Moon Aspects in Horoscope


Aspects of The Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

The Moon in the native's horoscope shows the range and focus of his/her emotions. Ideally the Moon, which symbolizes feelings, sensitivities, awareness and understanding, should be the magnetic balance of the Sun, which symbolizes the willpower and ego-force. Polarity between these two primary forces of life ensures balance and perspective. Aspects to the moon affect emotions and deal with the unconscious mind, habits of the past and automatic/instinctive reactions. They deal with how the native remembers emotional experiences and his/her ability to retain information. Any aspect to the Moon is colored by the planet making the aspect due to the receptive nature of the Moon. (The Moon is illuminated by reflecting the light of the Sun.) There is some polarity if the Sun and Moon are 45° or more apart. There is little or no polarity when the Sun and Moon are less than 45° apart, down to the exact conjunction of being together (which is generally unfortunate). If the Sun and Moon are less than 45° apart, it is better if they are at least in different signs, as this alone gives some distinguishing characteristics.

** Hard Aspects: the conjunction, square and opposition
** Soft Aspects: the sextile and trine

Aspects of the Moon and Mercury

Hard Aspects:
The native is forced to consider constantly his/her emotional reactions from a detached mental standpoint, as though he/she were an outsider passing judgment on him/herself. The responsive emotions of the Moon here are fettered or shackled with a mental reaction, at times unwelcome, but always necessary. The native always has to ask him/herself what he/she thinks about own feelings. The native can't act spontaneously without first reviewing his/her mental reactions. Some of such people tend to waste money on trivial household items. They annoy family and friends by worrying about them too much. Women may be so boring that friends avoid them. These people must learn to compromise and gain control of their ego.

Soft Aspects:
The native is shrewd and intuitive, yet honest and logical. He/she has ample common sense and usually have good health, but this native may have problems from too much nervous energy. The native's emotional nature seems a nature outgrowth and consequences of correct or fortunate mental attitudes. When the native feels like it, his/her feelings are thoughtful or thoughts are full of emotion, but he/she can feel something independently of mental reactions or think something independently of his/her emotions. Such people are usually good teachers, writers, reporters and conversationalists. Men will have a good marriage and/or a clever wife.

Aspects of the Moon and Sun

Hard Aspects:
Since the Sun /ego/ is the polar magnetic opposite of the Moon (emotions), as well as symbolizing the typically masculine vs. feminine qualities, any hard-angle aspect emphasizes the difficulty of the two qualities WITHIN the native. The projection or gratification of the one always seems to be at the expense of the other. The native is always aware that half of him/herself seems to be sacrificed for the other half. This can be a severe test of character accompanied by much inner turmoil with a frequently unfortunate effect on health and vitality. Hard Aspects can motivate the native to achieve outer success to compensate for what he/she sees as own inner failures. This native shouldn't undertake a major project without knowledge of all it entails. Any planet square to both the Sun and the Moon is where the native should focus his/her greatest effort to transform and overcome.

Soft Aspects:
This indicates harmony between the inner and the outer selves, between the will and automatic emotional responses, between the conscious and the unconscious selves. There is a good balance between the masculine and feminine parts of the native's nature. The ego and emotions tend to work easily together. Each becomes the complement rather than the contestant of the other. This promotes a general overall harmony, which is reflected throughout the entire system. This native may lack ambition since he/she likes peace and quiet more than active participation, but this is less likely if the Sun is stronger than the Moon. The native can be apathetic in circumstances where she/he should assert him/herself. Success usually comes fairly easily.

Aspects of the Moon and Venus

Hard Aspects:
Such native tends to be overindulgent, moody, gullible and have weak judgment. He/she is popular yet shy, resulting in a tendency to be overly assertive. This native is often careless with is/her affections, resulting in a lack of domestic harmony. The native often is forced to compromise his/her emotional attitudes for social purposes or to better engage the effective cooperation of others. The native realizes the desirability of social cooperation but is frequently unwilling to compromise his/her feelings for that purpose. However the native has talent for putting him/herself in contact with others, even though public sentiments invariably tend at first to run against him/her. If afflicted to Mars, the native has a conflict between love and lust. If the conjunction is afflicted, he/she tends to be self-indulgent and easily taken advantage of by playing on this native's feelings.

