Dream Dictionary Wedding Dress

Dream Dictionary Wedding Dress


If you open up a dream dictionary looking for information about dream weddings, you may find plenty of mentions of everything from wedding cake to guests to catering. However, rarely is the dream meaning of the dress specifically ever mentioned. Many people mistakenly look at the meaning of dream involving dresses when they want to know all about their wedding dress dream, but the fact is that the wedding dress as a dream symbol is entirely different than a normal dress. While a normal dress in a dream suggests femininity, a wedding dress suggests much more than that, so it is important to look up all of the possible meanings of a wedding dress by itself.

There are two different dream meanings for a wedding dress that are the most prominent. To wear a wedding dress in a dream, that takes place during a wedding suggests that you are evaluating your relationship with your partner, especially if the dress is the focal point. If the dress does not matter as much in the context of the dream, and the wedding is what is emphasized, then this usually relates to a desire to explore oneself, and the unity of your own beliefs and ideas. However, the dream interpretation of a wedding dress usually suggests what you'd imagine a wedding would suggest. You are considering your partner, and the relationship that the two of you have built together.

Other possible dream interpretations rely on who is wearing the wedding dress. If for example, you are at the wedding of someone else in a dream, and they are getting married while all you can focus on in the dress, then you may be feeling envious of someone. This is particularly important if the woman getting married in the dream is someone that you recognize. You are probably jealous of her.

If this person is wearing a wedding dress outside of the normal context where they would usually be wearing a wedding dress, then you are probably dreaming about this because you feel inferior to this person. Again, this interpretation is much more important when the person is someone you recognize. You are probably harboring secret feelings of worthlessness when comparing yourself to this person. If you happen to be the one wearing the wedding dress outside of the normal context though, then it is very likely that you are putting yourself on a pedestal, o thinking too highly of yourself. You see yourself as the type of person that deserves to be admired and adored, and it is because of this that you are dreaming about wearing a wedding dress, which makes you the center of attention.

As potent as the dream interpretations regarding marriage are, dream interpretations involving wedding dresses are just as important. The wedding dress should not always be ignored in favor of interpreting the significance of the marriage, especially if the dress was elaborate, or a major focal point of the dream.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Wedding Dress

