Dream Dictionary Hugs

Dream Dictionary Hugs


To hug in a dream can mean different things depending on who is hugging who. If you have had a dream about hugging and you really want to accurately predict the significance of this dream symbol, then the best way to do it is to remember all of the details that you can. As long as you latch on tightly to the details, it should be easy to discover the true meaning of dream about hugging. The dream dictionary will usually give you many different interpretations regarding hugging because it is an ambiguous activity that does not necessarily express amorous feelings, but can in fact relate to love anyway. As long as you remember who was hugging who, and can relate the various examples provided here to real life examples, you should be able to correctly interpret your dream.

Culturally, hugging is perceived as an activity that you do with someone you trust. Many couples do it, and close friends also do it. Some cultures emphasize hugging even strangers as well, and some are touchier than others. The majority of humanity though, would agree that in order to hug, a special kind of bond should be in place beforehand, or at least a little bit of trust. Hugging is an activity that is intrinsically tied to trust. Thus, if you are hugging someone in your dream, the standard dream interpretation would be that you trust this person. If this is someone that you already trust, the dream can just be there to emphasize what was already a fact. If you do not trust this person in waking life, then the dream meaning of this may be that you should take some time to get to know this person better, and that a friendship might not be too far around the corner.

Of course, some dream interpretations like to take the amorous route too. There are many dream meanings of hugging related to romantic relationships. For example, many romantic couples find solace in hugging their partners. It can be a really great exercise to hug someone you love. If you do happen to love the person that you are hugging in your dream, then this may just show that this person has been on your mind lately. Dreaming about them certainly means that you're thinking about them. Maybe it is time to talk to them again and see how they're doing. If you do not love the person that you are hugging in the dream, then this may be a sign that you are developing feelings for them, possibly without your knowledge even. Let this dream be the first warning to you, that the two of you might have a bright future approaching on the horizon.

Finally, if another person is hugging you, but you are not hugging them back, this could signify that whoever is hugging you in your dream has become suffocating or unbearable. This person desires your affection or your attention but you do not want to give it back. If there is someone like this in your life, then the best way to make sure that you do not chronically dream about them like this is to let them know how you feel when you wake up.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Hugs

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Anonymous 2022-04-17 03:30:03
I had a dream that I hugged a former crush, the girl I was in love with back in high school. It seemed implied that we were together, I was hugging her from behind and just experiencing her warmth. There was no sexual undertone of any kind, just comfort in being together.

I don't fully understand the dream or why I had it. Sure I desire intimacy but what gives with the former crush? She's married now and there is not a single reason for me to think about her.

