Scorpio Tiger

Scorpio Tiger Horoscope

Chinese 🎐 Western

Horoscope combination

Scorpio born in Tiger year Personality Horoscope

The Passionate Scorpio Tiger Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Scorpio made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Scorpio born during the Tiger Year: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

The Tiger is a symbol of strength, vitality, playfulness and good fortune in Chinese astrology. When these characteristics are blended with the Western sun sign traits of Scorpio. the resulting personality is usually a very passionate person. The typical confident and intuitively emotional Scorpio is a good mix with the Tiger's strong, fun-loving and naturally lucky persona. The Scorpio Tiger is usually a determined and ambitious personality who can play as hard as he works. They seem to have an optimistic view of life and are not often too shaken by disappointments. These types rarely suffer from depression or illnesses caused by stress.

A Scorpio Tiger has a charismatic and cheerful personality that can usually make friends fairly easily. These individuals delight in making others happy, and generally have a wonderful sense of humor and generous natures. Scorpio Tigers make reliable friends, but they are difficult to tie down when it comes to long-term personal one-on-one relationships. They like to live a little and see some of the world before setting down, but when they do settle they hope to do so with permanence. These impassioned people are very romantic and thoughtful, and it is rare for them to forget anniversaries important to the relationship.

Scorpio Tigers are outgoing and highly expressive, and their tastes are often reflected in their choices of stylish clothing and household decor. These individuals tend to enjoy socializing and being part of groups; they soon become bored and restless when on their own. The Scorpio Tiger is drawn toward professions that challenge them and people that stimulate their imaginations. These people are decisive and good with money, and they usually possess the ability to strike an equal balance between spending and saving. They will be unselfish with their finances, but only when they can afford to do so. If they want anything expensive they tend not to borrow if they can help it. They would rather wait and save up for it.

Health-wise, the Scorpio Tiger is believed to have a good constitution, but this can suffer if they do not get enough rest. These personalities are inclined to think that they are invincible. They usually enjoy sporty activities, as they quite competitive and like to keep their bodies trim. They are keen on traveling, and love to bring things back from memories of faraway places. Their homes are often filled with little mementos from their travels. The Scorpio Tiger also loves to give and receive gifts and unexpected surprises.

Weak spots in the Scorpio Tiger personality include over-possessiveness, jealousy and sometimes controlling behavior. When Scorpio Tigers are in some particular relationships their weaknesses will appear. This usually follows a suspicion that they are being deceived. They are normally jealous-natured, so any suspected additional doubts will activate the weak parts of their personalities. These types can deal with rejection if they find out first from the person concerned and not someone else. They hate hearing their business aired in public.

