Birthday Horoscope March 18th

Birthday Horoscope March 18th


If your Birthday is March 18th and your Zodiac Sign is Pisces

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on March 18th under the Zodiac sign Pisces



March 18th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 18th of March are believed to be dreamy and artistic with fantastic insight and lots of the typical Piscean expressiveness. The astrological planet that governs this particular day is Mars formulating personalities that get a kick out of challenges and is energetic and decisive. If you have this birthday depending on your psychic intuition to guide your actions is something that you do naturally without thinking. You have a warm caring nature and tend to usually learn from any mistakes you make allowing advancement and growth. A good mediator you are rather adept at seeing and understanding the points of view of others. Your imaginative deep emotions and sensitive awareness motivate you and also make you one of the rare few who can really keep a secret. Individuals with a March the eighteenth birthday usually have their own sense of time and can be immensely patient and highly persistent.



March 18th Work and Finances

Financial rewards for working are not as a rule particularly important to a person born on the 18th of March. Your strong work ethic and abundance of ambition can make you destined for success in your chosen career. The organizational and mediation skills you possess and your empathy are often some of the attributes that lead you into humanitarian based professions. Individuals with this specific birth date are generally very capable and careful with their finances. Regardless of your income level you are excellent at managing monetary matters and have the patience to save up for something special.



March 18th Personal Relationships

For a Pisces, the person born on the eighteenth day of March is typically hugely affectionate and sentimental concerning romance. You can also be a little idealistic when it comes to searching for the perfect partner. Someone who is as practical and emotionally supportive as you are with the same lusty sexual appetite is ideal. Although not verbally expressive you utilize your perceptiveness and seductive manner to stay in tune with a partners needs. Passionate and sultry your overactive imagination encourages you to be charming and full of romantic gestures. You like to feel cherished and appreciated and so will search for a soul mate that is warm, loving and appreciative. In a long term relationship you are willing to sacrifice everything to keep the love alive. However every now and then you can be too compromising and this vulnerability can be taken advantage of.



March 18th Health

Some health problems experienced by those born on March 18th are sometimes related too many mental pressures. Your selflessness can make you easily stressed by overworking and likely to take onboard the worries of others. People born on this day usually discover that physical activities involving social interaction are especially healthful for keeping trim and releasing build up stresses. Your general healthiness is commonly better when you are living within a family environment rather than alone. Eliminating negativity from your life and learning to say No more often will help with stress.



March 18th Strengths and Weaknesses

The predominant strengths in your character are to be found in your intuitiveness and diplomatic powerful presence. These positive traits accompany your insightful expression and they assist you to quickly convey ideas, opinions, thoughts and feelings effectively. Negative mannerisms for those born on March 18th are your glibness and the tendencies to be too compliant for your own good and occasionally obsessive. These personality weaknesses can cause you a few issues. They could give rise to you speaking freely before you think, making unnecessary sacrifices and easily forming bad habits.



March 18th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 18th of March bestows you with heaps of practicality and the perseverance to achieve life aims. You have effective planning skills and will utilize this talent to prepare the groundwork to ensure the achievement of your goals. You see unknown territories as challenges and will welcome the chance to test the limits of your abilities. In your dreams you tend to visualize your aspirations and focus on the possibilities presented. This is motivating for you and helps you keep building on your professional accomplishments towards your hopes for a financially secure future.



March 18th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the eighteenth day of the month your birth date numbers total to a Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Seeker' referring to your perceptive observancy and diligence in all you do. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 18th card in the Major Arcana symbolizing the Moon. This highlights your empathic sensitivity and fine attunement with your surroundings. The gem considered luckiest for March the eighteenth birthdays is a Bloodstone. This precious stone will stabilize your mood and gift you with added courage and calm.



March 18th Horoscope Summation

Astrologically, the influential cosmic rays of the planet Neptune are thought to be responsible for basic typified Piscean personalities. The actual day you were born on, the eighteenth of March is cosmically ruled over by the planet Mars generating your high energy levels and decisiveness. The combination of these 2 planetary influences are imagined to create the probabilities of your additional characteristics. Your creativity, sixth sense and timing are all excellent assets allowing you to progress with confidence. The warmth, compassion and impartiality displayed in your temperament gains you many lifelong friends. Your willingness to wait for things and not usually make the same errors twice are admirable behaviors. One personality weakness to try and conquer if you can is your tendency to not consider the consequences before you say certain things. Two concluding thoughts for people born on March the 18th are to attempt to stand up more for what you believe in and that the best things come to those who wait.

March Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope March 18th

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rikki 2019-12-02 03:48:56
The reading pretty much describes me. To add I'm passive-aggressive, a flirt, not confident, mature beyond, obsessive thinker, leadership qualities, and a little lazy 🙂
Nasimane 2017-03-17 14:51:16
Happy birthday twins.
Nasimane 2017-02-23 22:04:48
Huh feeling silly... Actually after reading everything I realised that I was the one who posted the comment a year ago huh...Mysterious how are you? How do I subscribe to this forum so I dont miss out on conversations?... By the way I am combative and understanding yet neat and very clever. Hate BS... Love my Taurus boyfriend... Hes born on 9th May; 9 is our lucky number...9 and 3... I am capable of both great evil and great good... True born leader, I hardly give up on people without exhausting all alternatives but once I do, there is no point of return. Outside Im hard but inside Im soft. I love God a lot. In capable of prostitution. Im fearless. I dont trust anyone. Very stubborn. Love talking. Best get along with Taurus although they too stubborn sometimes. I get along with Gemini although they are fake and superficial. Get a long with Cancer although they nagg about everything; so damn sensetive yet sharp tongued. Get along with Scorpio although they lie and steal alot plus damn jealous and aggressive. Buh my BFF is not that typical of a Scorp or maybe cause shes born on my lucky day 9 November. I get along with Capricorn although they are selfish and dont like jokes. I get along with Virgo although they are stingy, nousey, story lorries and argue about everything when you dont agree with them. I get along with Libra women but not Libra Man. Dont get along with Aquarius they fake too. Get along with Sagitt although they dont give. I do as I please to em. Get along with Leo thou they are insensitive and arrogant. Get along with Aries men buh not women. And, I dont get along with other Pisces. I find em sensetive, backbone less, people pleasers and too emotional. I cry mostly only to seek for attention thats all. Otherwise I love peace yes but when I am mad huh... Aries or whatever aint got nothing on me. I flood and destroy even fire signs. I find most pisceans weak and submissive. I am dorminant and itcauses problems in my relationships. I dont listen and I show my affection better with words then with actions. I never get enough of sex. I dont let people in. Yip that is me... 18March 1994
Nasimane 2017-02-23 21:37:51
We even have the same name. Nasimane? Huh. This is frightening and exciting gosh ... please contact me you are my carbon copy... Tears...
Nasimane 2017-02-23 21:36:13
Wait my God... what on earth?
I a born on 18 March too. They call me pshycho and Im vengeful and gosh wanna be a tycoon. Whoever wrote that please email me:
U are my twin gosh you described me huh
Gloria idriss vahn 2017-02-06 14:48:01
so so true about my life i love my birthday march 18 so proud
Nasimane 2016-07-03 23:25:36
Hi Twins.
I have always wanted to meet and or communicate to anyone born on my birthday March 18. People call me crazy.They say I am a psycho and that I am arrogant and self centered and that I dont care about people etc. I actually hold grudges, like to boss people around however I hate being bossed around, very ambitious, vindictive, thrive off revenge, dont respond well to embarrassements. Hate liars, hate being accused. Wanna be a tycoon. I have pychic abilities. I believe I am God's favourite after Jesus. Think a lot. Proud. I do cry but just not infront of people. Dont fall inlove fast but falls out of love fast. Arguememntative. Deep down I care about people, alot I just dont show it to avoid being over steeped by people. Im actually more of a scorpio then I am of a pisces however I dont understand why I act more of a Scorpio than I do like a Pisces. Is it just me or do we all experience this?
Mysterious33 2016-12-08 10:38:08
Hi Nasimane
I also had those same traits. As I gotten older all those things I used to hate does not matter to me anymore. Falling in love is my biggest I've been told by many of my friends that I will grow old, grumpy and live with cats. Don't get wrong love, loves me. One thing I hate about my psychic abilities is I don't have a switch to turn on or off. I have been block for a year now and that frustrates me. My mother is a scorpion and I can relate to some of the scorpion traits I probably picked up from my mother as well. Nice meeting you
Madhav Singh 2016-11-07 02:57:55

18 march is also my birthday
Jlz 2016-10-31 21:17:27
Omg. I'm at awe. Everyone you've written, is 100% how I am. Well 99.9%, I don't think I'm gods favorite, but anyways i could tell we have the same mind set.
Mysterious33 2016-05-28 11:56:16
I find this statement to be hilarious "One personality weakness to try and conquer if you can is your tendency to not consider the consequences before you say certain things".
SUDESH SHINDE 2016-02-12 09:32:40
Yes ,it is really interesting..
Mya 2015-12-04 05:34:30
You should have my birthday in here
priyanka 2015-10-03 07:29:13
Inspite of all my effort I m unable to make all right in my relation so i need help ....
sayan 2015-12-27 18:11:21
Message from priyanka
Inspite of all my effort I m unable to make all right in my relation so i need help ....

Same here, so I have stopped trying. Being single and working hard works for me. 🙂
Rick 2015-08-24 11:36:49
Yes, most of the matches..

thony 2015-05-09 13:43:44
wow.. everything has written above was ME!
i assume all the march 18ers have the same attitude and personality!
Ahsan Saeed 2015-04-01 06:24:56
I am a seeker and I put my most of the focus in the life for the one true soulmate this description is very much true.
Mary, Danny, Nevaeh 2015-03-18 06:57:58
We are (3) myself, hubby PAW, and grandaughter HAVE SAME BDAY.BB TO ALL WHIS BDAY IS TODAY..
Also Edgar Cayce & Charley Prides bdays...
Abdulqadir Rangwala 2015-03-17 17:52:53
This whole matter what is written above exactly occur in my life which I haved seen till now . "I m a seeker".....!!!!!!!!!
v. santhosh 2015-03-16 02:48:12
Yes I will not repeat the same mistakes
Dennis Roche 2015-03-13 13:26:04
Nailed me perfectly. My instinct has brought me to live out almost everything you predicted.
bertha 2015-03-12 10:40:08
yah that true most of the things.
alia vegdani 2015-01-13 06:19:06
this is so true. i feel like someone posted exactly about my personality.
vivek 2014-12-20 07:32:31
that totally true I am seeker
Tamasha 2014-09-18 10:35:50
Some facts are so true I am a Seeker

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