When I remembered the feeling I had while hugging I started to cry, hard. I couldn't get that emotion out of my head. How come my dreams can replicate an emotion I haven't felt for years and years? Why am I so idiotic as to remind myself how lonely I am?
ANKITA Barik 2021-02-08 23:43:17
I had a dream about my classmate boy he is only my classmate nothing over that
Jacob 2021-01-17 18:38:55
Yesterday I dreamt that I hugged my crush and we hugged for a awhile and I kissed her on top of her head while hugged her and like I time jumped to when I was a adult and had a boy it was crazy.
Shane 2020-12-18 22:28:07
I dream about a man hugging me from behind, kissing my neck in front of other people I knew and mumbling sweet nothings but I cannot see his face or recognize his sweet voice. At first I felt warmth, comfortable and wanted then after that I can feel his possessiveness in his voice and hug. Help me understand what is that.
Gabby 2020-12-10 15:17:31
i had this dream where my crush told me he loved me and hugged me tight. I told him i loved him too and i felt his hoodie sleve against my arms..
and I remember talking to a person while im laying in my crushes lap, while my crush was still hugging me.
Alondra 2020-10-02 21:56:21
i had a dream about a pasted one that i loved so much, i was giving her a hug and she kind of cringed and pushed me away as i tried to hug her.
Vee 2020-05-11 18:26:11
In waking like, i am avoiding this guy cause i thought he is avoiding me. Then in my dreams, i saw him and avoided him, but he chased me, hugged me tightly and said "i'm sorry". Now, i am so confused.
MysticOne123 2019-08-15 09:27:18
I had a very strange dream yesterday. It was a bright morning in the wooden bridge whereby we were told to pick up the trash and that instructor said "if one of us catch many trash in the garbage bag shall receive an award" but then as I continue to pick up the trash, i suddenly felt dizzy and was about to faint then, someone held me to support me for not falling and soon as I see the face..I recognize and remembered that it was my ex crush, when I realized what had happened..I wanted to release for his grip since I really move on from the past but he held me so tightly as if he wont let me go..no matter how i tried i was powerless against him..so I had no choice but to see how it goes but when he held me tightly it was a strange feeling that how comfortable the hug was and whispered to my ear and said, "Don't move and please lets stay like this for a little while longer" but then all i remembered was hatred from him so much that i wanted to hit his chest and to shout at him telling on how much i despise him but somehow i didn't do it at the end i dont know why yet he held me so close as we go to the end of the bridge to go where my friends are in nearby bench...all i saw are the worried faces from my friends and then he let me go to them and then my dream changes after that. Im not sure why sometimes he keeps appearing from my dreams like all i see is hatred and sadness from his face like he is ignoring me but this dream is different like the last time not sure what it was its like telling me indirectly that he dont want to see me but this dream he indirectly tellling me not to let him go as if he misses me. Based from your opinion, what does it mean? How can i stop it for not seeing him in my dreams again?
marilyn 2019-08-02 21:22:14
So, I am moving to Utah soon after have been living in Washington for a really long time. I had a dream that I was at the mall just walking around with my friends and then I saw my crush, we ran to each other and he hugged me so tight, I can still feel it, I rapped my legs around him because he's taller than me, if was so vivid and it felt so real and it felt so right, I don't understand why they h is can't happen when I wake up, I can still feel him hugging me, and my legs wrapped around him.
Catia 2019-07-12 10:09:35
Hi , will like to know the meaning of my dream as I can’t find it anywhere.
I was in a party lots of people but only knew my mum then a Chinese around 40-50 years lady came in, looked at me and I looked at my mum and she knocked her head like she was giving me permission to hug her . Then I did hug these Chinese lady she touch my back for a while then when she let go she wouldn’t talk and I said please tell me please tell me but she wouldn’t , a tear came out and I started to cry thinking of the worse then I wake up .
Please help me regarding this dream
Trinity 2019-05-06 14:39:49
Last night I dreamt that I was hugging my mother in a school yard but she didn't hug back and as I was hugging her there was a sad song playing. What does this dream mean?
Thatgirl_25 2019-04-14 07:32:01
I dreamt that I was walking just past him (crush) and he told me to “come here and give me a hug” .. I did, it was lovely and felt safe actually, secure full feeling just as was about to move away from hugging we kissed, this felt very VERY passionate. As I moved away from kissing him he gave me a look like “woah” but in delight. Last 2 weeks I have been feeling “off” and in need of some affection and comforting but I have been cutting people off no fault of their own. It was really nice just for a hug, even in a dream.

