Birthday Horoscope October 25th

Birthday Horoscope October 25th


If your Birthday is October 25th and your Zodiac Sign is Scorpio

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on October 25th under the Zodiac sign Scorpio



October 25th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 25th of October are presumed to be strong willed, loyal and decisive with lots of the typical Scorpio observant resourcefulness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Neptune making you ambitious and enthusiastic but also a tad mysterious and secretive too. If you have this birthday your powers of concentration and persuasion are inclined to be excellent and you possess a strong creative streak. Highly innovative, imaginative and receptive you tend to learn from experience and will usually dislike asking for help. Intolerant and often critical of chaos you seem to seek order and control in everything you do. Individuals with an October the twenty fifth birthday have a youthful approach and outlook that is emotion led despite your naturally proud, self reliant disposition. However in the pursuit of a challenge you can remain confidently composed and stubbornly resilient. Emotionally you crave affection and are especially good at offering sympathy.



October 25th Work and Finances

Rate of pay is commonly a deciding factor to a person born on the twenty fifth of October regarding career choice. To you security of all kinds is likely to be especially important and in addition you have an avid need to support yourself independently by working hard and saving sensibly for the future. Your resourceful enthusiasm and high levels of ambition are all fine attributes for helping you to gain an attractive salary and for generally making great progress in your chosen occupation. Your ability to concentrate intently and decisiveness along with your need to be organized makes you normally adept at coping with financial matters.



October 25th Personal Relationships

For a Scorpio, the person born on the twenty fifth day of October is typically fond of challenges and really enjoys the pursual of romance. Although not particularly romantic at heart you are instead rather patient, thoughtful and compassionate making you ordinarily alert and attentive to the wishes of a soul mate. You need a partner who brings out your sociable side and helps you be a bit more open and trusting. Quite possessive, occasionally moody and a bit demanding at times, when you make a long term love commitment you do so with the intention of intense devotion. Your skilled command over your smouldering sex drive lets you turn in on and off at will. Between the sheets your powerful imagination ensures steamy fun foreplay and exciting sex. A wonderful memory and a touch of sentimentality assists you to keep a special loving partnership fresh as well as a top priority.



October 25th Health

A tendency to sometimes ignore the symptoms of illness can often hinder the general healthiness usually experienced by those born on October 25th. It is a good idea to try and act out anger or frustration to avoid stress build up. Exercise like light running or swimming is ideal for channeling your energies in a positive direction. People born on this day should however beware of exercising without warming up first as they could be prone to muscle strain. Additionally if you wish to retain your slim shape you should be sensible with eating. Regular visits to the dentist are advisable as you also have the likelihood of a sweet tooth.



October 25th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are revealed within your energetic, resolute and dependable will and attitude. These positive attributes accentuate your natural receptiveness and along with your accompanying fortes of self reliance and lots of pride help keep you very motivated with a real zest for life. The personality weaknesses for those born on October 25th are easily sparked by even slight degrees of disarray or discord. Reactions to these circumstances will usually see a sharp increase in your normal levels of intolerance and impatience plus the inclinations to become suddenly annoyingly stubborn or uncommunicative.



October 25th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 25th of October means you will usually strongly strive to find your true place and purpose in life. It is rare for you to consider doing anything the easy way and you are willing to make sacrifices or take risks in order to attain something. While attempting to achieve your goals you are likely to learn quickly from mistakes before continuing your efforts. When dreaming you seem to frequently generate original and ingenious concepts, other scenes could be fanciful and adventurous or sexual.



October 25th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty fifth day of the month the two and five in your birth date add up to gain you a Root number of Seven. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Mystery' pinpointing your slight air of enigma and identifying your proclivity towards secrecy. In the Major Arcana Tarot deck the 7th card symbolizing the Chariot is associated with your birthday. This represents your persevering well controlled physical and mental energy and your confidence in taking decisions. The luckiest gemstone for October the twenty fifth birthdays is Jade, wear it for possibly quelling anxiety and promoting calmness.



October 25th Horoscope Summation

Outlined descriptions of all Scorpio personalities and their probabilities are thought to be astrologically derived from the influences of the planet Pluto. The actual day you were born on, the twenty fifth of October is governed by Neptune's authority, making these the 2 main planets involved in shaping your presumable originality. Your sharp-eyed brightness, creativity and ingenuity grant you the potential to get the most out of life. Your persuasive manner and sympathetic affectionate nature make you helpful but not pushy. If you can recognize your overreactions to disharmony you should be able to circumvent these responses more positively. A finishing thought for people born on October the 25th is to keep your aspirations in sight and never abandon your ideals.

October Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope October 25th

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Maggie conerly 2018-04-24 12:14:51
Take as it comes dood and bad remember mind over matter
Garcia 2015-09-18 15:08:29
This describes me perfectly, thank you!
notbuyingit 2015-05-07 15:08:02
This doesn't represent me at all except for the order but, I do like things tidy. Honestly, I think we cuspers have to look at the Libra side of our self for the answers. The more we focus on harmony and being balanced it is amazing how the right people are drawn to you.
We are by nature dramatic being on the cusp, so think about how you can use that to your advantage. I think about my Libra soft all the time and how I can bring that out more and I think it really helps to soften the Scorpio that can be critical.
Ally Scorp 2015-08-05 23:39:16
I don't like being dramatic (emotions), so I like how you said "find a way to use it for your advantage". I'm going to try that! It may take a while...
T 2015-01-05 00:46:28
Im going thru so much sh*t and no where to turn to and I ended up here,find it so hard at times to express myself,i have a big family and no one cares to understand me also I've been emotionally,mentally and physically abused at a young age,ive met good people and ive lost good friends due to my heat,I call heat because im either hot or cold feel like im so different and the world so messed up and fake,anyways I couldn't find no one that I trust enough to get this off my chest,but then again if we twenty5ers really the same maybe someone out there could help me with some advice on how to manage my emotions and overreactions without feeling like im being restraint from expressing myself,im 33 years old,and I feel like I've been fighting the world and myself my whole life,sometimes I wish I could just move to the moon,I want to be free but I don't want to be alone,I sound weak and yes at this point I am,im a man but these emotions aint kool! I need some ammo to keep going!one more thing,does anyone feel emotionally unstable?
Soul 2015-07-22 11:14:39
I need to ask u something?
Jack 2015-06-18 10:37:10
Ok, not sure where to start but here it goes. I am 46 and I have been where you at at a certain point in life. The reason that you feel that way is because of the depression that is caused by the excess level of testosterone we have plus a lot of sex and mustrbation coupled with unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. This combo is our curse. When we are depressed every little minor problem is abnormally intensified in our minds, Specially when it comes to romance and love. Good news is this won't continue forever, as you get older and your testosterone level drops gradually you will start to feel more balanced and content. You will look back and you won't believe that you passed through all this chaos. And no worries about your testosterone level, you will drop to a healthy level, like normal people. I hope this help you understand what is going on with you. In the mean time try to be more religious, I know it could sound ridiculous to you, just try and see for yourself. Try to have a steady light workout, don't push your self to the limit, if you do you will quit. Anyways, what is coming your way is way better than what have passed already.
wayne 2016-11-06 16:28:06
think you, if I didn't have JESUSin my life I don't know what I would doing, my wife and I have had a beateful marrage ever since we was filled with the holley gost, I am a new man, there isn,t any thing that JESUS want do for anyone if you have FAITH IN HIM
V 2015-02-22 02:54:43
Message from T
Im going thru so much sh*t and no where to turn to and I ended up here,find it so hard at times to express myself,i have a big family and no one cares to understand me also I've been emotionally,mentally and physically abused at a young age,ive met good people and ive lost good friends due to my heat,I call heat because im either hot or cold feel like im so different and the world so messed up and fake,anyways I couldn't find no one that I trust enough to get this off my chest,but then again if we twenty5ers really the same maybe someone out there could help me with some advice on how to manage my emotions and overreactions without feeling like im being restraint from expressing myself,im 33 years old,and I feel like I've been fighting the world and myself my whole life,sometimes I wish I could just move to the moon,I want to be free but I don't want to be alone,I sound weak and yes at this point I am,im a man but these emotions aint kool! I need some ammo to keep going!one more thing,does anyone feel emotionally unstable?

