Career Gemstones by zodiac sign

Career Gemstones by zodiac sign

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up your career according to the sign of the zodiac

Did you know that precious and semi-precious gemstones, as well as crystals, are considered to be energy conductors in astrology? There is even a special section of astrology called astro-mineralogy. According to this doctrine, each zodiac sign corresponds to its own stone and mineral. Some stones can protect you, some can help increase passion and attraction, while others promote focus. So, if you are looking for a semi-precious stone that you can place on your desk as a talisman for success in your endeavors and career, it is important to approach this matter seriously. In principle, you can choose a stone or crystal according to your desires and situation. For example, if you can choose a stone that relieves stress, a crystal that blocks negative influences, or a gem that attracts wealth. Also, in your choice, you can use the guidance of our article, which suggests the appropriate stone for each zodiac sign and is designed to create a favorable atmosphere for the development of your sign's career.

P.S. The size and shape of the stone do not matter; in most cases, they are unpredictable. The main criterion for selection can be considered your harmonious connection with it. This means that when you like the shape of the stone, its cut or polish feels pleasant to the touch, and so on. The effect of crystals can be instant, although in most cases, they work unnoticed and gradually. Over time, the influence of crystals accumulates.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Aries Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Aries Career

Dear Aries, in order to succeed in your affairs and progress in your career, you need Lapis Lazuli. This bright blue mineral allows its owner to set high goals and standards, pushing them to strive for success no matter what. Aries already have a strong drive towards their goals, but during difficult periods in life, Lapis Lazuli will help attract attention to your ideas, give you recognition, and perhaps even fame! To activate the powers of Lapis Lazuli, imagine your goal mentally, and then mentally absorb it into your stone to amplify its energy!

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Taurus Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Taurus Career

Dear Taurus, you possess the most stable and enduring sign of the zodiac, capable of withstanding any pressure. In simpler terms, you cannot be defeated by external forces, but internal conflicts can affect you since your sign is quite inert and prone to apathy. For example, if you are stuck in your development, not getting promoted, or seeing your salary increase, you may become disappointed. Crystals of white or clear quartz will come to your aid! This mineral will recharge you with fresh energy and a mood boost. White quartz is even used to cleanse and relieve tension from other stones and crystals. To keep yourself energized, always carry a crystal with you.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Gemini Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Gemini Career

Dear Gemini, to enhance the energy around your career zone, Amethyst would be suitable for you. It is a variety of quartz with shades of purple, pink, and even red. In astrology, Amethyst is considered a multitasking stone that has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac, a talisman, and a protector, enhancing your creativity. Amethyst crystals can be very large and make excellent decorations for your work desk, but you can also purchase a small crystal that fits in your pocket. Look at the Amethyst or hold it in your hand when you need to come up with an idea or find a solution to a situation. Focus on the colorful reflections of this stone and allow the picture of the future to form in your inner vision.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Cancer Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Cancer Career

Dear Cancer, your zodiac sign is very sensitive, emotional, and susceptible to external influences, so even in your work space, you could benefit from a talisman. For example, the golden-green mineral Peridot, the transparent version of which is used in jewelry as a semi-precious stone. In ancient times, Peridot was called the "evening emerald" because its green shade became more noticeable in dim light and firelight. In astrology, it is believed that Peridot can protect its owner from betrayal, envy, and low self-esteem. Wearing jewelry with Peridot will become your bodyguard, especially if you know that rivals or enemies are targeting your soul. However, you can also acquire untreated Peridot and carry it as an amulet.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Leo Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Leo Career

Dear Leo, your zodiac sign bestows the world with vibrant, selfless, and proud individuals. However, even for you, courage may sometimes be lacking when alone with yourself. In such cases, Carnelian, a fiery semi-precious stone of red, orange, or yellow-red shades, will help you add the missing confidence for your next step and infuse passion into your projects. This stone, also known as Sardonyx, is perfect for solving tasks that require a creative approach and inspiration. Carnelian will boost your energy, give you strength, and help you start projects that others do not dare to undertake. Carry Carnelian with you, and at night, you can place this stone under your mattress or pillow to be fully prepared for decisive actions by morning.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Virgo Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Virgo Career