Jodie 2019-04-04 20:26:43
I have not long ago come out of a toxic relationship, it impacted me mentally and physically. My ex used to cheat on me on ever chance possible and basically blame me for it. Me and him are still in contact to keep it civil but I feel myself letting him go which tbh I think is a good thing and hopefully I'll get to that point but I had a dream last night that I was walking with my toxic ex, on a massive field but we wasn't talking to each other. The dream suddenly changed, and then he kind of hugged my neck with his arm from the back and he was kissing my cheek. I wasn't facing him and my arms were crossed so I'm not sure what that really means...
Angela 2019-02-10 11:03:22
I had this dream that my crush was hugging me so tight that it felt like we shrunk so we could get closer together so he could hug me tighter, when I woke up I could still feel his arms around me for the whole day and I still can, it’s been 3 days since I’ve had it tho but I can still feel it, Idk what it means but I really, really need to know, in all my other dreams about him he would just stare at me from a distance and smirk but this was the first physical one and I can still feel it, I really wonna know
Kiera 2019-02-03 21:50:17
1st dream:I had a dream that I was in the same room as him and I think we dressed alike, 2nd dream: I had a dream that my crush was about to hug me. I hope my crush dreams come to real life
Denise 2019-01-21 01:46:40
Hi, so I had this dream, I couldn’t quite remember when I had it, but it just felt surreal. The setting was at the beach, it was a very fine day. I was riding something, but I don’t know what it was, all I know is that it was leading me to a cottage. Then my ride stopped, and when I glaced at my back I saw 2 guys, i’ll just hide their names and call them C and V (their initials) , these guys, they’re my classmates, my friends. I looked at them and asked them why they stopped my ride. They told me they just had to. Now the confusing part is that I told them “you guys shouldn’t have, there’s only 148 days left, what more could I lose?”. Then I walked my way inside the cottage and sitting in the table was my other classmate J, now J here is someone I’ve been close to, he loves writing songs. But the moment he saw me, he stood up and walked towards me, I can see it on his face that he was really worried. He hugged me, was about to cry, because I can notice his voice breaking, he asked me what happened, and I replied “did K (his girlfriend) tell you anything?” He replyed “no” and I replyed “She kept her promise” whilst crying. Then I woke up. Thinking about that dream now makes me feel sad again, can you interpret this dream? Please.
infant 2018-12-03 04:15:27
I had a dream. an unknown person loved so me so much. But I didn't.
when he wanna leave me, I didn't allow him to go and hugged him tightly. It made me feel happy. what it means. .? but I really love that person. am I longing for a love. ?
Suss 2019-06-22 06:14:28
I had the same thing I knew who the person was but he wanted s**ually active things but I did and didn't he didn't leave but he stopped and put me down but I asked for him to pick me up again one last time my friends were falling in love also
Glendoria 2018-09-21 20:03:10
I had a dream that I saw my Mother who died December 27th, 2017 from Heart Failure. In my dream I was in a store, my mother loved jewelry. she was standing by the jewelry counter. I looked down the aisle and starting screaming, MOMMMY, MOMMY. She had on her beige coat, her glasses, hair was fixed beautiful as always and we where hugging and kissing and going around in circles. I miss her dearly she was all I had.
Ap 2019-10-08 19:44:57
I've had the same sort of dreams years ago. I lived with my grandmother from the time I was 5-13. Right b4 my 14th bday she had passed from cancer. She would always visit me, in my dreams even after all these years. Well its been a while since she has come to see me. I can remember the last visit in (2014) right b4 I got pregnant. This dream was very different from the usual with her in them. In this one I was around the age of 8-9 and she was standing under this peach tree (we had peach & pecans trees all over we lived in the country in real life) she had this white light surrounding her. At that moment while dreaming I was well aware that she was deceased but that didn't stop me from running up to her and giving her the biggest hug. She looked well and happy like she did b4 she started chemo therapy. All I could do was cry in her arms under that tree. She gave me the biggest embrace. It was like we were talking with no words. She never spoke in that dream. I knew from that dream that all the other dreams were from my subconscious and that this one was her spirit for real. It was like she was telling me that everything was going to be ok & not to worry (I was going thru a separation at the time). When I awoken from the dream, I sat up and knew that it was real. There was no doubt in my mind. She hasn't come to visit me in my dreams anymore since that dream. I whole heartily believe my grandmother reincarnated in my daughter who is 4 years now.
Isabelle 2018-09-08 18:27:05
I dreamt that someone I knew was avoiding me like he was angry at me at the end of my dream I found him in a garage full of old furniture and I look in his eyes and he was so sad and we just hugged and I could feel all the sadness he felt we fell to the ground hugging and stayed like that people were crowding around us and we didn't even care all we wanted to do was hug that dream felt so real but what does it mean?
Feona 2018-06-10 17:59:38
So yesterday i dreamed about my crush he was hugging me so tight o kissing me on my neck too, well we do it in real life too because he sometimes he tell that he love me but he has a girlfriend too idk what we are but all i know that i love hik so much so what does it mean please?
This girl... 2018-12-07 01:02:03
Girl, he has a GIRLFRIEND. If someone is willing to cheat for you, that definitely means he will cheat on you.
Tania 2018-11-23 23:24:31
It means that you like him (a lot) and want to be more than friends but are afraid to take the risk.
Typical Girl 2018-04-11 03:19:14
i dreamed about an idol became my "boyfriend" then all of a sudden he had someone in his heart too, idk this is weird but the idol has another girlfriend so he has 2 girlfriend me and the other girl, but he decided that he will stay with me, so he was in the bathroom and i'm finding him when someone tried to rape me he was there and start beating the man but there was a lot of bad guy and they started chasing us until we found a house and i saw a gay in the house and he was my friend in my dreams but in reality idk who he is, so we got in the house and we hide ourselves, then after that we sigh in relief that the bad guys are gone then i came up to the idol and hug him then he hug me back then i woke up feeling happy and there was a good news after that. what is the meaning? please help me.
Hazrl 2018-04-08 16:57:30
I had a dream that Hazel is hugging me!!! We were just schoolmates like 4years ago and we never talked to each other. I admire her because she's cute but that was 4years ago... she followed me on ig last year but I have no guts to start conversation with her. This is making me crazy... does she really WANT my aattention or what. I don't know.
bloom 2018-02-13 15:53:13
I saw a dream in which, I was in a supermarket trying to take one of my favourite canned food, but I was not able to reach it. when a young man with blonde hair(he was so cute). I got that feeling for him but I didn't tell him. we talked a lot and then when I turned to leave, he hugged me from back told "i love you". I couldn't explain my feelings but I felt happy. when I came to the exit of the supermarket I saw my mom and dad staring at me. LOLL!!
David 2018-01-29 16:59:32
I had a dream a baby was hugging me or my future baby I'm not sure but it felt so good and felt really comfortable. I felt peace/relief with that hug. What could it mean?

