Cancer Dragon

Cancer Dragon Horoscope

Chinese 🎐 Western

Horoscope combination

Cancer born in Dragon year Personality Horoscope

The Perceptive Cancerian Dragon Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Cancer made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Cancer born during the Dragon Year: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

When the Western sun sign of Cancer combines with the Chinese astrological Dragon, it is said to create very intuitive individuals. This is due to the presence of the strong perceptive traits mentioned in both translations of personality predictions. The Cancerian, when born in the Year of the Dragon, is believed to capture an enhanced amount of these intuition assets. It coats him with a highly observant nature that is very connected to the thoughts and feelings of others. These people think and feel in depth, and because of the Dragon in the mix, they keep their emotions in check. They seem to have the balance just right, being neither over- nor under-emotional.

The Cancerian Dragon personality is idealistic, but able to delve into their imaginations at the drop of a hat. They are versatile characters who love to please and assist others with their problems. They are sharp and compassionate of mind, and enjoy putting their skillful foresight to good use. Having a Cancerian Dragon as a friend, you will never be short of meaningful sensitive advice or a shoulder to cry on. The Cancerian Dragon as a lover is just as supportive, but their devoted support of others too much of the time can cause issues. These personalities rarely commit to a mate early in life, as their quests to help others leave them little free time.

In Chinese mythology, the appearance of the Dragon was known to also signify the arrival of good fortune. A Cancerian Dragon person, with his extra perception, is well-equipped to take advantage of this luck aspect. Their ability to sense lucky opportunities is excellent, and these particular Cancerians also have the confidence to grasp them. These characters are honest, responsive, attentive and direct, and they have high tolerance levels. When they do enter into a close relationship or parenthood, they take great pride in their responsibilities. They will be good providers who will be extremely protective of their partners, families and homes.

If a Cancerian Dragon decides he or she wants something, then they will mobilize their charming personality into action. These personalities use all their bodies to communicate, sometimes needing no words at all. Their magnetic persona is often felt as soon as they enter a room, and they never have a shortage of admirers. They are quite ambitious, but do not like to be tied to only one life path. The Cancerian Dragon favors variety and soon becomes bored with not enough stimulation. Any potential close companion will need to be spontaneous in nature and still allow these Dragons their free-spiritedness.

Such a colorful and adaptable personality as the Cancerian Dragon has few weaknesses to his temperament. He may be unnecessarily stubborn, impatient or tactless sometimes, but is soon forgiven, as these are always behaviors of short duration. It is just the Cancerian Dragon's way of letting off steam to avoid burn out. These personalities need to learn to pace themselves better. If they achieve this they frequently are more successful in life

Cancer Dragon Personality Horoscope Image Cancer Dragon Personality Image

Comments: Cancer Dragon Horoscope

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Zodiac 2023-12-04 08:34:45
In astrology, a person's personality is influenced by various factors including their zodiac sign (based on their birth date) and their Chinese zodiac sign (based on their birth year). For someone born under the Western astrological sign of Cancer and in the Chinese zodiac year of the Dragon, their personality would be a blend of the traits associated with both signs.

Firstly, let's consider the typical traits of a Cancer native. Those born under this sign (approximately June 21 - July 22) are often known to be:

- Emotional and sensitive
- Caring and nurturing
- Intuitive and compassionate
- Protective of loved ones
- Home and family-oriented
- Can be moody and clingy at times
- Have a strong need for emotional security

Now let's look at the qualities often associated with the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac. The Dragon is a symbol of strength, luck, and vitality, and typically those born in the year of the Dragon are seen as:

- Confident and charismatic
- Energetic and enthusiastic
- Natural leaders and pioneers
- Courageous and unafraid of challenges
- Good at conquering obstacles
- Can be perceived as arrogant or tactless due to their boldness
- Possess a certain amount of personal charm

When combining these two sets of characteristics, a Cancer born in the year of the Dragon may manifest as a dynamic individual who is both caring and ambitious. They may possess an engaging yet sensitive nature and a strong drive to protect and nurture their loved ones. The Dragon's confident exterior can balance Cancer's emotional vulnerability, resulting in a person who is both assertive and empathetic.

