Daily Horoscope February 5

Daily Horoscope for Today February 5, 2017

The moon continues to wax in the sky as it enters the house of Gemin on the fifth of Februaryi. Gemini is a social sign that enjoys talking, and cares deeply about what it is going on around it. Although it may not always show, Gemini also has a rapier wit. Natives of all signs should be aware of how feelings are affecting their work, and be aware of how their feelings can work for them.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Children of Aries have nothing but good things to gain from a moon in Gemini. Natives of this sign often lack communication skills and follow-through, both of which are granted by the position of the waxing moon. Go about your day as usual, but pay more attention to your people and surroundings, and you should find your ventures to be very successful.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Taureans are not at all a social sign, so today will likely be a good day to do whatever communicating you may need to get out of the way. Communication is vital to every profession, but that doesn't mean you have to enjoy it. Keep on the lookout for ways to keep the conversation brief, and you will make the most out of your time.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Natives of Gemini should be pleased today. You should have a good time finding willing conversationalists today, even among the quieter signs. Be careful of engaging in conversations with people who are too busy, or with people who don't want to talk, as their tongues can be pretty sharp.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Cancerians should consider the needs of their families and friends today. It is easy to try and fulfil the perceived needs of ourselves and others based on positions within a group, but people are not just their societal title, or their role within a unit. Try and connect with people, and yourselves, on a deeper level today to get to the root of serious issues.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Talk it up, natives of Leo. Yours is a social sign, but because you tend to look at things a little too closely from your own point of view, you don't always get on well with others. The caring and understanding of Gemini should fall on you today, making you sound as caring and genuine as you truly are. This should be a good day to make friends and influence people.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Virgoans, like Taureans, are not a social sign that often require communication for your occuptaions and roles in society. Today consider having those meetings or conversations that you may have been putting off. You may enjoy them a little more, and they will certainly be more profitable.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Natives of Libra should have little concern today, as a moon in Gemini should make people fairly well able to solve their own problems. For you this day would better be taken as an opportunity to learn about others, as the Gemini moon should raise your understanding of the people around you, which will help you deal with them on darker days.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Scoprios may have a wasted opportunity today. Your typical bite may be sharper due to the extra edge put on it by the wit of Gemini cast with the moon shadow today, but the nature of Gemini, which is also cast on others makes it unlikely that you will encounter serious offense. Engague instead in dark humor, sarcasm, or banter when you can to keep yourselves from feeling too cagey.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Sagittarians should consider spending time with close friends today. You are likely to be able to gain a better understanding of them, potentially deepening your relationships. Beware of people that you don't get along with, however, as your rebuttal may be too effective for someone looking to make friends out of enemies.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Natives of Capricorn have an opportunity to take advantage of a moon in Gemini. You are likely to have a better understanding of others, and be rather more skilful in conversation, putting you in a fairly good position to coax what you want out of superiors and colleagues.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Aquarians, as always, have the opportunity to make progress with discretion, and war with fervor. You are likely to be a little more relatable, and a little quicker on the draw today, making you excellent at argument. You may be able to win people over today if you speak softly enough, but today is a very volatile day and not knowing when to quite could be the match in the powder keg.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today February 5

Children of Pisces, like Geminis, are very sensitive to the emotions of others. Today you may have difficulty sorting other people's emotions from your own. This should put you in a position to play Libra today and help out your fellows, but it also means that you may make yourselves uncomfortable if you put yourselves in too tricky a spot.

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