Dream dictionary Mother

Dream dictionary Mother


Usually when you see your mother as a dream symbol, you are not necessarily thinking about your mom, but just her attributes as a person. Mothers have an inalienable association in our minds with nurturing and comfort. When you see your mother in a dream, the meaning of dream may be as simple as you seeing those nurturing and comforting aspects of your mother in yourself. This interpretation provided in the dream dictionary is more tailored towards females because of the comforting nature that is usually associated with the female gender, but a man could just as easily be seeing themselves as a mother figure. Dreams with these specific dream interpretations are more likely to come up when you have taken on a caring role in your life. Perhaps you are ready to start a family, or just had a baby. Another reason this dream might have come up is if you had to take care of someone else's child for a bit, or maybe even a pet.

If you are having a conversation with your mother in a dream, then the dream interpretation of this might be that you are dealing with something that you cannot solve. Just because we advance to adulthood doesn't mean that the significance of our mothers is gone when we mature. This occurs because despite how strong our connections are with others, it is usually our mothers that know us best.

Combining that fact with the knowledge that they are older and wiser than us is usually all it takes to make us subconsciously believe that we need to work out problems that we can't solve with advice from our mothers. Regardless of your relationship to your mother, age is always a factor in how experienced someone is, and sometimes another more experienced perspective is all we need to make a tough decision. A dream like this might occur if you are planning on getting married soon, or even moving to a different state. If you are going through a huge decision that is tough to wrestle with might mean that your mother will be visiting you in your sleep later.

If you hear your mother calling your name in your dream, especially in a non-positive manner, this usually means that you are wrestling with feelings of neglect or irresponsibility on your own part. If you are ashamed of something you've done recently, then you might be hearing this in your dream. It ought to be pretty easy to figure out if this is the reason your mother has visited you because it is probably regarding something that your mother would be ashamed of if she witnessed. Have you stolen from someone, perhaps lied about something very important? This could be your mind's way of letting you know that it is a problem that is still weighing on you. While seeing your mother in dreams usually means something important for you, whether this is good or bad can heavily depend on your recent behavior. This guide should have helped you realize the reason for her visit though.

Comments: Dream dictionary Mother

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nene 2018-12-06 00:47:18
I had a dream that my mother was some sort of monster in a swirl hole of water trying to take me .but everyone was running away from her over logs trying to get to the other side. while my dad was holding my older siblings he was trying to grab my hand but I kept looking down at my mother feeling bad then I was hanging of the log and I fell into the swirl hole with my mother I then woke up.
Thembi 2018-09-18 11:46:01
I dreamt me and my mum pickingup some ripe lemons.what does it mean
Yceee 2018-12-08 03:25:14
That does mean ,that you have done something fault in your past and which you couldn't tell your parents .
Kris 2018-01-09 22:36:40
I dreamed my mother came in with a rage and picked me up by my throat and we started to fight.
kallia 2017-12-07 20:52:30
I had a dream about
my dog killing my mum.
Lanee 2017-08-24 18:03:21
Had dream my mom teling me on the phone "I just give birth" and I was at work very busy asking her hold on mom, but in my mind I kept asking my self when was she pregnant when I seen her last week she wasn't.
Megan 2017-04-15 16:35:28
my mum is in her 50's and I keep having dreams about her having a baby. I remember her saying she had a miscarriage once before she had my brother, his the eldest out of me and my two younger sisters.
Krista 2017-02-25 01:13:16
I had a dream that I was my mother in the seventies pregnant with a little girl named Hannah standing next to the train tracks with my dad and I catch fire and I can see the baby's head coming out
EVAN 2017-01-16 08:02:14
I have dreamed of me being someone else a kid 2 years old and a person showed me a picture( of the kid's family) the picture was not cleared but I have seen the kid's mother very clear in the picture. The kid was me in the dream so I have seen my mother?? what is that mean
Nancy 2017-01-27 00:34:27
You have taken on the position of a child to be nurtured and the mother is a wiser woman willing to "bring" you up. Consider the physical characteristics of the child and mother for more details. This important because there was a focus on the image of these people.
Kay 2016-12-02 06:39:32
I dreamed me and my mom was in our old house and she was younger and we were eating mint ice cream sundays and talking. It was a good dream but not a memory i was not younger. I just woke up feeling sad. I dont know what it could mean.
Jools 2018-11-03 11:54:00
Hi. I also keep having this type of seam about my mum being younger in our old house but im the same age as I am now. The weird thing is that my dream mum is nothing like my real mum. She seems less motherly and she's not married to my dad. I wouldn't be too fussed about it but I've had it a few times now. I wish I could find a meaning tho.
Meyki 2016-10-21 20:18:56
Had a dream aboubtmy late mom she was in hospital in a terrible state n screening for help from doctors as she said her heart is in pain.I woke up crying
Lou 2016-08-01 02:33:10
I had a dream that my mum had a baby what do this mean ? Thanks
Kim 2016-03-12 07:02:56
I keep having the same dream that my mother who's in her sixties is pregnant with my child. She gave birth to a baby girl and wouldn't give her back to me. The last three days I have had varying dreams about my mom and this baby. What does this mean