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Pika 2020-09-10 13:56:51
Hello! My name is Pika. I’m talking to a guy. Recently, he told me he had a dream that we got married. And so I asked him, “what were the main colors?” He said, “red and white”. I was wearing a red wedding dress and he had on white. I would like to what it means when someone else dreams of you in a red wedding dress? I’ve got one description that was about bad intentions and another about passion. And now I’m confused.
Tracy 2019-11-08 20:56:30
I had a dream that there were two people looking for somewhere to get married and for some reason my moms house in florida where I grew up was offered to be the spot were they got married but then later in the dream it seems as though we were celebrating a type of bar mitzvah and then there was a dresser that is in my baby's room now like in real life but in my dream it was first next to the kitchen at my mother's house and the top drawer had a box filled with a bunch of money so much money while I was in my room putting on a wedding dress and then at some point in the dream I stole some money from the box and I try to hide it and then I did hide it but also during my dream my fiance Manny was supposedly out of town but at the party it was like there was his exact twin except taller and I was like cheating on him with him it was weird because they were exactly the same only the one I was cheating with was taller and it was like I was in love with him he had a better attitude and I was happier with him and I don't know why when it's the same person as Manny same looks except for the Tall part but they looked identical and I told him about the money and then for some reason the next part in my dream the dresser got moved to my old room in my mother's house and then for some reason the window kept being opened in my old room and I was in a wedding dress like the whole time like the whole dream and I kept trying to change out of it but people would get in my way and wouldn't let me change and this little girl seemed to have seen me try to hide the money thru that window in my old room and I didn't know if she was going to say something about it but I did my best to close the blinds and close the curtains so she couldn't see me as I was also undressing and taking off the wedding gown which I still don't understand why I had a wedding dress on in the first place at my mom's house then the identical Manny guy came in the room and he came in multiple times during the dream and we would kiss and just you know have fun together and talk and then as I had half the dress on we started having sex but then he randomly had to leave the room and for some reason it was like he was still inside me or somehow his dick was and I continued to have sex with his dick even though he wasn't physically there either way after I was done with that I'll continue to try to get out of the wedding dress then finally I guess Manny came back or twin Manny I should say and he he helped me because some random adult charged to the room to look for the money and this is that the dresser I mentioned that was magically moved to my old room sometime during the dream and so he goes in the first drawer takes out the box of money and says there's some missing and start searching my entire room and I was nervous because I knew I had stole some but he didn't find anything on me and it wasn't until he gave up and said okay maybe you didn't steal anything and he left my room I finally got out of the wedding dress and then twin Manny told me he took the money from my clutch purse and hid it somewhere else which apparently he hid inside of a cigarette box the same cigarette box that my regular Manny keeps his little stick to scrape weed resin from the pipe to smoke and it was weird but he saved me but then towards the end of the dream and I was finally out of the wedding dress and into something regular my Manny shows up and then it was like I had to choose which one to be with even though they were identical except new twin Manny was taller and I couldn't make a decision and I talked to my regular Manny like if everything was normal that we were together and he didn't know about the affair and but in the dream I asked where twin taller Manny lived and he said New Jersey (which is where I was born) and I remember mouthing the words that I would meet him there and then i woke up
Bunny 2018-03-14 12:14:05
I dreamth l was getting married in a white wedding gown and the church was full of unexpected guest but the big excitment was when someone put the veil over my head. I didnt know the person l was marrying whom after the wedding appeared to be very domineering. The reception was in a very small room with no guest.
Annonymous 2017-04-28 15:17:30
What if the person wearing the wedding dress is a man that you don't know????
haricharan 2017-02-25 23:56:26
i saw a dream one beautiful girl putted a wedding dress came down for me
nonny 2016-12-31 00:46:47
Am married but last nite had a dream wearing a wedding gown, I was saying in my dream I want my marriage to be blessed again but my husband never showed up in d church plz what is the meaning
Sumeet 2016-12-25 02:18:19
I dreamt of wearing a white pinned up wedding dress, i am already married...pinning was done by my father bt it was not proper n i was trying to pin it up again..
Trise 2016-12-09 17:30:05
Had a dream that I got married to my current spouse.Family and friends we're their it was a really great even, then I notice I was telling people goodbye and thanks for coming ...and I look to see my in-law in a beautiful dress her in my brother was wearing a dress and was late to my wedding due to getting ready I guess ...the main thing stood out was the dress and her hair being pin up with curles, and my brother lol was wired like he was me ...well it was him as a women put it that way.
Jackie 2016-08-24 07:55:13
What does it mean to dream of seeing a bride running with her dress on fire.
ariya 2016-08-04 03:31:45
I had a dream i saw myself in a royal Blue dress n royal shoes along with other 3-4 girls.And we have been selected from the among the guys from the group or team as i can say.And I saw we were standing on the platform kind.Just wanted to know what this dream means because its not relevant to my job at all as i can say.I want to know exactly what it means.
Creoo 2016-08-01 18:29:10
I dreamt last night, I was wearing a wedding gown, i saw my parents and my future in laws there. My gown was white with mix color of blue i guess and veil on my head. I asked my father what's the meaning of dreaming stuff like that, then he answered me " 'its a sign of death" and right now i am getting paranoid how true is this help me guys this is my facebook Croi zilliac do add me and tell me
Grace 2016-06-23 02:45:34
I had a dream that i was wearing a white goen on my wedding day. But when approaching the venue the groom married another lady. I noticed the groom was an ex boyfriend who died afew years back. What does it mean?

Tes 2016-05-27 09:52:16
I am married for 6yrs but i had a dream I was wearing a wedding gown and saw a white suit laid in bed and i have no idea of whom i marry for. I want an explanation about this dream.
jessica 2016-05-22 20:15:49
I dream of my mom getting married 🙁 it really worries me 🙁
mary 2017-07-02 03:37:30
I dream the sane.. curious
Anon 2016-03-22 07:04:03
I had a dream a couple years ago that I was in wearing a wedding dress but the dress was old. Now a guy about 17 years my age wants to date me. Do you think there could be a link with this dream?
Jen 2016-02-12 14:21:24
maria 2015-12-25 11:57:28
I had a dream where I was looking at the mirror and I was wearing a wedding dress
Trini 2015-11-09 23:00:24
I'm married, I had a dream this afternoon, in my dream I was wearing a white wedding gown and looking at my husband in front of me wearing a white suit. What is the meaning of my dream? please help me to find out the meaning of my dream. Thank you so much!
Ntombifuthi Nkosi 2015-10-22 06:50:47
The focal point of the wedding was the person I'm getting married to a well known celebrity an that it was my aunt that pointed him or suggested I find him and bring him to her house as a date for me and in some sort of a celebration. What does this mean?
Irma 2015-10-09 12:50:13
I had a dream last night of my parents but I seen my mom in a wedding dress and my dad in a tux in a car but then I seen my mother in the backseat what does that mean.
Polly 2015-08-01 12:22:46
I had a dream that I was getting married at my church but I was like 20 years old and I'm 14 what does this mean
moon 2015-10-08 00:16:28
Message from Polly
I had a dream that I was getting married at my church but I was like 20 years old and I'm 14 what does this mean

