Birthday Horoscope July 30th

Birthday Horoscope July 30th


If your Birthday is July 30th and your Zodiac Sign is Leo

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on July 30th under the Zodiac sign Leo



July 30th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 30th of July are supposedly witty, fun loving and flirty with more self awareness than most Lions. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter lavishing you with heaps of charisma and communicative expressiveness. If you have this birthday your silver tongued insightfulness makes you a natural entertainer with a preference for company over solitude. As an eloquent attention seeker you can be a little nosy but you are also extremely loyal and understanding too. Pragmatic in your approach you are inclined to have your feet firmly on the ground and possess loads of energy and a need to keep busy. Individuals with a July the thirtieth birthday are full of innovative ideas and are endowed with the abilities required to carry them out. Your modern outlook allows you to develop emotionally and in later years you will usually take more of an interest in the spiritual side to your nature.



July 30th Work and Finances

A keen aptitude and interest in Science common to a person born on the thirtieth of July can sometimes direct career choices. You are also especially skilled at researching information and would make a great writer or counselor. Your wittiness and energetic practicality guides you to be a wonderful workmate who will always pull their weight as part of a team. Although you are not too concerned about a favorable financial status you are nevertheless fairly good at and lucky in creating money. A dislike of debt sees you ordinarily saving patiently for the things you really want or need.



July 30th Personal Relationships

For a Leo, the person born on the thirtieth day of July is typically rather loving, romantic and passionate when involved in soul mate relationships. Your charming affectionate temperament needs a partner who you admire and respect intellectually above all else. A suitable partner must be as cheery and outgoing as you are and able to also get along with your many friends. Meaningful intimate conversation with a lover and the open sharing of emotions and similar ambitions is also very important to you. A mix of laid back and spontaneous romantically you are usually lively and flirtatious with no real rush to settle into a long term partnership. In the bedroom you are lusty and frolicsome and your way with words excels in the form of a seductive sexual banter. Once committed to someone special you tend to be intensely devoted to them.



July 30th Health

Periods of unhealthiness experienced by those born on July 30th are sometimes linked to your mixed response to regular exercise. You seem to both enjoy and loathe exercise as you like its effects on your appearance and mood but do not associate it with being a particularly pleasurable activity. Your usual fondness of food often makes it essential that you find the time to partake in a type of exercising you are not too bored by. People born on this day can occasionally neglect their mental health so ensuring that you get adequate rest and sleep can be essential to maintain overall healthiness.



July 30th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are probably displayed in your sense of humor and ability to openly express yourself. These positive characteristics are complementary to your youthful down to earth attitude. Additional fortes are seen in your sturdy decisive loyalty, these admirable qualities stand you in good sted throughout life. Personality weaknesses for those born on July 30th appear to focus on your tendencies for an egotistical manner and a touch of nosiness. These negative traits are more likely to surface along with phobic or repressed moods if your pride is hurt or confidence low.



July 30th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 30th of July means you are destined to be quite ambitious with a mind full of creative concepts. This enthusiasm and talent often greatly impacts on the majority of your goals and dreams. You are also gifted with the wisdom to know exactly where you are headed, what you are aiming for and the skills and ample positivity to get there. A bit of sensitivity to criticism can once in a while deter you but it is about the only barrier you have to achievement of your greatest wishes. Dreaming about the future is not unusual as a result of your insightful and inventive disposition.



July 30th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the thirtieth day of the month your birth date automatically qualifies for a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation' identifying your innovational thought processes and tendency to have an up to date perspective. In the mystical Major Arcana Tarot deck the 3rd card picturing the Emperor is associated with your birthday. This is a symbol of your resourcefulness and highlights your likelihood to be incredibly practical. The lucky gemstone for July the thirtieth birthdays is Amethyst to be worn for heightened alertness.



July 30th Horoscope Summation

All Leo personalities are imagined to be astrologically predicted in their typicalities by the influence of our Sun. The actual day you were born on, the thirtieth of July is separately ruled over by Jupiter's authority. Therefore these 2 planets are thought primarily responsible for your probable individuality and differences from other Leo's. Your perceptiveness, loyalty and compassion alongside your wittiness inspires reverence and makes you a fabulous friend. Your decisiveness and spirited self expression allow you to generate plans, stick to them and make them happen. Try not to pry into the business of others as it will rarely prove fortunate to do so. A completing thought for people born on July the 30th is to aim to be more receptive to deep emotion and remain open minded about the philosophies of life.

July Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope July 30th

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vince 2018-07-30 14:37:45
Very accurate, especially about career and finance. Thanks!
Preeti 2018-07-29 19:36:13
This is so true.. I mean each and every aspect mentioned is just so real
Vijay 2018-07-26 09:28:08
Yes quite accurate. Well explained. Thank you.
angelwings 2017-11-20 13:42:10
I would say that this explaination of me is pretty damn close...I find it very intriguing as the stars have a very strong force in all of us. Quiet spiritual
chandini 2016-07-14 03:13:47
Its amazing I couldnt believe these facts of me 😉
Jaimie Gremard 2016-06-08 11:44:11
No wonder I love liono as if there a part of
me. Plus everything I read is 99% correct .
Ashely 2016-03-23 08:58:26
This is creepily accurate 98%
Dom 2015-11-21 07:49:56
Unbelievably 98.8% spot on. Please don't ask about the other 1.2%,!
VINOD 2015-10-17 00:13:59
It is true i am also love food... feel happy feel leo...the lion.......
Tisha 2015-09-30 19:17:34
This is really true about me. but apart from it I doesn't like food....i am not too fond of food n i am not so foodie this is the main problem of my led me to be unhealthy......
meeta 2015-09-02 17:51:06
Amazing....matches same as me "leo"
sue 2015-07-25 19:49:42
This is 98% true ! Im impressed because ive never considered myself a typical Leo! Dont think anyone has ever thought of me as being 'stuck up' but apart from that the traits listed are very applicable to me! Very good!

CHARITY 2015-06-19 02:39:44
This is soooooo true about me spoil true it ain't funny
Elizabeth 2015-06-06 11:41:49
All of this is so true about my daughter everything she loves food and doesn't stop talking about the future too!! 😄
Chassity Neris 2015-06-04 22:25:35
This is so true but I didn't track my feelings lately that I was loyal cause I'm a Leo
althea 2015-05-24 17:40:33
Wow!! Extremely true really enjoyed this reading
Shekhar shukla 2015-04-12 16:27:52
Above whole explanation is absolutly right
Jayy 2015-03-16 07:57:31
Dang that's crazy....but all true
😃 😭
Amy 2015-03-02 10:34:11
Wow that is creepily accurate.
yuderka pichardo 2015-02-04 01:48:05
Extremely accurate, I LOVE IT! 😍
Awesome Ginger Leo 2014-12-29 00:57:30
Some of that describes me but I don't like food that much actually I'm underweight and only eat certain foods and I'm an introvert
Milton 2014-10-25 11:48:25
I agree with Veronica, growing up I wanted to be a doctor and people have called me stuckup but called me for help and counseling
Susan 2014-07-30 16:22:45
Great reading, right on target...extremely accurate
veronica 2014-07-30 07:16:15
So true....I want to become a doctor but always think of fashion designing,and I am a born counsellor.And people think that i'm stuck up

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