This combination could yield an individual who is creative and passionate about their pursuits, willing to take risks, and capable of inspiring others with their vision and determination. However, they may also struggle with the conflicting need for independence (a Dragon trait) and the desire for close, secure relationships (a Cancer trait).
Abby 2018-08-30 14:02:32
I am Taurus-pig and my bf is Cancer-dragon.
I don't know bout dragon, but mostly cancer is cheater, am i right?
Coco 2018-11-10 17:48:01
Not at all but it takes a certain amount of maturity so if he is young that might be the reason.
Natasha 2018-03-08 18:34:42
Hi I'm a cancer metal dragon,it's really nice to know something about our own personality,this was a quite beautiful explaination of cancer dragon personality
Samuel 2018-12-30 12:27:40
I am also a comedian metal dragon
David Ioanid 7888 2017-12-13 05:23:04
Cancer Dragon.

I'm studying human immortality, antiaging, all that. Soon to start formal molecular research with antioxidants, ad certain nucleic acids on telomeres. I have a birth mark right between the eyes.. so naturally I had to read something like this too. This sort of thing can instill you with a spiritual longing if you know what I mean.

Add me on Facebook hehe, I need strong allies.
C * Z 2017-03-22 02:31:10
Interesting read, I am a fire dragon/cancer/8 - don't judge all dragons, our life paths are different.. numerology plays a very important key as well. I feel very lucky to be born with these signs. My biggest lesson in this life, patience... x
Cxz 2018-10-17 21:19:54
I am same. Fire dragon..cancer..8 and my name is similar to ur username
Eric 2017-05-22 20:04:18
Wow you must be very lucky every single one of those traits is great!
Ley 2017-02-05 23:15:10
I am a cancer earth dragon female, Leo rising, Venus in Gemini and mars in picses. Very hard to describe my soul. I can relate to my ability to sense things and feel my mood change abruptly when a certain person walks into a room. I don't like confrontation, I'm positive, I'm distant and contemplative. I value my alone time, my desire to soul search and connect with God. At times I feel lost because of my restless nature and inconsistency. Other times I feel strong because of my determination and forward vision. It's a delicate dance of variety that teaches me every day. I'm humble but stubborn, regal but shy, confident but accommodating. I'm a Pandora's box, what you see isn't what you always get.
Cherice 2020-01-18 05:05:08
I am a cancer earth dragon moon sign is cancer also not sure about my rising, but you just described me in a nutshell. It's refreshing to see that someone understands and can relate.
cancer-earth dragon. 2019-04-07 18:37:24
true,I agree coz 100 percent the same.
Onna 2018-12-11 14:14:06
Ley Have you considered writing a book on the blended topics Zodiac ,numerology , Chinese
Your expression was great
I’m a cancer dragon as well
Scars 2018-05-04 19:08:37
You sound like me. Cancel earth dragon male.
bilkyBob 2017-01-02 14:40:46
I am a cancer fire dragon and I don't give a xxxx what you all think! Okay, stereotype over people often misunderstand us, and that is in part because some individuals look for the worst in people. I am horribly forthright occasionally, and I know that I can be thoughtless but this is not intentional, it's just that being vague and wishy-washy has the hallmarks of dishonesty and I have not learned how to be truthful and tactful at the same time! My apologies on behalf of all dragons, but we really just appreciate complete honesty so assume everyone else does too
Earth Dragon? 2016-11-06 04:10:25
It becomes a burden the analytical nature and intelligence you inherit, always thinking shit. Luck is what I appreciate. Dominating yang water is another personal issue succeeding is a must in my case. Either way every smart individual once dominating its own inner power can improve, no matter what shit you were born under, this type of descriptions can make you arrogant. Fuck the crab and the reptile I will prevail.
Snake woman 2016-08-27 19:49:07
My ex-boyfriend is a cancer dragon. He cheated on me during the whole entire relationship 🙁
Harbinger76 2016-08-24 22:09:43
I am the cancer fire dragon(1976) we are the ones who truly see the world as it is...we have the best of all worlds and we see things as they truly are...i feel blessed.
librasnakegirl 2016-06-22 14:53:54
I am a libra snake woman. I dated a cancer dragon man and it ended horribly 🙁
libra snake man 2017-01-12 01:15:51
I am an earth snake libra. I have dated a dragon woman before, but she was a libra. This one is a Cancer. I am a bit worried, bc I notice dragons are quite permisculous. (Hope I spelled that right) But I believe people are in control of who they are, no matter their birth sign, their ethnic background, upper class middle class, etc. Still, I am worried. She is pregnant with my child. I just learned this tonight. She has two kids already. Thats not a big deal to me. I am a bit nervous, bc I havent meant them, but are fairly young. Either way, I hope it works out. This snake has gone on. Its been a journey, but I think this is my final stand for love, support, family, and stability. I hope you find your love Snake Woman. I always thought it would be cool to date a libra snake woman, but I think my one and only chance slipped away in high school. All I ever wanted was one of those cliche love romances. But suppose those are a bit unrealistic. The balance of steam and down to earth love n charm is something that lasts longer. So far its looking that way. I have been battling my snake paranoid senses, hoping its jus me trying to sabotage this and not realistic points of view. I am so afraid yet so willingly to allow this new path to take me away.
RajKaj 2016-03-18 04:27:44
Wow... I feel very akin to most of u commentors from the sensitive to stubborn to the quick intellect. Ive even had a few people tell me im their favorite person! That means the pressures on though! ;) I also love to help people and I generally care for others. I feel im a deep and genuine soul. It seems this is a very accurate summary of us. 7 12 88 and my son, moon and mercury are in CANCER. I Love being me most the time 😄 I usually hold myself to a very high standard and from time to time this leads to sporadic bouts of depression. About 90 % of the time or more its groovin. I love being a father and am happily married to an Aries Earth Snake woman who loves the hell out of me. Shit... my wife and son are my world... Ive got SO much more to say but ill spare yas! Much love to you people though! Take care of yourself and those worth it. Keep it real, laugh often! And dont take yourself too seriously ;)

