Birthday Horoscope January 24th

Birthday Horoscope January 24th


If your Birthday is January 24th and your Zodiac Sign is Aquarius

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on January 24th under the Zodiac sign Aquarius



January 24th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 24th of January are generally charming, sensitive and friendly as well as fairly logical and open minded. Similar to the average Aquarian zodiac sign description you have a strong independent streak with the contradictory need to belong. The astrological planet that rules this particular day is Venus producing highly creative personalities that have a great appreciation of anything beautiful. If you have this birthday you are easygoing and you non confrontational attitude makes you excellent at compromising. Your self sufficiency is typical of all water bearers but you also love other peoples company so you tend to be more sociable for an Aquarius. In addition to this sociability individual's with a January the twenty fourth birthday also have a serious and extremely hard working side. You take your responsibilities seriously but you are good at pacing yourself and knowing when to take a break when you need one.



January 24th Work and Finances

Finding a suitable job choice direction is usually quite easy to a person born on the twenty fourth day of January. This is because you are likely to know what you want to do career wise from an early age and you are prepared to work tirelessly towards it. You are strongly motivated and ambitious so are sure to succeed in the work you choose. Managing your personal finances may not be so simple as you can be a little irresponsible where money is concerned. Individuals with this particular birth date are spenders rather than savers and could run into problems with cash flow if they are not careful.



January 24th Personal Relationships

For an Aquarian, the person born on the twenty fourth day of January is untypically not so fearful of rejection and needs to feel loved. Although you are still a bit cautious and slightly aloof emotionally your natural charm, sweet talking and friendliness help you easily attract the attention of others. You look for a partner who is affectionate and loyal and will understand your free-spirited but emotional and sometimes temperamental personality. You really cherish loyalty in personal relationships and need a partner who shares the same view before you will be ready to commit. In a long term relationship with a soul mate you are seductively warm, appreciative and protective. You seem to naturally insist on your independence and time with friends or alone but are occasionally a bit jealous if a partner wishes to do something without you.



January 24th Health

Health concerns for those born on January 24th are sometimes the result of your inability to preserve your vitality. You know the things that are good and bad for your well being yet you tend to more often than not ignore this knowledge you have gained from experience. People born on this day may be a little neglectful of their general constitution but they are often somewhat concerned with their weight. You enjoy your food and try to adopt healthy eating so you just usually need to balance this out with enough physical exercise to maintain your ideal shape as well as your levels of energy and sparkle.



January 24th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are in your magnetism, flowing stream of creativity and lightness in spirit. These charismatic characteristics are inspirational to others and are often the key to much of the progress you make in life. Weaknesses of temperament in those born on January 24th include the proneness to on occasion act self centered with your actions or be especially patronizing with words. These negative traits can reveal themselves when your feelings have been hurt in some way. They also appear in frustration if you believe you are definitely right about something and someone is not listening.



January 24th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 24th of January suggests you base the majority of your goals around progression in your career. This continues until you realize that work is not everything and there is lots more to aspire to, gain and appreciate in life. At this stage you may begin to dream of achieving other things like building some forms of stable financial and emotional security. Other ambitions dreamt about can involve aims like learning to drive, traveling afar and finding someone special who is as faithful as you are. Another private wish is to be able to save or win enough money to go on a trip around the world.



January 24th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty fourth day of the month your date of birth total makes a Root number of Six. This numerical birthday reference has the keyword 'Social' indentifying your captivating and agreeable mannerisms. The 6th Major Arcana Tarot card depicting the Lovers is linked to your birthday probably signifying your intense, sometimes hidden, desire to be loved. The gem Turquoise is designated the luckiest precious stone to wear for those with January the twenty fourth birthdays. It is thought to induce calmness in the wearer, bring luck and increase self confidence in times of doubt.



January 24th Horoscope Summation

The planet Uranus is assumed to be the biggest astrological influence in forming all Aquarian individualistic personalities. The actual day you were born, the twenty fourth of January is ruled by the planetary influences of Venus. These pair of planets are authoritative in determining the major parts of your disposition and probable reactive behaviors. Your magnetic self reliance, peacefully resistant aura and laid-back outlook will help you go far in life. All you really need to do to perhaps be any happier is to learn to cope more effectively with disappointments. A finalizing thought for people born on January 24th is to embrace and express your originality but try not to alienate others in the process.

January Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope January 24th

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Zandi 2018-09-18 02:59:39
Yo are we gonna be like super loaded aquarians financially or not cuz thats what im concerned abkut more than anytning. Lol. I need my yacht asap. With a bugatti veron. Plz suggest whats next
Suchitra 2018-01-21 17:08:59
99% correct thnx so mch for this. I'm able to discover so mch abt myself
Aditi 2017-06-25 07:27:56
This is 100% true and it describes exacty as to who i am!!
Ayesha jacobs 2017-01-24 05:41:30
Wow its true
Monica 2016-12-26 08:53:42
Wow soo true I can see myself through this 99./. Correct amazing
baishali das 2016-09-02 09:41:17
wow 99% right ... Thank u so much for this ..
N-girl 2016-08-21 08:52:52
Thanks for the information,am able to discover more about myself.
Jodie c 2016-01-04 16:33:21
Wow this is 99.9% accurate , this is amazing!!
anonymous 2015-09-21 04:03:12
was born jan 24 2005
amazing to see so many people having the same birthdate 😃
Nitin Agarwal 2015-08-11 11:27:23
my birth date is 24 jan 1981 place is hanumangarh rajasthan india want to know about my financial stability in life
jayashree 2015-02-26 19:21:13
I am 6 months pregnant what baby I get.
soumya jasu 2015-09-23 11:01:24
If in may u will hv a boy , if in april or june u will having a girl

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