are often preoccupied with the future, and indeed blessed with good foresight, but children of Virgo who can make use of a moon in Pisces may be able to see a little clearer into the future.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Children of Libra are not likely to encounter many issues today, and they issues that they may encounter are more likely than usual to be slightly out of their hands. It would be wise to try to out-think any opponents, but beware the clever adversary, as Librans tend to die for other peoples' fights.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Natives of Scorpio should try to avoid using their tails, but using their heads instead. Crueller natives of other signs may have learned that they can get a rise out of a Scorpio fairly easier, so defeating such people with a clever comeback is likely to keep them off longer than reacting in other ways.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Sagittarians are often gifted with time management skills and effective work habits, but may find themselves able to increase their time-records on projects by thinking a little outside of the box today, provided that shaving time does not cost the task too much care.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Children of Capricorn are often interested in obtaining recognition or promotion within their professional and social lives, and today should be a good day to think of a plot, or put one into action in order to achieve those ends.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Aquarians are likely to be drawn to argument today, but should bear in mind that the natives of other signs are gifted with a quicker mind today, and the typically easy target may catch an unsuspecting Aquarian off guard/

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today April 29

Natives of Pisces should try to apply themselves to planning, and scheduling today. Natives of this sign often have difficulty with time management, but such issues become less of a problem when utilized time is utilized more efficiently.

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