Jasmine a cancer earth dragon? 2015-10-28 13:49:42
just try connecting with your creator/ praying....idols and human worship are weird dangerous stuff...speaking from weird experience I admit I am my own worst enemy....
Kija Dragon 2015-08-22 00:32:30
I'm a CancerLeo (on a cusp) Earth Dragon with an Aries rising (mask), an Aries mars (drive) and a Gemini Venus (heart). I know I am powerful. I know I am right. I was born different. Smart. Wise. Stood out from society. Moved alot. Changed countries, languages, religions, situations, yet I was so stubborn and intuitive I didn't let anything or anyone change me. I am still the same soul I was the day I was born. Nothing has changed. No time has passed. The same eyes look out of this face. The same reaction I get from others. Too deep for anyone. Too smart for anyone. I see the big picture and I can fit many details into my mind and see what others can't. I have a sixth sense. Everyone feels and sees my energy vibration and can't tell what it is. No matter what I wear. Fat or not, ugly or not, different style and clothes or not. I get the same reaction. From strangers or family. I want to find others like me to create my army. I see things others can't. No one is wrong. Dragons are creators. They create their own world and invite those who worship them. So yes .... who can see me? So far no one. 1988.
Cancerleocuspdragon 2019-11-30 22:25:37
I see u. I know exactly who u are because you are so much like me yet no one else is like me. I’ve never met someone who has my gifts or understands how I can always see things. Sometimes I use it for bad and sometimes for good. It’s hard to find the line. I can do whatever I want and sometimes what I want is to do nothing so I don’t. I have whatever I want and deal with whatever until I don’t anymore. I decide everything. I feel alone sometimes like nothing is real because I have made it. I fear feeling like I control too much of things, it makes me scared. Do they like me or have I manipulated them? I never really know.
Leviathan 2017-10-12 15:25:29
Jun 22, 88. I dont know about all this rising crap, and dont care, but you are looking for others like you? Have you ever came back to check this post? You really want to find a like minded soul, then find me on twitter @onmymarc_gaming.
My mind can grasp things others cannot fathom. The multiverse is not even the whole of existence. An army can rise, but only with a noble goal to lift them.
OrganicSoul 2016-11-08 07:27:09
I can empathically perceive what you are saying. I can understand what you mean, what your trying to put your finger on through the various examples of experiences.
Lol but I wouldnt put it that ay it the end. That is not a noble, honourable, or genuine way of loving and helping others in this life. That sounds more like team dark at the end. If you were serious that would a shame, humility is great power willingly empressing genuine love in all it various forms.
Anyway for some reason I don't your really serious at the end there, I think that's probably your style of humour. If it is that's funny.because it got peoples attention to reply, and I think that's kind of funny, hence my reply, otherwise I wouldn't have if it wasnt conversatial in this random cancer-dragon Google search result Webpages..I just happen to scroll down and read the comments and realized there is a good mount of replies responding to your reply.."what in the world did you say?" (I thought to myself)..scrolled up and read..and smirked..I get you, just to the ending...I bet your presence also somehow catalyst to your whereabouts hmm?
Humility is the eternal way of life. Live wise. AND we can only live a genuine lifestyle with a genuine pure heart and a love for others as yourself. It's better to think of others as better than yourself than for you to think otherwise.
The humble will be exaulted. AND before dishonour comes pride.

