Horoscope for August 2023

Horoscope for August 2023

Aspects in monthly horoscope for August 2023, what to pay attention to for all zodiac signs

The last summer month of August 2023 is approaching! There are still thirty whole days of summer ahead, but the inevitable autumn is already peeking through, so we all feel a little bit sad. And also because August is the season of Leo, a bright sun sign that greatly enhances creativity, confidence, and imagination. That is why during this time, we are prone to melancholy while being capable of joy and celebration like never before during the rest of the year. Well then, let your feelings and desires run wild! In this regard, it is worth paying attention to August 13, when retrograde Venus, moving backward, will align with the Sun in the constellation of Leo. But you know what? The horoscope for August 2023 will be quite unusual because, in addition to Venus, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn will also be retrograde in August 2023. The retrograde cycle of Mercury will also not be left behind.

At the very beginning of the month, we are expecting the first major astrological event. On August 1st, the Moon will enter a position opposite the Sun, forming a full moon in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius. The eleventh sign of the zodiac is known for its open-mindedness and free thinking, so a full moon in this sign marks the end of an old cycle, heralding the acquisition of new directions and the acceptance of our own individuality. This madness implies a refusal to adhere to certain doctrines or rules that we are accustomed to (thus it will not be easy), but at the same time, it opens the door to a bright future.

On August 8th, Venus, being retrograde, is joining Lilith (the Black Moon, an imaginary astrological point). At the same time, on August 9th, retrograde Venus creates a tense aspect opposing Uranus, the planet of unpredictability. Both of these aspects can cause sudden changes in mood and unexpected problems along your path. The most important thing is not to rush, not to hurry with a response to sharp outbursts, and so on. The energy of retrograde Venus can create conditions for fleeting impulses and desires, most of which will lose their relevance the next day.

Horoscope for August 2023

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Horoscope for the week July 31—August 6, 2023

The night and day luminaries will unite in the zodiac constellation of Leo, forming a new moon on August 16th, foreshadowing a dramatic development in faithful relationships, both romantic and business. The Moon will combine its emotionally directed energy not only with the Sun but also with retrograde Venus, whose influence in the realm of relationships dominates personal life throughout the month. As always, any manifestations of crisis situations are also the best time to resolve accumulated contradictions. For example, certain desires or thoughts that you have not had the opportunity to express to your loved one or partner.

Mark August 23 on your calendar—it is the day the retrograde cycle of Mercury begins, as well as the beginning of Virgo season. This means that the Sun literally moves into the constellation of Virgo, and in the same sign, Mercury begins its next retrograde cycle later in the evening. Every year, the Sun moves into this sign, known for its meticulousness and attention to detail, which allows us all to prepare for the start of a new school and work season after a long summer break. But alas! Due to the retrograde parade of most planets, which Uranus will also join on August 29th, the clarity of our vision of small details and, more importantly, our perspectives will be disrupted. Our focus will be directed towards the past, searching for an answer that the past cannot provide.

The month will end with three important aspects. On August 27th, energetic Mars will leave Virgo and move into Libra, revealing contradictions in our social relationships. On August 29th, Uranus will go into retrograde, pushing us to reflect on the most important changes and events that have occurred in our community and personal lives in the past months. And finally, on August 31st, a powerful and intuitive full moon in Pisces awaits us. Firstly, the moon will oppose the sun in reflective Pisces, and secondly, since this is the second full moon of the month, it will be a blue moon, doubling the impact of this lunar aspect. It is time to face reality, leaving behind all fabricated illusions.


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