Scorpio Tiger Personality Horoscope Image Scorpio Tiger Personality Image

Comments: Scorpio Tiger Horoscope

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Samir 2021-03-13 19:46:08
wow! like, wow! from the, "...stylish clothing and household decor," to the "...enjoy sporty activities," this author nailed it!!
Yep 2021-02-07 18:27:11
I am a Scorpio, Fire Tiger, King of Hearts. 11/20/1986.
paul 2019-12-26 14:19:19
One of my best friends was a Scorpio Tiger and I like what Suzanne White's book had to say about it: They are egomaniacs, but super competent. True about the gregariousness and sense of humor. Big drawback for me was I didn't like feeling like a sidekick in the relationship all the time. Not enough sharing of power or feeling like an equal.
Anon 2018-02-03 00:27:34
Scorpio-Tiger here. When I met a Libra-Horse guy I REALLY liked him. I didn't even know his birthdate until I did I search on him. Sad story. I was 23 at the time and never was in a relationship (ever). Well..turns out when I started talking to the guy as we were walking on campus he became silent. Didn't talk back. It was an awkward one way conversation and I waited for a response...anything. Then I ended up walking away from him and I felt was that! Well, I guess he "dumped" me before I could even start a relationship. Found my first boyfriend turned hubby after that. My hubby is the best. He listens and talks back. At least I felt acknowledged. LOL
Tennessee 2017-11-02 07:14:22
Does not apply to me at all. I am quite introverted and at peace when I'm alone.
Sally 2017-03-20 21:38:24
I don't say its 100% accurate or not accurate, just that how do you define 'jealousy'?? I mean not only scorpio tigers are jealous? A lot of signs do too. I think I am half-half. But I am trying to balance by being more 'aware' of my feelings. Yes I am spiritual and love to read others' mind and I love to help others.
Tim the Tiger 2016-10-31 02:03:26
Ha! To sleep, good folk, SLEEP! Yes! To rest, so that on the morrow we may rise to fight! Fight and win! Yes! Tho some will not return, those of us that shall return? Yes! To sleep! Sleep, perchance Yes! And so, again, I beseech thee to rest! duh, cmon. I am the star but the sky has no name. The instant moment that forgets before it begins. The age of the shadow cares nothing for my shoes. I seek but the human condition desires understanding that only time was made to swim through. We are all here, we are all there. Tell someone today that you love them, even if they claim not to care. When we meet again in the place that waits past the day that all one day must climb, it will be wonderful to see all of you once more and talk shop. True we do not understand tho in our hearts we all surely understand, because it is certainly so that the great happiness that is life is in how it is lived, not how it was imagined! Today, I love you. Tomorrow I will love you too. But who will you allow your heart to see when your mind asks you where and why do you not understand that what you seek is what you already hold? Goodnight, and Happy Birthdays always, I am Tim. I am Tiger. I am Scorpion, yes, for also, I am 10/31/62
Tyson hair 2016-05-08 06:34:05
Hi there- I am a Scorpio tiger too. I don't feel jealousy much but I would if my partner fancied someone else. I had depression for years but found the key to my happiness began with with re-igniting my childhood hobbies and creative endeavors like gardening. slso- Learning Reiki helpful beyond words.
Yes we are very intense & passionate people and whatever ouf budget- even 0- we look good and like yo make our place look Amazing.
Helping others is like breathing- we need to do that all the time.
Val 2016-01-03 03:37:06
Fascinatingly correct in all counts. Deception is my worst enemy .... Makes me nuts
Sue 2015-12-05 17:59:30
Very true except the decisive part
She 2015-12-05 17:51:21
Everything is correct but the being decisive part
kay 2015-11-18 02:11:42
Trust me, the worst sign for us scorpion tigers to mate with is a taurus. Tauruses are stubborn and lack the ability to examine anything objectively. They are our complete opposites in a bad way.
Mecca 2018-06-17 20:48:42
For me, ,it's the deceiving aquarius!!
Roy 2017-01-21 04:37:03
Wow that is very true - I was with a Taurean Horse...Was like talking to a mannequin.
Callita 2016-08-15 04:51:50
I had been married twice to Tauruses and current boyfriend is one of them again! lol, they are irresistible for me, poor Scorpio. Other things may matter, I am also a water tiger and he is an earth pig - this is a very good combination!
Tobey 2015-12-10 21:50:13
I disagree with you my girlfriend is a Taurus + rabbit she is very good to and understanding we get along well and never argue well talk things out I'm very comfortable with her and very much inlove with she
Galaxy 2016-05-06 12:45:04
Rabit Taurus and Scorpio Tiger is the perfect match in my experience.
They supplement each other's weakness and strength. It is like Yin and Yang when both are elevated ones, otherwise, it could be a Hell.
Future 2017-07-28 14:49:00
A Scorpio + Taurus are complete opposites and as said like talking to statues. Complete opposites. Only time it works is if the Scorpio has issues themselves, then in that case any sign will do.