Over and out.

Cancer-dragon, rising aquarius
July 2/88 ( <-- I think this blah blah can be annoying vain, when it is not and their post is not necessarily relevant to the subject topic.)
Absolutely agree with you on this pos human! 2017-06-08 13:36:10
This person is a sociopath and not anything else. His words chilled me to the core. I only know this for a fact because I met one who stalked me and threatened my life and those I loved over and over until he got himself jailed for 7 years. Scared the crapola out of me. The "person" above and I use this term lightly as he is probably capable of doing inhumane things to others and stomping all over people's rights because he views himself as more important than they are to start with and told us so. He is always right. He knows this. He is building an army. He should be worshiped. It's fucking creepy to hear a psychopath/sociopath actually tell you their own thoughts because no real human would on say these things and they aren't really human you find when you get to know them. Because they are missing a basic character trait every human has to a certain level: Empathy. Human kindness. It's missing in these alien species. They also add an element of sadism in their lives. No normal human does. No one should feel they are right building an army to worship them! How disgusting. His thoughts repulse me as a human being. How about kindness for a super power? Seemed to work out for Jesus and Gandhi. So far they are pretty big hits. That no one has found him yet is pretty funny on his part being so bewildered: where are my worshipers?! Don't they know I am here to be worshiped and not to give back in this life like everyone else? I am above all these people and should be leading them. How do they not know? Because you sir or madam are an asshole. You've been served and you are welcome. -KB
Message from OrganicSoul
I can empathically perceive what you are saying. I can understand what you mean, what you're trying to put your finger on through the various examples of experiences.
Lol, but I wouldn't put it that ay it the end. That is not a noble, honorable, or genuine way of loving and helping others in this life. That sounds more like team dark at the end. If you were serious that would a shame, humility is great power willingly expressing genuine love in all its various forms...

Toona 2016-03-15 22:55:16
Not ready to join anything, but hell, yeah, I know that shit. 1976.
Lucas 2015-11-12 16:46:03
Perhaps your best quality is the worst, fooled by your own sh*t.

There's nothing worst than being at the top cause you know you reached the bottom, both are hated by everyone which is not the problem + adding loneliness, you can't have army of leaders who will lead?, to believe you are the center and others the sides or flanks is the ego trap of this kind of inherited minds.

Again the point is not pleasing or causing disdain the point is to discover your freedom and piece of mind your awakening.
April 2015-09-06 00:15:50
Message from Kija Dragon
I'm a CancerLeo (on a cusp) Earth Dragon with an Aries rising (mask), an Aries mars (drive) and a Gemini Venus (heart). I know I am powerful. I know I am right. I was born different. Smart. Wise. Stood out from society. Moved alot. Changed countries, languages, religions, situations, yet I was so stubborn and intuitive I didn't let anything or anyone change me. I am still the same soul I was the day I was born. Nothing has changed. No time has passed. The same eyes look out of this face. The same reaction I get from others. Too deep for anyone. Too smart for anyone. I see the big picture and I can fit many details into my mind and see what others can't. I have a sixth sense. Everyone feels and sees my energy vibration and can't tell what it is. No matter what I wear. Fat or not, ugly or not, different style and clothes or not. I get the same reaction. From strangers or family. I want to find others like me to create my army. I see things others can't. No one is wrong. Dragons are creators. They create their own world and invite those who worship them. So yes .... who can see me? So far no one. 1988.

