Birthday Horoscope September 14th

Birthday Horoscope September 14th


If your Birthday is September 14th and your Zodiac Sign is Virgo

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on September 14th under the Zodiac sign Virgo



September 14th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 14th of September are believed to be independent and intelligent with the usual Virgo generosity and need to be appreciated. The ruling astrological planet chosen for this particular day is Mercury, the same celestial authority that rules your zodiac sign giving you extra charm and vision. If you have this birthday, articulate and full of innovative ideas you usually like analyzing and putting things into categories. Assertive and ambitious you are naturally enthusiastic about life and easily motivated into action. Your adventurous inquiring mind requires lots of mental stimulation but is not so expressive emotionally and may be also idealistic and over critical too. Individuals with a September the fourteenth birthday are highly observant, moralistic and thoughtful with a dislike of injustice. Although sometimes your manner is overly fussy, inflexible and skeptical you are inclined to be incredibly loving, compassionate and sincere towards others.



September 14th Work and Finances

The abundance of natural talents attributed to a person born on the fourteenth of September makes work options fairly unlimited. Once you discover a personally satisfying profession you are inclined to be totally dedicated to your job and loyal to your employer. You may often contemplate some form of self employment yet it is rare for you to actually do it. Despite this hesitancy to be your own boss you are especially adept at utilizing your inventive concepts and finances in order to generate reliable extra income streams. You have a keen eye for a bargain in addition to the patience to save for larger purchases.



September 14th Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the fourteenth day of September is typically craving of warmth and togetherness yet often held back by a slight emotional distance. You are usually much better at expressing your loving thoughts than showing affection. An ideal partner will be able to calm your criticism and fear of revealing and demonstrating your true emotions. Quite family orientated, practical, steadfast and loyal, you are likely to be very caring and committed to a soul mate. Your attention to detail makes you receptive, attentive and romantic in a long term settled relationship. More open and uninhibited than other Virgo's in the bedroom you are imaginative and enjoy sharing fantasies as a turn on. A tendency to dwell on the past could make forgiveness of a love betrayal particularly difficult and emotional unhappiness causes you to be irritable and moody.



September 14th Health

The usual fine health experienced by those born on September 14th is on some occasions disturbed by your proneness to easily get stressed. A bit of a preoccupation with healthiness and touch of anxiety can once in a while drain your energies causing fatigue and moodiness as well as possibly lowering your resistance to illness. In spite of your sensible food preferences and favor of a varied diet you sometimes do not eat as much as you should. A reliance on caffeinated beverages to fill up and keep alert is a susceptibility. People born on this day could avoid workaholic burnouts if they ensure they get enough relaxation and sleep.



September 14th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are best exposed in your admirable mixture of effective and efficient independence and intelligence. These finest fortes are enhanced and assisted by your other positive traits of perceptive alertness, curiosity level and keen sense of adventure. All these fantastic attributes help you ordinarily direct your energy positively and so be destined to do fairly well in life. Negativity is frequently responsible for activating the personality weaknesses for those born on September 14th. These negative tendencies include occasional fussiness, inflexibility, impatience and doubting or critical behaviors.



September 14th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 14th of September means you are a bit of a perfectionist who is likely to have plenty of aspirations. As your usual high standards guide you to want to do things properly meaning you are often very disappointed with yourself if you fail in something. Your eager motivation encourages you to set goals based on a desire to achieve you full potential. One common desired aim is to find a harmonious balance of time for both your work and home priorities. Dreams are times you tend to reserve for fantasizing where you envisage a fairer world for everyone with more freedoms and less restrictions.



September 14th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fourteenth day of the month the one and four in your birth date add up to a Root number of Five. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Inquiry' reflecting your intense curious observancy and need for stimulating surroundings and distractions. In the Major Arcana Tarot the 14th card illustrating Temperance is associated with your birthday. This is an indication of your strivings for flowing harmony and emotional stability. The luckiest gem selected for September the fourteenth birthdays is a Diamond, wear this precious stone for increasing positivity and favorable fortunes.



