Birthday Horoscope February 27th

Birthday Horoscope February 27th


If your Birthday is February 27th and your Zodiac Sign is Pisces

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on February 27th under the Zodiac sign Pisces



February 27th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 27th of February are believed to be imaginative, insightful and like a typical Piscean, sensitive and caring. Mars is the ruling astrological planet for this particular day creating your loveable charm, need for variety and bright innovative mind. If you have this birthday your empathic nature is excellent at interpreting the mood and emotional responses of others. You usually have a positive outlook and will always try your best in both professional and personal circumstances. Lots of interests keep you active and optimistic but you are easily bored and sometimes rather impatient. Your intellectual sociable side and strong will power give you much of what you need to communicate effectively and be likely to succeed in life. Individuals with a February the twenty seventh birthday tend to learn quickly from experience and being highly intuitive trust their natural instincts to guide them.



February 27th Work and Finances

Work areas considered attractive to a person born on the twenty seventh of February are often naturally determined. The compassionate and creative parts of your personality are quite predominant and seem to steer you towards professions where they can be expressed. Although you are happiest in these types of jobs, you are capable of any task that is not too humdrum. Individuals with this particular birth date have respect for money and take financial matters seriously. You are generally quite organized with the allocation of your finances taking great care to not live above your means.



February 27th Personal Relationships

For a Pisces, the person born on the twenty seventh day of February is untypically not shy and will usually be quietly but openly optimistic about romance. Your rather confident approach is fueled by the belief that we all have a destined soul mate somewhere. This can make you a little too self sacrificing in some personal relationships and the potential to be at times disappointed by love involvements. Despite this enthusiasm for an emotional unification you are sometimes someone who insists on a long courtship before commitment. You are a seductive fish who feels incomplete without a loving relationship yet you rarely make the first move. In a committed partnership a partner is treated to your surprisingly romantic, sensual and spontaneous displays of affection. Extreme loyalty in a relationship is something that is very important to you.



February 27th Health

Some health problems experienced by those born on February the 27th can be provoked by you neglecting yourself to do more interesting things. You are the sort of person who often cannot get away with skipping meals or sleeping hours too often. Any changes to a regular consistent well being routine may cause minor ailments like skin irritations to appear or a drain in mental energies to occur. People born on this day need to adopt good habits that are suitable for both their lifestyle and tendency to be disturbed by changes. You should try to avoid caffeine or at least restrict its intake to a minimum.



February 27th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are within your magnetic appeal, competency and wisdom beyond your years. These qualities and the perceptive imagination and feelings you possess are useful attributes for getting ahead in life. By basing decisions on past events you usually make good ones and are able to stick to them. The primary personality weakness for those born on February 27th is your likelihood to be every now and then oversensitive in your handling of certain situations that may upset you. You can react by acting in a demanding or chaotic manner emotionally so everyone knows you are distressed.



February 27th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 27th of February fills you with lots of insightfulness but also fairly high degree of impatience. These characteristics frequently filter through into your future aspirations. It may give you vivid motivational dreams that could have unrealistic time limitations attached. One common goal you are likely to set for yourself is to aspire to help others that are less fortunate and in need of assistance. Understanding your own thoughts, emotions and actions is often a wish that you constantly persue in the hope of becoming a better person along with a desire for inner contentment.



February 27th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty seventh day of the month, the 2 and the 7 in your birth date equal a Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Seeker' and it is thought to emphasize your inquisitive inquiring mind and eagerness for knowledge. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 9th illustrating the Hermit. This highlights your inclination to be fascinated by the spiritual or unknown and quest for self discovery. The Bloodstone is the gem assumed to be luckiest for February the twenty seventh birthdays and intensifies alertness and calm.



February 27th Horoscope Summation

Piscean traits are imagined to be mainly astrologically influenced by the dominant presence of the planet Neptune. The actual day you were born on, the twenty seventh of February is presumed governed by the celestial body Mars. So you are gifted with the usual Pisces receptiveness and this planetary combination adds extra confidence and charisma to your collection of probable features. Your considerate optimism and discernment allow you to advance and grow while your sociability and persuasive communication assist you along the way. If you can practice on your unwillingness to wait and be a bit more trustful of your impulses it could speed up your route to the achievements and contentedness you seek. A concluding pertinent thought for people born on February the 27th is to try and not get sidetracked from your aims and stay positively focused. Remember to also bestow some of your kindness on yourself at intervals.

February Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope February 27th

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Edward 2018-05-11 09:21:15
Feb.27 1967
Very accurate .
I am also a twin . My brother and I are very much alike but completely opposite at the same time. We were born premature at 6 1/2 weeks resulting my brother w epilepsy at young age and I ended up with ADHD.
I've had good times and suffered really bad times but have always focused on my career.
Began to upholster at 18 I'm 51 now and I'm a master craftsman . Upholstery is badass.
I recommend you try it. You won't feel like it's a job. You will actually enjoy it but the best part is you will even get paid for having fun. And Well.$$$
The more you learn the better the pay and the more confident you will feel.
Never give up or stray away from upholstering. It will reward you I promise.
You never know where it will lead you.
I recently was contacted by Louis Vuitton. They want to hire me for the new USA Manufacturing plant.
If I can get my dream job so can you.
Just stay focused.
No drugs,no getting wasted , no ok that's a difficult one . Women . Cant help loving them all. Lol

Kim 2017-11-04 11:49:12
I am too born under this sign and life has not always been that great to me. But I always find a way to bounce back up from the fall. I don't care what date your birthday falls on we all are humans who deal with shit in this life time. Non of us are perfect and we have things to work on with ourselves each day. Birthdates don't define you or your personality. You yourself define yourself. I know someone who was born on the same days as myself and we are completely opposite from one another. Live each day to your fullest potential, learn from your mistakes and never take yourself for granted because you are your greatest asset. You can be a Leo and still have a hard life good day people.
mema 2017-06-10 11:30:05
Iam 19 years old iam studying civil engineer...I think it's 99% right .... in my condition
aman 2017-04-17 05:13:48
am also born on 27feb but find a job..
Oliver sanga 2017-04-14 16:17:08
95.5%maybe true.i'm from India,Mizoram mountain only 19 years old.And studying mechanical engineer.what i mean to say is when i was a litlle boy i made a lots of robot toys using some modifying circuit board,toy boat,and some structure of houses,etc.All these im saying is because of my birht name,i have good thought and believe that one day im gonna be some one to be known? This thought give me strength and lead me to my way.thankyou
Filthy Rich 2016-12-05 14:57:51
I was born 27th Feb, 1979, I invented a new chicken plucker, a rubber finger that automatically plucks the feathers off chickens. Every chicken you eat has been plucked by my finger. This year I will net $80M USD. So I say to all you losers, get off your arse and invent a better chicken plucker than mine and you too will be filthy rich.

If I can do it so can you, oh I forgot to mention!

I'm blind.
maddie 2016-11-01 12:49:43
this is like 99% accurate it's kinda creepy
Meheli 2016-02-12 14:37:35
I was born on 27th Feb 2002.
Health conditions absolutely match according to the analysis. But come on! Not impatient!!!
seher 2016-01-01 23:19:53
i am alos born on 27 feb but am practically mind girl not live in imagnation life have a sympathic nature but not more i got sucesss in mine life but few years having trouble
Ranjani 2015-10-23 21:56:47
Hi guys I also have a brother who shares the same birthday and its 100% true about him I am trying my best to help him because I know its not totally his fault But he is too stubborn to listen to me. We all make a change for the better because no one can do it for u but yourself you are the master of your destiney so do the right thing Each and everyone oBf us are born with different personalities and you can choose how want to be accepted in this world. Now that you identified your charactor work around it don't feel sorry forself MAKE THAT CHANGE !!!!! I helped my husband and we are married for 33yrs
Orabell Does 2015-10-17 23:50:20
If anybody needs to know more about me, let such copy and read this. Very true about me. Was born on this day 1990.
Me 2015-09-18 17:25:59
OK.. My b'day is also on 27th Feb.
Yeah what is said matches my lifestyle 89%.
But I am actually a practical strict person. Not sympathetic but yes empathetic....