Soft Aspects:
The native is charming, affectionate, popular, calm, refined, optimistic, cheerful and loved by animals and children. He/she has good perception and a steady, rational viewpoint. This native also has a productive imagination and artistic ability, especially in home-related fields. The native easily adapts his/her own emotional requirements to those expected of him/her by others with whom he/she is in social contact. This native seldom, if ever, finds it difficult to adjust emotionally to social requirements. As a rule women have grace, sweetness, domesticity, great love and the ability to support their husbands' interests and activities. Men are able to empathize with women. Such people are often make good politicians or athletes.

Aspects of the Moon and Mars

Hard Aspects:
Hard Aspects often emphasize applied energy. The native tends to take direct action in affairs ruled by the planets affecting areas ruled by the signs and houses involved. It gives ample energy, leadership and courage to complete constructive action. The native's emotional nature is forced to feel aggressive, competitive and hot-tempered, which invokes unfavorable reactions. Circumstances invariably force the native to strong feelings. He/she can seldom, if ever, feel dispassionate about anything. It is either a strong, hot feeling or none at all.

Soft Aspects:
Soft Aspects give ease and flow to motivating forces and the energies the native generates into constructive channels. A passionate love of life finds expression through affairs ruled by the planets, signs and houses involved. The native naturally possesses a strong source of practicality and will fulfill the higher, spiritual ideals of life. As a rule the native's emotional nature can quickly rise to heated fits of passion when he/she wants to, or he/she can cool it and let it pass. The native likes to feel heated about things but doesn't believe it is always necessary to feel this way. The native is generally admired for his/her emotional sense of competition and aggressive excitability.

Aspects of the Moon and Jupiter

Hard Aspects:
The native's emotions are challenged for some sort of balancing factor between real and unreal factors, material and spiritual matters, common sense and high-flown theories of moral uplift. The difficulty arises when the native's emotional focus tends to personalize itself rather than to consider the wider horizons and broader potential in the outside world. The native is forced to place his/her feelings on a higher plane of reference than his/her own gratifications. The problem here is not only to feel but to feel about things in the right way rather than a wrong way. The balance of Jupiter introduce this concept of right and wrong to an otherwise personal sense o emotional gratification. Generally, all Moon-Jupiter contacts increase the sense of "noblese oblige", a desire to be generous. The Moon influences the native's feelings. Jupiter is optimism. This combination gives an inner comfort that always seems to bounce back no matter what the circumstances.

Soft Aspects:
The native's emotions, when they want to, can reach out to broader horizons, which may or may not put him/her out of the normal depth. The emotions are diffused with expansive longing (sometimes unattainable) which are easily justified. If the native is forced to do this all the time, whenever he/she reacted emotionally to anything, he/she would eventually establish a sense of balance in his/her emotional perspective. These people have to watch their weight if they have the stressful aspects.

Aspects of the Moon and Saturn

Hard Aspects:
The native is usually cautious and inhibited in expressing his/her feelings and others have difficulty responding to his/her cold, unemotional nature. This native tends to judge relationships based on past experience and often cling to unfruitful relationships and family ties since the known represents security to him/her. The native often lacks emotional flexibility and optimism in all his/her relationships, often due in part to the rigid attitudes instilled in the native by his/her parents in early childhood. The native's emotional nature is forced to restrain itself for more serious considerations, which tend to harden and discipline the emotions out of proportion to their normal feelings. Other people consider or experience the native as emotionally cool, hard and unsympathetic. Such people must work harder than most people to prove themselves. They must learn to handle frustration, discontent and depression and maturity eludes them until they lose their sense of martyrdom. Financial difficulties may cramp these people's style. They have irrational fears due to forgotten events.

Soft Aspects:
The native is usually cautious, conservative, shrewd, honest, conscientious, austere, self-disciplines, thoughtful, serious, prudent and slightly pompous. There is harmony between the native's feelings and common sense and the native is often assured some measure of worldly success. This native, when he/she wants to, can cool his/her own emotions and hold them in disciplined control so that he/she is fully aware of all the practical implications involved. The will at times actually enjoy a certain amount of emotional denial. The native finds it easy to feel favorable toward difficult efforts required to get things done. The native as a rule has a long, but not necessarily healthy, life. Men attract a practical, faithful mate who may not be exciting but has impeccable qualities.

