Birthday Horoscope October 15th

Birthday Horoscope October 15th


If your Birthday is October 15th and your Zodiac Sign is Libra

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on October 15th under the Zodiac sign Libra



October 15th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 15th of October are believed to be clever, vivacious and communicative with the usual Libra charm and stylish good taste. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Venus intensifying your appreciation of natural beauty and preference for harmonious surroundings. If you have this birthday your temperament is generous, kind and complimentary but you can be prone to daydreaming. You are quite independent and tend to usually speak your mind openly and a little bluntly at times as well as being a tad superficial and demanding emotionally. A patient pleasure seeker who loves luxuries you are inclined to be ordinarily quick to apologize for mistakes and great at compromising. Craving of attention and fairly sociable in your approach you are also likely to have a strong dislike of periods of solitude or quarrelling. Individuals with an October the fifteenth birthday usually enjoy listening to music, the giving and receiving of presents and dressing in a sophisticated style.



October 15th Work and Finances

Job choice could be a difficult decision to a person born on the fifteenth of October as you do not appear to possess much confidence in your abilities. Despite this you are flexible and friendly and seem to pick up new skills easily. Your enhanced talent in communication and your naturally charming disposition usually help you find a suitable and satisfying career path. Money can be an issue if you do not learn to manage your financial incomings and outgoings effectively. You adore spending so may frequently go over budget with an impulse buy. When you are in a settled relationship you are likely to be more responsible financially.



October 15th Personal Relationships

For a Libra, the person born on the fifteenth of October is typically someone with a daydreamy sentimental mindset concerning romance. You have the tendencies to really appreciate togetherness and enjoy being admired and pampered. Intensely loyal and loving it is natural for you to be fair-minded and so a bit too forgiving sometimes in a personal relationship. Flattery and romantic gifts can grab your attention and you could be quite flirty once in a while but you aim to remain completely true to a soul mate in a long term relationship. An ideal partner should be able to cope with your indecisiveness without influentially directing your decisions. You like to dress up and go out but you are just as happy to stay in and cuddle on the sofa. A usual dignified and demure expression of your sexual desires could make you a little shy in the bedroom with a predilection for your lover to take the lead.



October 15th Health

A typical real zest for life is of much benefit to the general healthiness usually experienced by those born on October 15th. In spite of all this positivity you may find sensible eating difficult due to your sweet tooth and interest in the latest diets that could leave you sometimes short of essential nutrients. Sporty, competitive and usually fond of keeping fit you are generally motivated more by the thought of looking good rather than the physical health benefits of exercise. People born on this day are often prone to lower back problems and this can be exacerbated by unhealthy excess weight gain and the strain of too much heavy lifting.



October 15th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are seen in your witty cleverness and lively spirit allowing you to be knowledgeable and inspirational to others. Your generosity, kindness and patience are additional admirable fortes that permit you to get along positively with almost everyone. The personality weaknesses for those born on October 15th can soon be triggered by a period of loneliness or an episode of disagreement or disharmony with someone. In these instances your bluntness and emotional demands usually intensify and you can become either extra tearful or unusually overconfident thus generating a noticeable negative reaction.



October 15th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 15th of October means you are inclined to take a very kindhearted and honest approach to setting and achieving goals. When pursuing an aspiration it is rare for you to not comply fully with the standardized rules required to accomplish something. Dreaming of the possible success attainable in your desired ambitions is wonderful for motivation. Your ability to quickly and clearly recall these envisaged scenes whenever you are feeling in need of added encouragement should prove immensely helpful.



October 15th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fifteenth day of the month the one and five in your birth date generate a Root number of Six. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Social' highlighting your friendliness and adaptable streaks of sociability, independence and sophistication. The 15th mystic Major Arcana Tarot card illustrating the Devil is associated with your birthday. No need to worry this linked symbol merely reminds you to try and always look beyond first appearances of everything. The lucky gemstone for October the fifteenth birthdays is Turquoise, to be worn for an increase in calmness of body and mind.



October 15th Horoscope Summation

The influential power of the celestial body Venus is imagined to help astrologically determine the probabilities of all Libran personalities. The actual day you were born on, the fifteenth of October is ruled over by the same powerful planetary influence accentuating some of your typified characteristics. Your charming considerate flexibility conveniently offset your slight occasional shallowness. Your tendency to give and take in equal measure is by far your most valuable attribute. If you can accept that differences of opinion happen frequently and carry on going with the flow it should have lots of advantages. A final advisory thought for people born on October the 15th suggests that during bouts of indecision you always remain both active and uninfluenced.

October Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope October 15th

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Hikmat ullah 2017-12-31 10:50:10
Hey I wanna know about my job , love relationship and study thank you
Samantha 2017-09-13 14:39:15
Wow, that described me to the T!!
Crystal 2017-03-20 09:20:51
Oh em gee! This is so me and i'm still single what a life i have

kamarla scott 2016-04-01 21:53:39
Omg Lol this is so me always day dreaming lol now I know y am also shy wow 😍
Ingird 2015-10-09 10:38:39
all i red about people born on this date is holt true.. everything was all about me..
Any 2015-10-06 16:04:29
Daydreaming lol
Now I knw y
Pradeep 2015-09-28 15:21:05
Why is that Librans won't feel hurt and go all the way taking sufferings upon himself. True to the core that we will do any thing to satisfy our lady love's need, even while never asking any favor back! Great Going all Libran's.
Margaret 2015-09-10 22:22:04
Thought this was actually me! Ha ha
Zsu 2015-08-31 04:53:27
I'm 69 and still looking fo love. Widowed. What do you you think about that?
Michael 2015-07-25 21:19:12
That's real me.... Sometimes look flirty but usually shy
Sofia 2015-06-20 01:08:21
Dear October 15th people, please help me pick a career. I'm really depressed because I don't know what to do with my life!!! Help!!!
Gaurav Singh 2015-10-23 03:28:00
Sofia, do meditation, vipassana meditation, search on Google, I am Gaurav Singh 99%sure that your problem has solved,
VIBHA 2015-09-26 07:43:22
Perri 2015-08-05 17:56:14
Do you have in interest in social work or counseling of any sort? As libras we have a very fair and just nature. Maybe drug counseling? Maybe even something in communications? Good Luck!
JG 2015-06-12 19:56:46
All of this is very true about me. It was just like standing in front of the mirror, the refection of myself here is in letters though 🙂

Jennie 2015-06-09 03:09:22
This is me, all the way!!!!!!
Jay 2015-06-06 11:40:28
Holy shit this is so true.
I feel like they're stalking me.
Anjo 2015-04-08 13:40:02
Ohh, this is sooo me. I'm indeed shy in the bedroom so my partner always takes the lead. She's a capricorn and is so GREAT at leading. 🙂 😃
Remy 2016-10-20 06:51:07
Mine too. But she says she wants to take the lead but never does!
Brian 2014-11-30 10:43:19
Wow,,this is absolutely brian that you described here,,it's so nice that u can tell somebody his personality ,,,I always love to be described.thanks a lot for this
avafra 2014-06-07 03:21:03
my good luck number were not able to mention

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