Callie 2018-01-19 23:11:56
I had a dream where I hugged this guy's arm while we were walking, he was ignoring me and walking with another girl.
B 2017-12-22 18:11:22
I have a crush on this guy that goes to my school. We barely talk to each other but he said if his friend didn’t like me then he would’ve made his move.... but i asked him a few questions and he’s not looking for anything serious... in my dream, me and him were sorta like a thing. He walked me to class and we hugged each other before i went to sit in my seat. Everyone in the classroom saw us hug too.. it was firm and it felt reallyyy nice. But what does it mean?
Yumiko 2017-11-13 16:38:39
okay, so I had a dream last night that I was at this huge house and one of exes were there. There was my little sister playing with this huge ass doll and she dropped it to hang out and get some water. As I'm watching the doll, it looked like it moved. Then it blinked and was coming to life. My mom kept my 3 siblings together and I got scared so I hugged my ex and tried to calm down. I buried my face in his chest and he lifted me onto his lap while sitting on the countertop in the kitchen. Then he started stroking my hair and rubbing my back and telling me everything is going to be okay. It felt nice too but when I think about it, my stomach starts to hurt and I feel sick.
zara 2017-11-12 02:02:37
I. Hugged my crush on school and I have even told him my feelings and he said that we are just good friend and yesterday I complained the teacher because I was making fun of an incident that happened to me. But why did I hug him. In. My dreams and. I told him. That the complain that I did I am sorry for it and he hugged me and I hugged him back tightly I felt safe and cared in the dream
YOLO 2017-10-17 10:18:42
I keep having a dream about hugging the same person we had a fight about 2 weeks ago and I haven't talked to him much since and last night I dreamed I was at his house with his family and I started crying in front off him both me and him went around the side of his house and he said what are you talking about I do love you then we hugged for while and then I could hear someone saying no in the Background before I woke up that felt really real I have been worried about him a lot lately and I want to talk to him but his been partly ignoring me.
S 2017-09-28 23:03:06
I had a dream that my guy friend/best friend was hugging me. In the dream we hugged at a lunch line waiting to get our food. We hugged for a long time. It was like we hadn't seen each other forever. We wanted a hug. We get a long very well. We use to have classes with each other and now this year we don't. We see each other in the hallways and say hi. The last time we hugged was 1 or 2 weeks ago. I had a dream 2 days ago that we were hanging out in a park and hugged each other a lot. He honestly makes me happy when we used to see each other a school 2-3 yrs ago.
peyton 2017-10-04 12:16:32
same here, but I went to the office to see the princepal when my she wasn't there my friend was crying he hugged me

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