Maybeyou feel forced to marry before sex? You might meet someone around that time and decide to get married because of your religion.Thats a topic at your church right?

Anna 2015-07-27 16:17:01
I had a dream that I was in my wedding dress but it was gold and it wasn't your normal wedding dress.It was just a very nice expensive gold dress.I didn't like it. What does it meant?
Yessica 2015-07-14 15:47:06
I had a dream, not so long ago, that I was at the shop of wedding dresses and that another woman looked at my wedding dress (it was very curly) and she said that her dress is better than mine. I don't remember her dress but I can remember it being simple. And that's pretty much it. I wonder what it means. And I'm 13...
Sharah 2015-07-06 08:03:23
I had a dream. I was wearing a wedding dress but i am not the bride. The bride was wearung a dress too but not a wedding dress. I dont know why im the one whos wearing her supposedly wedding dress. What is the meaning of my dream?
Janice 2015-07-29 13:14:51
The question I have for you is, were you married when you saw yourself in the wedding dress? If so, you have nothing to worry about. If however you were not yet married when you had that dream, it is a proble. Being in church in a dream is also a bad thing. So don't be fooled by these kind of dreams. These 2 things in anyone's dream is all deception and are bad for the individual who had these dreams. And that is the trurg
eisha 2015-07-07 09:05:28
The same i dreamed too .. nd wana knw about it

Karin 2015-06-10 09:12:17
I dreamt last night that I was in search of my wedding dress, found it and all of a sudden in a church about to get wed, there are people and lots of lit candles, I`m waiting for my groom, but never arrived upon my wakening? What could this mean?
Mary 2015-06-09 15:46:38
I set a wedding date in october and have been having dress dreams. I once dreamed that I went to pick up my dress and they had the wrong one and offerred to exchange it but they didn't have anything like the one I ordered. Recently I dreamed they didn't have the right dress and I had to try on multicolored floral design dresses. I already bought a dress months and it is at my mother's so my fiance doesn't see it...
Annie 2015-07-21 22:36:58
I had a dream that they gave me the wrong wedding dress hit then fixed it and gave me another one. Also, I dreamed that I did not have a veil.... They tried to put flowers on my head to cover it up. Also, my Mon wasn't there (she is still alive) but my grandmother was and she gave me something (I don't remember what it is). And I took it and ran back to the lodge.... I am not getting married.
Shruti 2015-05-30 04:40:30
I saw so weird dream that i had never seen ever. I saw that i am wearing a pretty wedding dress and my mother and every one in my family was telling that i am looking very pretty and i was peeping outside of window there was all arrangements were going for the marriage meanwhile i saw someone sitting in my hall wearing coat pant and he saw looking at me and smiling and all were telling that he is the one whom I am getting married. Its was so horrible dream for me. Plzz tell me its interpretation. I can't say this dream to anyone as i am feeling so bad in telling this to anyone. Is this a bad omen?
Tiffany 2015-05-14 17:50:33
My mother is dreaming about wedding dress, what does
this mean?
Miss Sasa 2015-04-29 06:48:39
okay this is my weirdest dream ever because i am only 11yrs old and i dreamed that i go to my teachers wedding well its upcoming this may 17 2015 and i have my best friend with me and we were taking some pics then i was like sitting down beside a tree and im wearing a beautiful wedding gown and my hair was in a side bun and with a flower in the middle and theres a guy who was like so crazy for me and then i look back then i saw him removing his SHIRT and i was like start running because i got scared then i waked up please can somebody tell me if they dream like mine and please answer if you know what it mean 🤔
laica 2015-04-22 19:59:49
..my boyfriend dreamnt about me not attending our wedding..what is the meaning of that.??? we are planning to get married this year..

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