Daily Horoscope August 2

Daily Horoscope for Today August 2, 2017

There is a bit of a change brewing in the skies. It's a day to just surrender and know you have no idea how much more can be accomplished. It is a time for unexpected events and changes to either bring the best of the best in, or for something to be pointed out that needs to. For those in the realm of spirituality, really meditate, your intuition might be very heightened at this time. Make some time to be alone and process today. The moon moves through Sagittarius asking us all the greater questions on a philosophical level. You might reach levels of genius today.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

It is so interesting how quickly life can change. Embrace the good moments over those that you find fear or difficulty in. Appreciation and gratitude goes a long way, and helps you move forward from struggle. Open yourself up to a new approach towards a situation in your life. This might be in the field of business or career. Yellow is your power color today.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

You are linked to a community that loves you. Whether it's your best friends, or a spiritual connection. You have a lot to think about for the greater good of your own health, both mental and physical. Career and finances might need to be reworked. There could be a key conversation or advisor that needs to be in your life. Ask someone older or more mature for advice. Long-term savings is important, and you need to learn the ins-and-outs. Green, Yellow, and Blue are your power colors.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

You are highly imaginative and tend to have a happy disposition. You will find yourself in a very mellow but content state of mind today. Enjoy the ride. Your mind will be guiding you to all sorts of places that show the true side of your imaginative mind. Write these day dreams down and get it all on paper. You will look at these musing in the future and it will provide some insight when the time is right.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

A new approach to love is happening at this time. Dig yourself out and get yourself in the thick of it. You are not going to be the same person you were, but it is a coming-of-age transformation going on in your own emotional reality. Dance your heart out and seek a new response. It's not the old way, allow for vulnerability. Pink is your power color.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

This is a great day for your sign. Open up, have a great conversation with friends, start a project that is much needed to open up your mind. Today is a great learning day, so take a course, or ask someone for advice. Reach out, pitch, really sell yourself and open your mind to new opportunities ahead. You never know what new things might result! Be fearless! Yellow is your power color.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

Growing that garden in your own life is going on at this time. Are there things about your health that need changed? Are there things you are ignoring at this time? What did your doctor really say? Are you putting yourself first? Or are you giving away and sacrificing your own needs for others? It's okay to have a balance. Green is your power color.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

You are a helpful and probably one of the most sought out in your industry or business. You have great potential here, and this might be a time for you to re-evaluate something that is either nagging at you or getting in the way of moving ahead. You might have to take a step back to fully observe the moment.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

What are the distractions going on in your life right now!?!? Not needed! They cannot take away from you right now. Today is not about staying focused, but rolling with the punches. Career and finances might be on your mind for a split second, but then something or someone else ls trying to get your attention. Experience the energy and let it be!

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

So much opening up right now. Visualization exercises might be the most profitable for you right now. Give it your all, give it your heart, and open your mind to the new possibilities of the day. Allow this day to open up towards spirit. Keep that flame burning, and find happiness in all aspects! Orange and Coral are your power colors today!

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

Today, open up your mind to joy. Your words of the day are appreciation and graciousness. Keep a gratitude journal if you need to! See all of the things in your own life that inspire you to strive for any goals you have. You are in a great relationship or on your way to achieving a goal that really opens up your heart. Venus is opposite a key aspect in your sign right now. Love, love, love! Strong partnerships can withstand the test.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

Lots of sparkling and joyful energy opening you up right now! This is your mind, heart, and connection to your ultimate strength center. Let your dreams come true! You might receive news in the next few days that could change your life! You are in the pocket of truth! Keep yourself motivated, and let your sights soar high! Yellow is your power color.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today August 2

You might feel you need to cut-off your emotions from something or someone today. This will move forward, but if you are guarded that is alright. You probably might be in some need of "You-time" today! It's alright to step back and observe in order to truly assess your own personal goals and power at this time. Respect your intuition!

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