Today Horoscope November 1

Daily Horoscope November 1

Daily Horoscope for Today November 1, 2019

It may be November first and we may have a whole year before Halloween, but don't be sad just yet! Today is filled with mysterious Scorpio energy to keep you going. As you may already know, The Sun is in Scorpio currently. Today is extra special though because our sweet Mercury has decided to go into Retrograde once again and she is also in Scorpio. Say hello to Halloween part 2! Venus is here to lighten the mood though, as she enters Sagittarius today as well.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Today my Aries friends, you will feel on your game in the love department. You may want to even take your partner out on a fancy date. Keep in mind though that your partner may not match your enthusiasm today. Wanting a little less attention than usual. Instead of becoming transfixed on what's wrong, this is a perfect time for you to channel the same energy and turn your love and attention inward. Meditating and re-grounding will be in your benefit.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

For all the Taurus people out there, today could be a pleasant day. Channeling the abundance of Scorpio energy could be a little easier for you than other signs because Scorpio is your Zodiac opposite. Embrace the whimsical nature and emotional energy surrounding you. Let yourself go a little bit financially and in your relationship. Be in the moment today. It is the perfect time for you to really see things for what they are if you so choose. Don't waste it.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Geminis may be feeling the love today beaming from our Sagittarian Venus. Your impulsive, outgoing nature and adaptability may have you wanting to spread that love all around. When in fact it may be better if you spend today as a "you" day. Take yourself out. Show yourself around the town. Pick up a paintbrush or try something new creatively. Let your freak flag fly!

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

In the Cancer world, you feel a little more emotional today as it is, and Sagittarius influence will not help your anxious feeling about your loved ones. Do not read too far into things today sweet Cancerian. It is the perfect time to nurture yourself for once. Start your day with self-love affirmations. Things aren't always as they seem and today is not the day to go off on a tangent you may regret later. Just breathe.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

If you find yourself feeling personally attacked by the planets today, you may be a Leo. With emotions on high alert and your friends or companion telling you they need some space; you may be wondering what you've done wrong. Try not to take things so personally today. Spending your morning meditating to find your center will really help you approach the world around you as the day progresses. Turn your emotions inward and lay low.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

My sweet earth fairies, Virgos, can expect to feel the sensitivity of the water-energy surrounding you and naturally want to help those close to them. With your friends seemingly going through a lot today you may end up mentally drained by all the neediness. Normally you would jump at the occasion to help the ones you love, but today is a day to spend with yourself. Choose to recharge yourself instead, your friends will still be there.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Libras might go into the day to day wondering where everyone went. Not to worry, everyone will still be there in a day or so but it might be a good idea to follow suit and focus on yourself for a change. To the people that haven't seemed to disappear, you may feel some tension. Feel it out first, but if the communication is there feel free to work some Libra magic. Just know emotions are high today and some people may not want to talk it out just yet.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Does that mysterious coworker seem a bit more mysterious today? Say hello to Scorpio. You may feel an unfamiliar urge to share emotions with that special someone today, but today is not the day for risks. In fact, it may be better to save that for a couple more weeks. Instead, use this free-spirited energy around you to your benefit. Cherish the open-ended nature that is today and take the extra time to simmer on all the emotions you feel.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

The lovers of the zodiac today are definitely my fellow Sagittarius. You may have felt financial and relationship issues coming to a head recently, but today has you back in your mojo. Take an adventure or just go for a walk but detach from the world today and nurture that fiery independence. Everything will still be there tomorrow, but you will be able to handle it more efficiently if you take time for yourself today.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

The always put together Capricorns can expect to feel a bit more sensitive than usual and a lot less practical and disciplined. There is a whimsical nature in the air and your natural-born communication skills may be a bit lacking today. Sagittarius also has you feeling flightier than you are used to. Be sure to focus on the facts today more than usual as emotions may begin to sway some decision making.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

Aquarians may feel off their game today in the wit department. Usually analytical and quick-witted, today you may find yourself tongue-tied at times and even a little impatient. Try to remember the world is not against you today, but it also might not be a bad idea to keep to yourself and pull out a journal to express your thoughts.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today November 1

All the whimsical Pisces will feel the guarded emotional energy higher than some of the other signs. You may choose to not answer a single phone call and go m.i.a for the day. This is okay. With Sagittarius making you feel more spiritual than you already are, fine-tune this energy and trust the nature of it. Just don't forget to balance the fantasy with some things to keep you grounded too.

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