Hi... am vik... all i want to say... everyfing written is tru... even ur saying... am 27 yrs old... as my experience... our life will end like zis... how we can maintain it... do some sports u like... like gym, swimmimg, cycling or do sme adventures... z angry is here... wen losing smeone it hurts a lot... its life man... dat continue... we always find latest fings... even in sexual desire... wat i can suggest... all try to do fun... if u can search it for 24hrs daily... beware, we addict with many fings quickly...
E 2016-07-23 07:10:25
Hi! I don't mean nothing, but based on my experience can say that amaged nervous system(physically) led me to feel completely out of my mind.
I am 37 now. But between 27 and 32 I've had no idea what is going on around. I could do everything I normally did but felt very weired with untrackable periodicity. ... My phisican said and I am perfectly healthy based on blood test etc.
Thanks God I went to a good neurologist. Been diagnosed with MS. This calmed me allot cause I knew what's going on (I refuse panicking whatsoevrer). Also it made me pay more attention to subtle things /nerve related/, respect myself, people I choose to be with, work on my thoughts. Never panic, although it may not be easy. Also, high temperature sensitivity was a culprit of damaged nerves. At first I thought feeling the heat of a light bulb 3 feet away was cool. There are numerous nerve related anomalies. Some people complained that the doctors never diagnosed them. .. If you smoke -stop by any means! Don't let your blood sugar jump, as it has direct impulse on immune system.
Abim 2015-02-18 23:16:23
Hey i think i know what you feel. Im 25 oct too. What you need is sharing it with someone face to face, warp yourself up, courage to challange yourself, and faith
cedria 2015-01-14 09:02:50
you are at an age where everything is up to you now. your past does not need to define you, meaning get out of your own way. sometimes we hold grudges and with hold so much that people don't really understand why, although we always have a valid reason for our actions in our heads. the thing is, no one can read our minds so there is no point in harbouring these emotions. it is harder for us to exspress ourselves to the ones we love the most because we are usually quite dissapointed a lot and we want to know that our information is completely understood and secure. something i learned is that at the end of the day you gotta say f the people that did you wrong and take a chance for your own well being. stop feeling like you have to fight every battle, let go of bullshit and be happy! we only get one life so be more understanding and know that not every situation is meant for you to slip up and fall short but a stepping stone towards something great in the future. the only way you'll reap something great later is if you stay positive now and realize everything will be alright because you've made it thus far! much love.
Fellow 2015-01-11 01:52:18
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm also an October 25th and I really identified with the unstable emotions, and repressed expressions you mentioned. The only thing I can say is that you need a change of perspective. That's the first step to solve anything and to progress. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, appreciate your emotions. They are your power, not your enemies. Don't feel that things are being done to you, but believe that you are the driver of your life. And these emotions are and will always under your control; that's an undeniable truth. They stem from you and you can control them. To start healing, you need to see yourself in the driver seat. You are the creator of your own life. See the world as your enemy, it will be. See the world as your friends, and that what it will become. When u feel that no one care and no one is your side, it's okay because you have you. Find the strength from within. Who say no one care? You do! Isn't that why you are here? Care for yourself, love yourself, become your own best friend. Take up meditation if you must. Spend quiet time with yourself, listen to what your body and mind is telling you. Observe your emotions, what causes them? When do you feel the most intense? Is it a real physical event that cause you to feel angry? Or is just a thought or a memory that drive your emotions? If it's a thought, ask yourself if it's necessary to think about these things that upset you. If you realized it's just your thought, know that it's just within your mind and you have the control to make it goes away. The answers are not out there. The answers are within yourself. Youhave everything it takes to become whoever you want to be. But first know who you want to become and committed to it. And don't dismissed it saying it's easier said than done. It's also easier to dismiss something than actually trying if. I wish you luck <3 ~fellow scorp
L 2015-01-08 04:23:03
Wow, I know someone who is going thru the same thing as you and is also a 25er. Physically abused at a young age and feels he can't be free because he can't express his true self without feeling like he may be judged as a mean person. Personally, I don't believe he is mean; he is quite the opposite, he is caring, sympathetic, and selfless. He doesn't believe me when I tell him, it's probably because he doesn't hear it enough from other people. I believe he also feels emotionally unstable and is seeking professional help. I hope you find your answers and just know that you will not be alone...I'm assuming you want to be free from someone, but afraid to leave. Just know that you will not be alone..if you are anything like this person I know, he has qualities that any woman would want in a man..he just has to believe it. Good luck!
Julia 2014-12-21 07:46:31
how did they know that?! 😨
Joyce 2014-10-25 07:05:41
The dentist thing n muscle stuff just describes me wow I love the horoscope
Jo of Sheffield 2014-10-21 15:01:06
Certainly me to a T. The dentist comment
is very accurate lol.
kevin 2014-10-12 11:56:18
Wow...this horoscope 25th of october describes 96% of me.
shifali 2014-07-22 16:34:38
i found d summation very helpful 😃 😭
rinda 2014-07-13 11:18:46
i want more information 🙁
Dawson 2014-06-22 04:32:00
I feel like that explained me haha

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