Moon in Houses of Horoscope


The Moon in Houses

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Moon is an important luminary capable of conferring great mental power. Being the Queen of the Solar Logos, the Moon in your horoscope shows the range and focus of your emotions. Ideally the Moon, which symbolizes feelings, sensitivities, awareness and understanding, should be the magnetic balance of the Sun, which symbolizes the willpower and ego-force. Polarity between these two primary forces of life ensures balance and perspective. There is some polarity if the Sun and Moon are 45° or more apart. There is little or no polarity when the Sun and Moon are less than 45° apart, down to the exact conjunction of being together (which is generally unfortunate). If the Sun and Moon are less than 45° apart, it is better if they are at least in different signs, as this alone gives some distinguishing characteristics.

When the Moon Falls in the First House
If the Moon is posited in the first house, the native will have good longevity and will be a scholar. The personality is rather nervous, changeable, impressionable, and flighty BUT SUPERSENSITIVE TO PUBLIC REACTIONS. The native should be before the public in some way that caters to their whims. If the Ascendant is TAURUS or CANCER, the person will probably be wealthy and famous.

When the Moon Falls in the Second House
Moon in the Second House the native will have wealth and all sorts. The sources of income and problem of possessions is constantly brought to the native's attention. There should be profitable activities coming from something that deals with the public or women's affairs. This person will probably be educated with scientific knowledge.

When the Moon Falls in the Third House
When the Moon is in the third house the native will have wealth,education, virility and pride. His/her mind is impressionable, sensitive, intuitive and talented for voicing what the public wants to hear. This is favorable for dealing with clients, customers or the flow of the public in and out of a marketplace.

When the Moon Falls in the Fourth House
If the Moon is in the fourth house the native will probably have wealth and conveyances. His/her subjective nature is overly sensitive about background, heritage, and the most effective procedures or methods with which to start any programs. There are many changes in and around the home. There may be some notoriety connected with the parents or something in the background of the family.

When the Moon Falls in the Fifth House
In case the Moon is in the fifth house the native will be highly intelligent, kind and probably may be interested in politics. The sense of creativity is pronounced, although there is much" uncertainty as to exactly how to utilize this". This is unfavorable for gambling or speculations, for there are too many uncertainties and an inability to move when the "iron is hot."

When the Moon Falls in the Sixth House
Duties, daily routines and health matters are all subject to nervous reactions and/or psychosomatic disorders in the native. Sentiments lean toward helping others.

When the Moon Falls in the Seventh House
When the Moon is in the sixth house the native will be miserable and intelligent. Such people are supersensitive in reactions to others. They have a talent for tuning in on other people's thoughts and motivations almost before they are aware of themselves. This is a position which certainly places the native in active cooperation with the public in some way. This position is also slightly detrimental to prosperity.

When the Moon Falls in the Eighth House
When the Moon is in the eighth house the native will be quarrelsome and devoid of benevolent attitude. Most of the time this person is moody and introspective and vaguely detached. On the other hand in times of crisis or emergency he/she can be amazingly calm, cool and collected. He/she keeps his/her emotional control while others get hysterical. This position is best for the unusual situation in life not so favorable for ordinary everyday living. These people usually have marks caused by wounds on his/ her body.

When the Moon Falls in the Ninth House
When the Moon is in the ninth house the native will be highly religious,liberal and will have devotion to elders and preceptors. Such people long for distant places and the generally unobtainable. Wherever they are or whatever they have, they emotionally long for something else. There are vague intellectual leanings but seldom carried through to completion.

When the Moon Falls in the Tenth House
When the Moon is in the tenth house the native will be well off and have gains from education. Usually this is the most favored position for success before the public as some kind of celebrity. But this position may have its ups and downs in vogue and out of vogue. The public eye makes the native nervous and tense, but he seeks it anyway.

When the Moon Falls in the Eleventh House
When the Moon is in the eleventh house the native will probably have wealth and a lot of subordinates. This is also a very favorable position for the Moon making the native responsive and sympathetic to all interests of community or group value. There is much public spirit and eagerness to join with others of like sentiments to put ideas across. Such people are usually altruistic and liberal.

When the Moon Falls in the Twelfth House
When the Moon is in the twelfth house the native will be lazy, devoid of wealth and be an outcast. These people are usually emotionally saddened by the harshness of life and the injustices often imposed on the less fortunate. There is much philosophic concern over values and purpose and answers that can solve or assist those in trouble. They will live in foreign lands.

Fast-traveling and ever-changing Moon
If the Sun and Moon are less than 45° apart, it is better if they are at least in different signs, as this alone gives some distinguishing characteristics.

Comments: Moon in Houses of Horoscope

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