Nick 2015-05-30 02:42:09
I was born on this day my life is a blessing. You're all dead soul victims, quit complaining about your life- you created it. Birthdates have nothing to do with your happiness and your ability to create. We are all creators. Creators cannot be victims, victims cannot be creators. Which are you?
n/a 2015-06-06 21:14:16
A creator with little vision?
Akvo 2015-04-22 10:34:24
I was born on this day in 1993 and this was 100% true. Life has always been hard for me. It's like everything just lined up to screw me over . But I was patient ( even though it sucked and was really hard) and now I'm into my second year with my partner, he's lovely and everything he brings into my life makes all of the past insignificant in comparison. It does get better people! Hang in there!
prem sagar reddy 2016-09-05 21:34:54
Hi akvo..u share my birthday with same year..!!
as u said "in life everything lined up to screw"..exact thing is happening in my life...
don't know when i'm set free..
Maneet 2015-04-18 12:26:55
seems quite true about me...
n yeah.. I'm impatient ... too damn emotional.. lovin caring .. n seductive for sure ;)
Delphine 2015-03-02 14:50:06
I am perfectly fine with my life,born on 27feb.thanks. I am Blessed with the best.I am a Lady.
Maz 2015-03-02 12:18:10
We all celebrated a birthday a few days ago so Happy Birthday to you all. The strengths and weakness part where it says - (The primary personality weakness for those born on February 27th is your likelihood to be every now and then oversensitive in your handling of certain situations that may upset you. You can react by acting in a demanding or chaotic manner emotionally so everyone knows you are distressed.) This is right on the money nd totally screwed me with the family of my deceased partner. Only having gone out with him for about 6 weeks the reaction I gave at his parents home with people who were complete bloody strangers to me was highly emotional and I could not stop crying to the point that I started babbling the wrong bloody thing about his ex and that got me in the sh*t. I was born one month early and if I had not been born on this blasted day then I wouldn't be the emotional sh*tbag that I am. $%$#!!!!!!
prem sagar reddy 2016-09-05 22:23:34
dude same feeling here...even i'm born 1 month before
unknown 2015-02-28 00:21:45
What the heck is wrong with you all. I was born Feb 27 and I am great. Did deep in to your inner strength and make yourself ok. Get off the pity pot.
John H 2015-02-25 20:37:37
This day 1957. The reading rings pretty true and hopefully you are all ok. I am, very happy with an incandescent Saggie girl who lit up my soul 20 years ago. I have always been a one person person as we all may be, and hope you find yours. Still drink like a fish though, as does she!!
Annie 2015-03-03 04:10:29
This is my birthday too. February 27th, 1957!
John H 2015-05-03 19:38:59
Hello Annie. You should be a lion then, and you probably are without knowing it! All the best John
Eugene 2015-02-25 14:14:18
Well, I'm born at this day.
I didn't really believe or into horoscopes stuff. But unfortunately, yes it was 90% correct. And I still ask "what's wrong with the world", "they or that was just me?" LOL. But i am fine btw *lying*
Eugene 2015-02-26 17:14:51
Btw, happy birthday for you all. And for me to.
Right now is 12:05am in Indonesia.
Be wise, be healthy, be prosper, be happy.
Because happiness is real, let's be real 🙂.
someone 2015-02-18 13:28:31
This is true, to some extent -- 65%, I'd say, and I am fine as anyone can be. Don't understand why others are so sad and not all right. But I pray you will be, in the future.
my name is medina 2015-02-11 03:54:29
I feel like this is 99 % right I am straggling with life I need a prayer.
Help me lord at list to have long lasting relationship/friendship this is killing me
komal 2015-02-08 00:54:48
Hi.....I was born on 27 February 1997...this is 90% true.
prajjwal 2015-01-21 14:17:29
yes-95% true I was born in 1998 ...
this life is OK but ...
some times it pains when my friends are not that people when I really need to ...
and still searching for a good friend ...if u want then my Facebook/email ID is

sheryl 2015-01-15 08:15:11
hi i Am sheryl born on feb 27 1985!and im not ok too,.life is so unfare 4 me since when i was a kid till now!GOD help us!
Darlene maxilus 2014-12-14 19:53:17
Hey guys I'm darlene I'm also born on this day and I'm the same way as you
Rita 2014-11-07 01:22:01
Iam born under this day 1978. Although life has been less than kind I am well above ok. I take from each day what makes me feel complete and leave the rest to fall away. All rhay are not ok take time to yourself and replenish your emotional and spiritual banks n you will be above ok also. 🙂
Ajay 2014-12-22 02:10:26
Hi Rita born 27th feb1978 feel the same..
T.L.C.B 2014-11-06 09:17:28
My bestfriend /love of my life has this birthday and he is so smart sexy and sweet. He has given me the most valuable gift and that is how i want to be and how to love someone for who they are with total acceptance.. I hope to have a happily ever after with him and hopefully very ready to start living and loving life with this wonderful man. I love u Chris.
Rosalee 2014-10-24 05:16:24
Hey I'm not ok either and I'm born on this day too lol......lets form a support group lol.
Leo gal :) 2014-09-14 05:07:54
Guess people who are born under this date are very emotional, sensitive and get attracted to people who are sad and depressed in their own life.You guys can be totally mislead very easily.That totally makes sense why everyone is not OK. Guys you have to choose right people as your friends or lovers who are cheerful ,supportive and also trust worthy. At least that will help you guys build the confidence back.Anyways all the best.Hope everyone will be fine soon... 🙂

--- Source: Leo gal who still in love with a Pieces man who is born under this date.Hope my pisces guy comes out from his pain. Wish his gf can takecare of him properly.I can only hope he will be fine one day..🙂
Mosiur 2014-09-26 12:39:47
Hey loo gal, Seems like you said it right, I was born in 27 feb and feel like this way, yeah, I like sad*stic people somehow. I wish good luck for your bf..
Leo gal :) 2015-08-12 21:56:45
haha...I think he is doing fine as of now with his girlfriend...I haven't heard from him quite some time and by the way he was never my boyfriend....I haven't dated him....I spent some time with him but understood how your brain works... 🙂 It might be any zodiac....Choices you make defines and directs you in right path... I am seeing someone else too and moved on...Life brings us together with some people to teach us lessons and help us grow...I did grow in a good way in past few years...I am glad I met him and I guess my destiny is tied to someone else...the love for him will always remain and one day it will turn in a good memory........All the best to everyone... 🙂

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