September 14th Horoscope Summation

The typified descriptions of the probabilities of Virgoan personalities are arrived at from the assumed influence of the planet Mercury's dominance. The actual day you were born on, the fourteenth of September, is also governed by Mercurial power astrologically. Therefore this celestial body is thought mainly accountable for your individuality. Your charming assertiveness and virtuous conduct intensify your helpfulness, kindness and understanding. Your visionary clear expression and ability to analyze and categorize effectively gives you a spirited approach and optimistic outlook. If you can find methods to try and neutralize negative vibes you should be less doubtful, fault finding, obstinate and finicky. A culminating thought for people born on September the 14th is to try and keep your opinions to yourself as voicing them can every now and then be disadvantageous.

September Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope September 14th

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AB re 2018-09-11 17:38:08
O m f g. Same as some of the above. It describes me perfectly.
tiny 2017-11-18 22:24:38
omg everything about this text is true omg I cant get over it !!!
PRABHAT BHARDWAJ 2017-04-24 13:06:33
Mah god ........
how you know about mahself .........
Its damn true
Star 2017-04-13 19:42:32
That is so me it's amazing
nyle 2016-09-19 03:39:13
very accurate ,,,,it really describes the way i am
Felix Wambua sammy 2016-04-03 14:11:20
Born on sept 14th. Horoscope give very accurate description of my personality.
Kel 2016-03-30 23:47:32
That's definitely me!!!!!
Cece 2015-12-27 19:18:38
Jeejee 2015-11-29 08:45:29
100% me as well. So true.
Megan o-mega 2015-10-23 03:06:39
I am happy to see this. 😃
Seiboi kipgen 2015-10-14 11:59:35
Wow....I never believed in horoscope or whatever but I dunno how they did it bcuz they just wrote about me and many of my b'day mates have the same stories...
Anyway, I'd like my b'day mates to get in touch with me on facebook '' Seiboi Kipgen''
Brenna 2015-09-26 10:00:27
This is really amazing..i wonder hw can someone knw me so perfectly..

Dave the Awesome 2015-09-21 21:40:15
my name is dave. I am sad and depressed. I want to be a millionaire but I will never ever get there. Help.
Wylie 2016-08-10 21:23:04
Email me at let's talk
Mattey Ghoukis 2015-09-20 16:20:28
I'm a Christian, and was taught not to believe in these things, but it's very accurate..
fatima 2015-09-13 20:11:26
i m.aslo 14 sep born child
Mystique 2015-09-01 20:11:12
-2 come you know me too well...I love my birthday
I really think we 14th september borns should know ourselves and communicate...will really love that...what do you think... Add me on facebook Ozy mystique...lets make it work
Blue flower 2015-08-29 13:08:30
I am born on 14 September and this is
Some what me but I am not assertive. But life has been hard for me for the last 5 years and hope it all get better.
osazuwa 2015-10-08 00:52:55
It's gonna be ok.try be patient and belive in God
Aaron 2015-08-28 08:55:46
Wow... It's crazy how accurate this thing is! I love my birthday and being a Virgo! That reminds me... Our birthday is in a couple of weeks!
Mercy 2015-08-04 16:25:53
This is 99% me, how come u know me too well?
Elijah Mohammed 2015-07-22 01:13:54
This is awesome and also 100% me lol
Lindsay 2015-06-25 08:49:56
This SPOT-ON. It's nice to "meet" myself. 😎
Avinash yadav 2015-06-03 13:44:39
Damm true i am always not happy with my works and still want something more
Derek 2015-04-24 04:04:05
Damn. Have you people been following me my entire life?! :-O :-)
Rachel 2014-12-17 21:33:03
This entire thing was so scarily accurate. I'm amazed.

Anusha 2014-12-16 14:14:55
I wondered that it is 100% accurate
Kim 2014-09-19 16:27:12
Very accurate.I love my birthday
$$$$$$ 2014-10-15 03:56:03
My birthday is September 14
Martina 2014-09-15 12:13:05
I am rather surprised how accurately this reflects on my dispositions, character, and way of responding to the world. Thank you, to the person who prepared this horoscope.
Georgia May 2014-09-14 04:57:55
I am so glad I read is totally 100% me. I've always felt extra special because I was born on September 14th. I LOVE being a Virgo! My best friends are also Virgos!
Debbie 2014-09-10 22:15:17
After reading what this says, I texted my friend and told her to look for her date of birth. I was completely amazed at how I read myself. This is so me!!
Jena 2014-08-30 02:47:49
Man, you are right on. I see my traits in this horoscope to a tee.

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