Dear Virgos, if you have encountered an obstacle on your professional path that hinders your growth and advancement on the career ladder, we recommend you acquire a small piece of amber and place it on your desk. Amber is not exactly a stone but a mineraloid, which is fossilized resin from prehistoric coniferous trees that lived on Earth during the Cretaceous period. In astrology, it is believed that amber preserves the souls of ancient animals and transfers their strength to their owners. Amber will not only help you become the best version of yourself, but it will also help Virgos overcome obstacles that you have built on your own path due to your excessive pedantry.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Libra Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Libra Career

Dear Libra, your zodiac sign is like a universal equalizer that perpetually strives to create harmony amidst the chaos that surrounds you. Whether it be at home or at work, you not only solve other people's problems, but you also live their lives for them. You are amazing beings, and only God knows how much strength and patience you expend, especially when the atmosphere in the company you work for becomes toxic. In such moments, we recommend that you acquire a piece of black obsidian as a talisman. Obsidian is a volcanic glass or solidified lava fraction that contains silicon and quartz with traces of other minerals. This stone can become your psychological shield, protecting you from attacks from clingy colleagues, foolish superiors, and negativity in general within the workplace. However, be aware that obsidian may work over a short distance, and in the long run, negativity has the power to even shatter volcanic glass.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Scorpio Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Scorpio Career

Dear Scorpios, for success in new ventures and professional projects, carry with you or place on your crab desk a small piece of Chrysoprase. This semi-precious and relatively inexpensive stone is a variety of chalcedony and quartz, and its color can vary from dark green to bright acid-green with blue hues. Chrysoprase can become your lucky talisman, as when you start a new project, you enter uncharted territory where anything can happen. This beautiful stone can become your ally. Chrysoprase influences unexpected situations, suppressing their spontaneity and making the surrounding situation more predictable.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Sagittarius Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Sagittarius Career

Dear Sagittarians, as the most restless sign of the zodiac, we recommend you acquire a blue quartz crystal in order to maintain business success and continuous career development. It is best if it is Aqua Aura Quartz, a type of blue quartz extracted in North America with a vibrant blue color. In astrology, it is believed that such crystals stimulate the expansion of horizons, progress, and contribute to the emergence of new ideas. This stone desires Sagittarians to overcome their limits, move forward, and achieve more! Place the blue quartz crystal in your workspace, hold it in your hand when experiencing a creative block to find a solution, and carry it with you when trying to convey your creative ideas to others.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Capricorn Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Capricorn Career

Dear Capricorns, you possess perseverance and responsibility, for which your colleagues and comrades highly appreciate you. You have the unique ability to perform planned actions in a timely manner, neither earlier nor later than necessary. But even you may sometimes lack perseverance. To succeed in your career and business, we advise you to acquire malachite, a bright green stone with a fibrous structure. In moments when you need encouragement or the strength to overcome obstacles, malachite will become your ally. This semi-precious stone grants its owner perseverance, renews energy, and provides determination to overcome any obstacles. Malachite is often used in jewelry, but it can also be purchased as a small, polished piece that is easy to carry with you.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Aquarius Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Aquarius Career

Dear Aquarians, in your professional career, you often encounter such difficult situations that many of you tend to exhaust yourselves pondering and trying to find a way out of a complex situation. If you regularly face situations where you need additional concentration, we advise you to acquire Fluorite. This unique multicolored stone can be tinted simultaneously in blue, green, purple, and pink colors. In astrology, it is believed that Fluorite enhances focus and helps to concentrate better on the essence of the issue. When you feel lost or unable to concentrate, hold Fluorite in your hand, marveling at its whimsical color transitions.

Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Pisces Career Gemstones & Crystals that will boost up Pisces Career

Dear Pisces, although you are ruled by the elusive Neptune, many qualities of your zodiac sign are often compared to the emotional tides and ebbs of the Moon. For success in your affairs, as a talisman, we advise you to acquire a Moonstone, which is believed to be a conductor of intuitive energy. This semi-precious stone can guide you on the path of self-discovery, but not only that. Moonstone can also direct you in creative pursuits or stimulate your imagination when you need new ideas. Hold it in your hand during particularly important moments. Additionally, since the Moon is a celestial body that shines at night, you can place the Moonstone under your pillow to further stimulate your creative beginnings.

Career Gemstones by zodiac sign

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Horoscope for the week July 17—23, 2023


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