What army are you trying to build exactly? And for what?, people will always misunderstand things they cannot understand or cannot see, so many of us are blinded by false illusions blocking our minds eye to approach situations from a more open minded end or gain some deeper insight. When your an indepth thinker things always seem like their so crystal clear, but they aren't until we've actually seen it all and with our life span, how can we truly learn and will come to know everything?, just because you see things others cannot doesn't mean you wont be a student yourself at one point, intuitiveness isn't something everyone has connected to, and yes they say..some more then others are touch with more of this then others, some people honestly just don't care to see things or care to see what would happen if you could change your way of thinking. I would think that when you have confidence, no matter your sign, that you carry yourself in a different way, fat or skinny, tall or short, the way you dress, talk, speak, move is noticed by so many, because you are putting that kind of enrgy out there, some people become sucked into everything else, always following somebody, never themselves, if we could put just as much confidence into ourselves as we do others, we would see so many more positive aspects of life. As for being different, I too can relate, I didn't always agree with people and their ways, I could see right through peoples BS, occasionally I too fell into a position of feeling played for a fool, I learned from it...hopefully and moved on, I don't think anyone needs to worship me, I just would like some equality going on in the world, I do get where you say no ones wrong, I think that concept is to deep for most to agree with, because that would intail no revenge, no doing things to get even, just pure we're humans we're going to make mistakes, we're going to like some things and we're not going to like other things, bottom line is....well I think anyway, is learning what it means to love everyone, despite who they are, where their from, what they did kind of thing, it goes onto a much deeper healing that is desperately needed here, I hope that one day everyones worlds can be filled with things that help them grow brighter and taller and by the time it comes to leave here we'll have gotten to be apart of such an amazing and beautiful feat. I will admitt though I do seem to enjoy solitary to get away from so many different things going on inthe world and in my life, but I feel like I am drawn to and find people who need my love and support and guidence as well as I theirs. I am only one person living around so many others, how can I truly experience the world telling myself no one understands me or gets me, I don't even try to give them a chance, five people aren't the whole world, their only five people, keep on looking and don't make yourself mightier then what you should consider yourself, I think it's wonderful that you have such confidence in yourself that nothing can shake that, that's really important and vital in this harsh lifestyle and society, I just think if you put a label on yourself as being better then your setting standards for others that might not be realistic in the beginning, maybe you'll meet someone you can share some deep thoughts with and open them up to things they never considered before and never would have if they hadn't of met someone like you who thinks about things. I will say that it becomes hard at times for me because it's like my brain never shuts off, it constantly is trying to figure something out, and images come in waves, and my brain registers and recieves things, I sometimes have felt like I personally experienced things and therefore have the answers, but their just some answers not the ultimate answer that seems to come from somewhere in my brain. Ii find it hard to pretend I don't know when someones lying to me, so it causes problems for me, I can't see anything else till I figure out the truth, or something being said that gives me enough to be able to comfortably move on. I don't think any of us will ever know somebody, unless we can see their future and hear their thoughts, then we'd really get inside their heads, until then keep an open mind, I hope you'll find someone to change your mind about no one getting you and I hope people will learn to embrace different things and give people a chance, till next time tottles.