sheila 2016-03-04 21:00:03
Hi I had a dream of telling my mother I was sick dying and she said you are just feeling sorry for yourself and didn't believe me she said she was just going to get me some soup and stuff to help me feel better.
Ellie 2016-02-26 14:24:13
My mom is pregnant at the moment and in my dream the baby is already out and my mom was talking about something and then the baby was talking clear words
Kiko 2016-01-18 10:04:48
Had a dream, mum (very much old) called me aside and told me she was going to spend time with her boyfriend, a very much younger man, multi-talented. She asked if I will please respect her feelings and not disturb her. I obliged her. I later met up with the male friend and I kind of liked him and wondered what's in it for him.
jamakea 2016-01-17 22:12:04
dream i on romantic date w/mom. i talked to a cute girl and my mom got jealous. i screamed at my mom she don't own me, she is sick. dream my mom sabotaged my lifeline, i escape her sick twisted grip and then she drowns and i don't help her.
jacob 2015-11-22 18:57:52
In my dream my mother was embarrassing me in front of my friend. I have a crush on his gf and im afraid hes guna find out,so thats probably why
laura 2015-11-22 04:04:03
I had dreamed that the government had a drop pit so the people that work in my school took over my town and in that dream my mom was pregnant of five kids 3 girls and 2 boy
Omom 2015-08-13 15:10:43
I had a dream that my mother gave birth to a baby girl and I actually saw the baby's face and carried her. What does this meaning since the difference between me and the baby is 17 years
Prasi 2015-09-21 05:16:42
Have you got any suggestion for this dream,Me to got the same dream yesterday night
Bridget 2016-08-14 13:42:00
I had the same dream last night. I just kept repeating that the baby was born on the 22nd
Janice Simmons 2015-06-25 13:02:59
My m came to me last night. I had heard from since she pass away. She smile at me and there was something about money.i wake up with a smile on my face.. I no she proud of me and the man I'm marring. He a real man of god.
Mother and Aunty 2015-06-21 22:19:16
I had a dream of being turmented by my uncles wife whom I grew up with, then my Mum visited and I cried to report the situation to her.
Dee 2015-06-04 14:43:15
I had a dream that my mother and I were shopping and just spending time together. I have not heard or seen my mother for about 20 something years. I do not know where she is or if she is still alive.
olga 2015-09-15 16:54:29
Funny I had the same dream. We were shopping and hanging out then she got to the register and she said I'm sorry and disappeared. I woke up then
motherless child 2015-04-21 23:46:43
Had a dream that I was in the hospital and my mom came walking into the room healthy saying that everything was going to be okay. This happended two months after my mom passed away.
Ant 2015-02-19 20:16:58
I had a dream about my mother in a insane asylum and she had another girl with her my age and she loved her even though she was crazy(had a 'pet' which was 2 dogs and 1 cat sewed together. My dad and i went to visit her and then I got ignored and my dad was talking to my mom.and the cat dog thing bit my foot.
I woke up and it was crazy because my foot had hurt and hurt. I don't know why this is not the first time this sort of thing and dream has happened to me.

britty 2015-01-28 03:35:12
In my dream I was telling on my boyfriend because he wouldn't let me have a glass of wine. And she was going to sneak me a small glass. I am pregnant and me and her are not that close. But I've always tried to gain a close relationship with her growing up. This help out a lot. Thanks

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