Dream Dictionary Toilets

Dream Dictionary Toilets


The toilet is a complicated dream symbol primarily because of how it is perceived culturally. Some people grow up being afraid of the toilet and being afraid of the bathroom in general because they have been told about germs. A dream dictionary will usually give multiple dream meanings of toilets both positive and negative because of this duality in perception. The meaning of dream about toilets all depends on how the dreamer feels about toilets.

For some, the dream meaning of a toilet will be related to fear and self consciousness. This is especially true if the toilet that is the focal point of the dream is in a public stall. In a public bathroom, the toilets are seen as filthy, and because of the status of it as a public toilet, there will always be a lack of privacy involved. If you happen to dream about public toilets it might be because you are simply self conscious about something. Perhaps something has occurred recently which caused you to re-evaluate yourself or your attractiveness, or maybe you were just forced to do something that you were not comfortable doing. No matter what the issue, the fact of the matter is, this is a good reason why you may be dreaming of toilets.

Another dream interpretation of toilet is based on the toilet as a form of release, and your excrement as emotions. You are pent up with emotions and searching for somewhere to release them. The toilet represents a place for you to release all of the emotions that you have been holding back for so long. Perhaps in waking life you have an opinion on an issue that you've refused to share with anyone, or maybe you simply do not feel comfortable talking about something that is actually really important to you. If any of these things are true, this could represent the reason that you are seeing toilets in your dreams.

Some dream interpretations see the toilet as more of a practical symbol. You might see toilets in your dream if physically; you have a full bladder and need to release it. The toilet may appear in your dream to attempt to bring your full bladder to your conscious mind so that you know that you need to get up to use the bathroom. If you see yourself doing something in a dream such as cleaning the toilet, or scrubbing the edges of the toilet this can mean that you are expressing a desire to let down your inhibitions. Not only that, but you also may be expressing your desire to break down social barriers and let other new people into your life. Surprisingly enough, seeing something as strange as toilet cleaning in your dreams can lead to great social changes. If it does not directly lead to social change, then it certainly shows your innate desire to expose yourself more in a social manner. You have the need to let out your emotions. This is what the toilet dream is trying to tell you.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Toilets

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Buds 2016-12-15 18:51:51
While trying to hide I flushed myself in the toilet and reach to somewhere then flush again until I fully drowned myself. What doest that mean
Normie 2016-11-13 17:03:14
I dream brushing the dirty wall of shower and i saw my father and a lady in that dirty bathroom .and i saw 4 long centepede.trying them to spashing with a water to chase a way.. and my father look so happy to me beacuse im very patient to brushing and cleaning the dirty wall
A nnoymous 2016-10-01 15:28:01
What does dreaming of yourself and daughter been thrown of toilets by people you don't and end the dream by finding water and showering all this toilet and feeling disgusted.
Tricky 2015-06-14 08:01:36
I had a dream, that I have surprising guests at my place. I was afraid the toilet bowl was filthy, so went to the toilet to clean it, but the whole toilet bowl was gone.. The toilet was empty.. Apparently my landlord had taken it and now we did not have a toilet.. Confusing. Do you know what it could mean?
Meh 2015-03-22 06:49:02
What if I had a dream toilets were chasing me???
archi singh 2015-02-19 02:50:02
Hi last night I saw there is too much potty in my bathroom please tell me what it means
komal 2014-09-02 01:24:58
Thanks for help.i was too worried.but it is a big relief n better feeling .after reading ur interpretation of my dream which I feel is wright.thanks again
Anil Sharma 2013-12-20 06:38:03
Mostly i saw that i am washing my potty while sitting in toilet,please tell me the reason what does it mean?
Cutekitty 2013-10-14 05:15:43
I've had this dream 3 times but in different locations, the first one was at a mall, the second at a theme park and the third at a sea side festival kinda thing. I always need to go to the toilet multiple times. But these toilets never have any privacy and girls and boys have to use the same bathroom together. And every bathroom features a strange toilet cubicle, it's like a square block with long drop style toilets all around the block. The interpretation about toilets did help but I'd like to know about the no privacy side to it.
SoySauceLuvr92 2013-04-11 14:55:58
So this one time, I was on the toilet and when I look in it, I found eggroll!And then more egroll start appearing!!!!!! The toilet overflow with eggroll!!!!!!!! I try to run but door is locked!!! Eggroll flow over onto floor and up against myself. Eventually, they suffocate me! I woke up and crave eggroll! So I go into my father store and eat all eggroll. He get mad and pelt me with chopsticks!! I bring dishonor to my family!! help me!!! pease!!!
Gem 2013-02-03 08:07:33
I had a dream I was in a ship filled with tourist, I saw a white shark ate up one of the female tourist the other tourist were in the water. I was inside the ship and I saw the shark wanting to get inside the ship and chase me. I went inside the toilet and climb up higher on top of toilet bowls so the shark won't eat me. The shark was at the bottom of the toilet bowl where is as on top but before it couldn't it's mouth I stepped on it and managed to run outside the toilet and run up the staircases for safety.. It wasn't able to chase me ...
Jiu 2013-01-05 04:25:07
Thanks, I mean it thanks I had this in my dreams for long and wanted to check what it means and this feels like just the right kind of interpretation to it, I felt ashamed to check with anyone about it as it seemed to be a matter of further embarrassment to me.

cj 2012-01-05 00:46:44
most of this is true in my case.

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