Dark shadow 2017-04-18 04:00:04
I am a cancer dragon and I will join ur army
roanne jane bello soriano 2015-08-19 23:05:42
my birthday is july 26,1992 never had bf yet. where is my right someone
Lucas 2015-11-12 16:48:16
What kind cancer monkey you are? you have to add your day master that's another trait which is very important.
Awara 2015-06-29 09:08:25
I'm an Aries earth dragon, Taurus moon. I am fascinated with all my brothers and sisters! I am very intuitive, even when I do not understand completely at first. My father is a Pisces earth boar, and my mother does not know when in 1964 she was born, but she is a wood dragon. I am always defending the little guys, but have the respect or fear from the big guys. I connect bridges with my heart and mind. Many people have told me I should write a book. It's all a matter of time.
April 2015-06-10 07:03:29
i am also a Cancer Earth Dragon, I have found that if you look at each individuals astrolocical chart we all could be earth dragon cancers but we all weren't born at the same exact time, therefore we wont all have the same exact influences. I think its possible for some people to posses some of the qualities and others not so much or maybe one of them out of five. I do seem to be more intrigued by smarts and a heart, I cant just like someone for what they look like, they have to be deeper then that or we wont mesh very well, I will be disgusted and want nothing to do with you, depending on how you present yourself. I can not pretend to be peoples fools and believe everything they say, when infact they are just spitting lies and bs in my direction,I have no respect for people who think their poop dont stink. Iam a nice person and very caring and hospitable to my friends family and guest, I enjoy making peoples lives better, doesnt mean ill always be perfect.I do not back away from challenges, I do have high expectations for myself and can be really hard on myself, I expect more from myself due to knowing better, I know that certain things arent going to help me move into a more positive direction in my life, I am pretty blunt and can seem like im being tactless, I just am being honest and not spitting a web of illusions into peoples lives, I feel theres enough people out there that will lie and manipulate us, so why is it horrible that I dont make up stories all the time so people can keep thinking their ways are always so thoughtful, or maybe they are selfish perhaps, either way it does people no good to be this way, I get being cautious and what not and trying not to be a complete jerk,but sometimes a chicken is simply a chicken......I am pretty sensitive and can be hurt, but I often try and act as though it did not bother me, I sometimes have found that me haveing space and working out the things I said or took part in creating in the awkward moment and intense energy flying all around is best resolved in my own head, I cant stand being in a relationship were its always one sided, I am the only one that needs to work on my communication and self, so I end up not really developing a deep enough bond with them, because I dont trust in someone who wants me to support them but they dont have to support me or hear were Im coming from kinda thing. I do sometimes get frustrated with myself when I am emotional, Ive told my boyfriend so many times I hate being a chick sometimes so many emotions going on, when something is really hard for me to talk about, I will start to cry and then I cant say what im trying to say, and I feel like such a huge baby, but I also go through some harsh guilt when I feel bad about something Ive done. If I had lots and lots of money I would infestit into to people who need it or couldnt pay their rent or need food, Ive always wanted to do something that makes a difference in peoples lives, I wanted to be a fire fighter or a lawyer or detective, or travel around feeding the hungry or the less fortunate, I belive in equality pretty strongly......I also have had many many accounts were I swear its like I hear what people are thinking or feeling, but not like I feel kicked in my leg when they are kicked in the leg, theres just something that happens and I just hear this voice or something drawing me to a direction, or I will just automatically go from hey how are you,just chillen with friends or aqquantinces then I will feel nervous or irritated and nothing has even happend to make me feel like this,it makes no friggen sense. i could tell you experiences I have had but youd think im crazy or making it up either either or its all good, I do seem to have an easier time with what some call "seeing through" people, I can almost sense the summary of their intentions, I get instincts pretty regularly. I think deep thoughts very often, Im constantly trying to understand things, people mainly, but the wonders of our lives, the incredible opportunities you come across as well as the not so happy times in our lives, Ive discovered that our lives will continue going on till they are dust and all the things in this life will happen with or without us understanding or knowing why...... I LOVE creating things, I like to draw, I do alot of different multimedia, I mix different kinds of art forms together like they do with music sometimes when their inspired by different genres. I do like to sing, not saying im a grammy award winner but i can carry a note. i like to just chill and socialize as well, but iknow how and when to be serious......Ihave been working on a fictional book atm I want to write a book at least before I pass. Iam a female cancer earth dragon by the way and my boyfriend is a Leo Boar, ironically my mom and I clashed alot and she was a leo boar, there are times I feel like Im seeing a reflection of my mom in my boyfrined not look wise either lol, that would be way creepy and weird o.O anywho we as two women didnt mesh well we ended up fighting lots. I do have a hard time and imsure so does my boyfriendwhen it comesto our relationship, and fromwhat I understand we arent really supposably compatible but we make it work, it takes work and many times we come close to saying maybe we are just ment to be frineds, but a part of me knows how much I care for him..sometimes its just not enough🙁....I hope i didnt bore you to much, I gave you guys lots to read....until next time ( bows) audios, may your life be filled with wonder and happiness and may you all have awonderful year through and through
dafool 2015-06-12 10:13:11
hey april