Aspects of the Moon and Uranus

Hard Aspects:
The native is exciting, independent, resourceful, determined, individualistic, intuitive, intelligent and has a very original imagination and strong personal magnetism. His/her high emotional energy is often erratic and, if afflicted, extremes in emotions are common. This native needs novelty and excitement in his/her emotional life. The native's emotions are continually thrown out of joint by some sudden factor that he/she overlooked in his/her efforts to effect an independently unique approach. After many deep regrets on the erratic outcome of the native's independent, if not to say neurotic, behavior this person comes to restrict his/her independence of sympathy to the more outstanding potentialities. The native is forced to feel different from others. What this native must learn to accept is the consequence of this independence. In case Moon and Uranus are in hard aspects it is also often that men are irresponsible to their families and their mates, who are very positive and will rule the men despite any objections. Women's erratic emotions frustrate men, and they often have a conflict with another female, often the mother, and aren't popular with other women.

Soft Aspects:
Changes come suddenly and unexpectedly, but often to the native's advantage. His/her alert mind and unique imagination are always seeking new ways of self-expression. This native is enterprising, scientific, intuitive, ambitious and has quick emotional responses. He/she is able to let go of the past and instinctively take advantage of new opportunities with an original response. On the other hand this native all too easily is encouraged to emote in an erratic and unconventional manner. This may give him/her personal gratifications, but they are less likely to lead to constructive utilization of unique insights that the native feels but may not wholly believe. In case the third or ninth house is involved, travel may be beneficial. Advanced types have great healing power.

Aspects of the Moon and Neptune

Hard Aspects:
The native projects his/her internal, emotional confusion onto others and the world at large. There is such subtle underplay of unconscious telepathic forces in relationships that he/she is often unsure whether his/her problems originate in his/herself or others. This native is extremely impressionable and absorbs the atmosphere around him/her. Yet, the native finds it difficult to adjust emotionally to inspirational attitudes that he/she feels tend to lead him/her astray rather than lead him/her on to higher things. Yet the native is constantly challenged to become or feel him/herself to be a better self in spite of many false starts. Eventually this leads to a more realistic view of emotional inspiration which is bound to be workable. Emotionally this native has to feel inspirational or it won't satisfy him/her emotionally.

Soft Aspects:
The emotions, when the native feels like it, lend themselves almost too readily to any sort of inspirational catchall. This doesn't earn the native certain misunderstandings about his/her emotional idealism; rather they tend to peter out or dissolve for lack of real nourishment. The soft angle simply does not provide the emotions with the constant source of inspirational raw material that the hard angles would do. Also, feeling inspirationally only when you want to or when the occasion seems to permit it doesn't supply the test reactions that would insure that one's feelings were sincerely inspirational as opposed to being flights of private fancy. Such people often have close ties to their families that they may not be aware of. They love music and can be an excellent musician. It's difficult to accept their own limitations. Men usually attract sensitive, refined and creative mates.

Aspects of the Moon and Pluto

Hard Aspects:
The native is impulsive, sensual, restless, jealous and tends to be a loner. At times, he/she may feel rejected, possibly due to his/her relationship with his/her parents. The native's feelings are constantly challenged by the necessities for improvement or change in surrounding conditions. The native's feelings are given to violent upheavals against his/her wishes: because the native cannot resist the wider implications impinging upon his/her sensibilities. Emotionally this native is forced to consider the underside of situations and the degree to which possible change is indicated. This supercharges the feelings with psychic forces that make the native acutely aware of the spiritual responsibility of his/her emotional reactions. The native's life may be subject to new phases not of his/her own choosing, often involving this native's family or domestic life. He/she must learn to handle his/her intolerance and fanaticism.

Soft Aspects:
The native constructively uses his/her will to guide his/her imagination, regenerating practical affairs and his/her emotional life. This native improves his health and stamina through the ability to renew his vitality. By getting rid of old, useless emotions and possessions, the native can unclutter his/her life. Yet, this native's feelings are easily drawn to unfavorable conditions in the world around him/her that call out for correction and sympathy. The native is emotionally more sympathetic to unfavorable conditions but is less prepared in the long run actually to do something about them beyond extending his/her heartfelt sympathy.

Fast-traveling and ever-changing Moon
Ideally the Moon, which symbolizes feelings, sensitivities, awareness and understanding, should be the magnetic balance of the Sun, which symbolizes the willpower and ego-force.

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