Birthday Horoscope May 12th

Birthday Horoscope May 12th


If your Birthday is May 12th and your Zodiac Sign is Taurus

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on May 12th under the Zodiac sign Taurus



May 12th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 12th of May are presumed to be charming, thoughtful and versatile but more articulate and less stubborn than other bulls. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter bestowing you with lots of energy, wisdom, endurance and determination. If you have this birthday your warm heart is friendly and caring and you are gifted with a witty eloquent temperament. Practical and intelligent you usually possess an excellent memory and the ability to translate your mind full of intuitive ideas in an easily understood unpatronizing manner. Individuals with a May the twelfth birthday are fairly placid and prefer to guide rather than lead and are naturally creative and expressive. When it comes to emotions your mix of independence and dependability can make you appear to blow hot and cold sometimes. Despite this you have a strong need for warmth, stability and security that makes you immensely loving and loyal.



May 12th Work and Finances

Discovering the most suitable and satisfying work choice to a person born on the twelfth of May is important. You may have to try several different career paths before deciding on an appropriate long term position. The adeptness for business and artistic talent you have are two proficiencies that are likely to direct your choices. Although salary is not ordinarily a determining factor you will usually opt for the better paid job if given a choice. You have a good head for money management that ensures you normally budget and save sensibly and rarely require assistance regarding financial matters.



May 12th Personal Relationships

For a Taurus, the person born on the twelfth day of May is typically quite sociable and flirtatious with more spontaneity than many of your star sign counterparts. You tend to have a small group of really close friends but for the intimacy of a love relationship you require a special physical and mental attraction and rapport. You are not as self assured as you would like to be concerning romance but your sense of humor helps hide your insecurities. Easy communication and shared mutual interests are necessities for you in a personal relationship. You are soon turned on by verbal enticement and like to experiment sexually. Your inquisitive nature sees you being fond of revealing desires and eager to find out a partner's secret sex cravings. In a committed soul mate union you are intently devoted, however it is unusual for you to sacrifice all your freedoms.



May 12th Health

Ill health experienced by those born on May 12th is not often a consequence of disregard for body and mind requirements. You seem to have a great attitude towards all aspects of maintaining overall healthiness for three reasons. Firstly you eat healthily and are not prone to overindulge, secondly you take regular exercise but do not push yourself too hard. Thirdly you enjoy worthwhile activities that keep your brain active and stimulated. All these healthy habits commonly play an essential role in keeping you fit and well and minimize the possibilities of any major problems from developing.



May 12th Strengths and Weaknesses

The main strengths of character are mostly apparent in your clear perception and understanding of everything and everyone around you. Additional strong points are your charm, thoughtfulness and versatility giving you balanced views and making you popular among your peers. The humorous edge to your disposition is another forte. Personality weaknesses for those born on May 12th could surface more frequently if you are feeling particularly stressed or emotionally vulnerable. These negative traits affect your usual behavior causing you to be uncharacteristically moody, agitated and overly critical.



May 12th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 12th of May sometimes makes you set your aspirational sights a little lower than your real expectations. You can subconsciously do this in order to counteract your inability to deal well with disappointments, setbacks or failures. By lowering your anticipations you believe your chances of success will be increased but this approach can mean that you occasionally underachieve or fail to reach your potential. One of your biggest hopes is probably to the opportunity to love and be loved as this stable circumstance encourages you to put in extra effort to accomplish beneficial goals.



May 12th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twelfth day of the month your birth date digits total a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation' indicating your skilful faculty to quickly and easily collate, retain and revive information. In the Major Arcana Tarot the 12th card symbolizing the Hanged Man is associated with your birthday. It represents overcoming limitations and also reflects your deep thought, practicality and intelligence. The lucky gemstone for May the twelfth birthdays is believed to be Amethyst, wear it for improved concentration and wealth prospects.



May 12th Horoscope Summation

Astrologically Venus is the designated planet for your zodiac group and so considered the most authoritative on the probabilities of Taurus personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twelfth of May is cosmically governed by the planet Jupiter's influence. Consequently these 2 planets combine their influences to determine your likely mannerisms and ways of thinking. Your energetic enthusiasm and reflective coherence help you get a lot out of the opportunities life has to offer. Your friendliness and quick wit mean you are never short of company while your placidness keeps you mainly calm and unruffled. If you can gain greater control in expressing your inner sensitivities and curb your criticism it should lead to more meaningful conservations and and understanding as well as improved partnerships. A final ponderable thought for people born on May the 12th is that attempting to act a tad more tactfully and patiently is sure to reap big rewards.

May Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope May 12th

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Sue 2018-01-21 08:29:51
This doesn't sound like me at all .I'm . 12/05/1963 and not outgoing at all although wish I was
Wayne Rhodes 2017-08-25 04:46:05
I'm 63 years young, my wife 21 years old Doctor now two years we've been married. We have never raised our voice to each other. Neither of us have ever been in love like we are with each. Both was born on the cusp. Diana's april, 21st 1996 mine is june, 21st 1954. We do everything together holding hands. We are madly in love with each other. We are expecting our second baby any day now. Cancer and taurus is the best match up in the world for us.I an fat with a big stomach, she has perfect body and face everything. She won't let me out of the house without her by my side. Point is anyone can fall in love no matter who you are what you look like and get what you want if you are sincere with yourself and not afraid to tell her how you feel. Is all important to a beautiful woman that wants to love and be loved. Every guy she ever went out with tried to take her and go to bed with her. Only interested in her body and her sexual beings. Once she thought she was in love. She ask her boyfriend to walk with her and go to the cinema. He was with his friends and and told her said I don't want your soul baby, we are happy together right??? She said that was 5there last talk. And she was sick of younger guys, if they called her and she said no about going out then the following week she would call him up and he refused to answer his phone like a child would play.
Wolfieari 2017-06-22 03:18:51
So good to hear from others that share my birthday! You all are wonderful beings destined for great things! Very accurate!
puneet 2016-05-11 11:01:00
it was good to hear from same birthday mates i never thought of such lovely expression but it is good to hear.
Kim 2015-11-11 19:02:47
If Taurus are not good or compatible for Aries sign, why is it aries sign are on my transit now?-the sign Aries will be my lucky one and who will take a change in my life, fenacial and a lot more..
And why is it Taurus to Taurus are compatible but still doing fight also Taurus and Capricorn..? Please make it clear to me please.....
Kim 2015-11-11 19:00:38
If Taurus are not good or compatible for Aries sign, why is it aries sign are on my transit now?-the sign Aries will be my lucky one and who will take a change in my life, fenacial and a lot more..
And why is it Taurus to Taurus are compatible but still doing fight also Taurus and Capricorn..? Please make it clear to me please.....
sanam singh 2015-10-29 14:41:41
Life is beautiful journey enjoy it
Daisy 2015-10-05 18:20:05
This looks like me...Nice work!
Wisdom 2015-07-12 08:22:38
Please, can you advice one born on the 12-05-1985 on the most compatible sign to marry? Thanks
Niroshan Fernando 2015-07-11 11:55:54
Extremely accurate. Upto abt 95 percent
Chonita 2015-07-07 15:53:31
I found this to be vaguely accurate. I would like my Soul mate to find me. I am currently dating an Aries (April 10th). Not sure if we will work? He is very difficult, uncompromising, in denial about his issues.
Tshepo 2015-06-04 07:03:18
...So true about me... I so wish to spend my life with a person who belong in this beautiful month. ... :-D :-D

ibrah 2015-05-09 21:21:16
Its so nice meeting birtday mates here..
J.Ddddd 2016-05-10 22:44:54
Yesss! It's so nice to meet birthday twins!
Simran 2015-04-05 13:24:43
That was so accurate it was creepy
proud 2015-03-28 01:13:25
You described me to a "T".
jemleen 2015-02-27 06:04:34
can i married to a cancer?
nabelle 2015-01-31 15:32:42
that's my Birthday it looks like you are describing me. married to an Aquarius person and we live a happy relationship.
Marquese 2014-12-30 13:42:08
I agree with most of what was said and am I compatible with Aries?
Killakali 2015-02-02 17:38:30
Message from Marquese
I agree with most of what was said and am I compatible with Aries?

nooooo taurus is not good with aries for a realtionship no for friendship maybe
dean 2014-10-02 10:53:27
Can you predict the most suitable love match/astrological sign for someone born on the 12.05.1976?
~lexa~ 2015-04-26 10:05:19
The most suitable would be:
Capricorn (December 21 - January 21)
Virgo (August 21 - September 21)
Scorpio (October 21 - November 21)

Although these signs work too:
Cancer (June 21 - July 21)
Pisces (February 21 - March 21)
Libra (September 21 - October 21)
priya 2014-08-23 09:24:58
can you predict my past ,present & future?

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