good luck!
SlitheringTwins 2015-02-27 15:11:43
Dated a cancer dragon and now friends with one. Caring and adventurous, but too sensitive to my harsh Gemini words. Have to engage what little patience I'm capable of to continue good relations. Cancers: don't date Gemini and vice versa.
Cocoa Pop 2015-06-08 00:04:25
Lol. Agreed. Cancer-Gemini friends are great, but not lovers 🙂
lod 2015-03-06 06:31:41
Message from SlitheringTwins
Dated a cancer dragon and now friends with one. Caring and adventurous, but too sensitive to my harsh Gemini words. Have to engage what little patience I'm capable of to continue good relations. Cancers: don't date Gemini and vice versa.

Geminis try to hard. You cannot be taken seriously.
ann 2015-02-02 09:19:29
I am too! but some people miss understand being with a dragon cancer! Coz as I noticed in my self Im so sensitive and hurt easily! Bcoz of that I easily get angry! Til now still strying to calm down my self and trying to see life to its deepest means!!
vicki 2015-01-07 00:48:13
My boyfriend is a cancer/ dragon. Biggest as**ole on this planet. I'm leaving it.
Jcp671 2015-07-22 16:02:09
I'm sorry about that. I think the better we know ourselves, the better we can help each other. It takes great effort to be seld-actualizing
Sebass 2015-01-22 16:19:46
Some dragons become corrupted and their nature turns bad just forget him
Diego 2014-11-06 18:59:26
Wow that's amazing!! I am too and it funny how you mention how you feel about this. I agree!
Marvin 2014-07-08 03:09:26
im a cancer dragon, but why cant i get a job ?
Mirza 2015-05-21 06:31:19
These personalities need to learn to pace themselves better. If they achieve this they frequently are more successful in life. 😃
Kanaka2010 2014-06-28 03:49:39
I am a cancer dragon and its crazy how accurate this is. Ive had moments in life where I just knew, didnt know how, but just knew that if I cast out one more time, or decided not to go for that drive, or pick that one lucky number, something good/bad could happen and I decide. Its also true that I get bored when im not being challanged enough or if I learn something quickly. There are times where I might be uoset with you but give me some space and ill come around. I love creativeness and smarts. I have many hobbies and could be considered a collector of hobbies.
April 2015-06-22 21:32:34
I am the same way, give me space and were good, its almost as if I can calm myself down and make myself be more rational in my way of thinking once im clm, I cant stand being followed as I ask for some space, if I dont get it then a volcano will erupt and world war 20 will happen lol, sometimes though I think we all have a different way of how we handle our own anger due to how we were treated previously by many many people, and now we react or become defensive due to not really being able to trust the intentions of others, but we all say or do something that will upset everyone or someone one even your self at some point. I do get bored as well, I have to keep myself entertained somehow, so i redecorate our house over and over, I cant be tied to my house for to long though i have to be able to move and function as i need, so i can keep a healthy balance in my life, dating jealous people for anyone is not easy, you get cuffed and locked up it almost feels like and since your so into the person you think to yourself, itll get better, can anyone say that once that road has been announced and walked down, that people really feel like later on its fotten better?. I usually see the opposite where someone needs to or should of tooken time to themselves more before jumping into serious relationships and then all the fears or some of them anyways seeps into your so called new relationships, where your penalized not for just your mistlakes, but its like unresolved feelings linger there and you get to pick up te pieces, its kinda like say your stuck with your partners baggage, and what ever that may include.

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