Sam 2015-10-14 02:41:59
jealousy and possessiveness and passion

All or nothing personalities

All true
bam rik 2015-09-22 09:45:27
Very accurate exactly me...tiger+scorpio
Mafiaboss 2015-07-06 10:18:54
This fits very well except I have depression and see life in the worst light possible. Also to all those peopl saying I'm not jealous: I call bullshit. Everyone gets jealous and i do too but maybe not as much as this article suggests.
Jealousy defined 2015-07-04 17:50:08
I don't like that horoscopes implies Scorpios are jealous which is a sign of insecurity and contradicts the confidence comment. I believe they have distinct criteria of Behavior how a mate should behave and when they don't live up to their expectations and pass relationship boundaries the Scorpio gets angry and they get upset with her partner for this unacceptable behavior which does not equate to jealousy. It implies that they don't approve of the other Persons behavior. Jealousy is desiring a personality trait or something that another person has that you don't have, most Scorpios that I have ever met don't feel they're lacking in any respect. So they have nothing to be jealous about. My lover sent me this website not really sure what he's trying to get at, just had to comment.
Tommy the Tiger 2015-12-12 20:11:30
Message from Jealousy defined
I don't like that horoscopes implies Scorpios are jealous which is a sign of insecurity and contradicts the confidence comment. I believe they have distinct criteria of Behavior how a mate should behave and when they don't live up to their expectations and pass relationship boundaries the Scorpio gets angry and they get upset with her partner for this unacceptable behavior which does not equate to jealousy. It implies that they don't approve of the other Persons behavior. Jealousy is desiring a personality trait or something that another person has that you don't have, most Scorpios that I have ever met don't feel they're lacking in any respect. So they have nothing to be jealous about. My lover sent me this website not really sure what he's trying to get at, just had to comment.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!!!
Vee 2015-09-04 03:09:05
Totally agree, men in my life have not given me any need to be jealous.
Callita 2015-08-15 08:03:55
[I am jealous!!! you can call it "disapproving the other partner's behaviour" or whatever. I can become easily suspicious, and it is destructive! I feel ill when it happens! All is true in a traits description!

]Message from Jealousy defined
I don't like that horoscopes implies Scorpios are jealous which is a sign of insecurity and contradicts the confidence comment. I believe they have distinct criteria of Behavior how a mate should behave and when they don't live up to their expectations and pass relationship boundaries the Scorpio gets angry and they get upset with her partner for this unacceptable behavior which does not equate to jealousy. It implies that they don't approve of the other Persons behavior. Jealousy is desiring a personality trait or something that another person has that you don't have, most Scorpios that I have ever met don't feel they're lacking in any respect. So they have nothing to be jealous about. My lover sent me this website not really sure what he's trying to get at, just had to comment.

Cresiel 2015-06-01 23:38:32
This is quite an accurate description of me.. With a couple I'm not very sure with,
It's almost creepy o.O
Justin 2015-07-02 09:15:22
I'm with a Taurus pig and my life is hell I don't sleep and I'm miserable wtf
Sue 2015-05-30 18:32:24
is there anybody really compatible to this combination (really)
Carmi 2015-05-30 15:53:38
I'm not jealous, but i scrutinize and analyze too much.. (bad part of me)
julie 2015-05-30 03:34:12
I don't think this could be anymore wrong about me xD
Diego 2015-05-21 10:19:10
Right on!
Good way to describe us...except I am not jealous.
Ben Taffe 2015-05-18 23:03:50
Yes, that's me - I am very passionate and loving towards my partner and close friends
Tara 2015-02-21 04:40:43
Awkward moment when you are this and do have depression. oops. hahaha
ari 2015-04-16 06:34:07

*highfives fellow depressed scorpio tiger*
anne 2015-02-01 04:11:45
very true to me... hashaha
anne 2015-02-19 05:38:28
almost fits to me...hehehhee

Grrr 2015-01-14 09:20:56
Very true. I get controlling and paranoid when I FEEL someone is deceiving me. Usually my instincts are correct!
Jasper 2014-10-06 22:56:47
More right than wrong 🙂
anthony 2014-10-04 07:53:08
to be honest im not the same as that
Sarah 2014-10-02 12:40:14
Yes, this is me all the way, except for the jealousy part.
charmian 2014-08-14 04:36:30
Funny I'm that lol and it fits me perfectly 😄

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