Dream Wedding Marriage

Dream interpretation Wedding and Marriage


If you are inclined to stay single, then you may well find yourself having a hard time believing that this dream may indicate happy times ahead. On the other hand, if you have gone to weddings and enjoy celebrating someone else's union, then you may feel more comfortable with this interpretation. At the very least, you can look forward to some joy in your life without fearing that you will soon be dragged off to the altar yourself.

General Dream Meaning: Wedding and Marriage

As a general rule of thumb, dreams of a wedding indicate that you can look forward to some happy times ahead. While they may not last very long, they may be a welcome reprieve from various strains and tensions that you are dealing with now.

A wedding may also indicate that two aspects of your inner landscape are about to merge, or evolve into something new. Depending on the kind of things you want to do in your life, this can be very positive and rewarding in the long term. If you happen to be getting married in the dram, it may also indicate that you are becoming more aligned and comfortable with various aspects of your daily life.

How Dream Symbol Wedding and Marriage may Fit in your Life

In many cases, when you are dealing with dilemmas in your life, you will wind up trying to make a choice between opposing solutions. This, in turn, can leave you feeling like you will never be able to reconcile your own mind, let alone the situation itself. When you dream of a wedding, you will have a chance to look at the opposing sides of yourself in terms of union instead of division. From that perspective, a new answer may emerge that will give you a certain degree of happiness in the near future.

A Sample Dream, Wedding and Marriage Dream Interpretation

Consider a dream in which your daughter is getting married. Even though you feel happy about the union, you cannot help but think of how quickly the years have gone by. During the wedding, your thoughts move along to a social gathering you are planing with some friends. This, in turn, reminds you of the fact that you are not as happy being around these people as you used to be. Unfortunately, you remain torn in deciding what to do about the situation. As the couple begin to exchange vows, you conclude that you will go to the next meeting with your friends, and then decide which friends you really want o be with from that circle. From there, you will simply invite them to other activities, and then shy away from the meetings where you are dealing with people that you do not like as much.

Even though this wedding focuses on a family event, your thoughts about friends and your social life are more important. In this instance, you can interpret the dream to mean that you need to find a way to reconcile your feelings about a certain group of people in order to feel happy. Fortunately, the theme of union in the dream carries through, and in the end you find a solution that enables you to enjoy the best of your current social circumstance, as well as make changes in your activities that will enable you to be happy in the future.

Artistic depiction of Dream interpretation Wedding and Marriage Dream interpretation Wedding and Marriage

Comments: Dream interpretation Wedding and Marriage

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MONA 2021-06-21 20:46:39
Right now I m unmarried but I dreamt of getting married to someone from different religion.. but m happy n in law's are nice.. m hindu and in my dream I saw I m getting married to somebody from Islam n its an arranged marriage.. to my surprise this dream I have seen for 3 times.. what does it mean n signify?? Please tell it 🙏🙏
Yarila Cario 2017-09-25 15:05:26
I had a dream that a co-worker was giving me money and was telling me 'Every bride deserves it'. I'm not even engaged, my boyfriend and I been together for 13 years now. Buying a house was our first goal, did that last year. What does it mean??
Ali 2017-08-01 22:17:07
I'm teenager and I've dreamt about getting married at the age of 14 and I didn't know who was my bride but relatives said she looked nice and I'm getting married the next day what does this indicate
Rajesh 2017-05-23 18:55:59
I dreamt of an arranged marriage beginning with ceremonies, where i dont know who the bride is, but its not my girlfriend. Suddenly i realize that i cant be marrying this stranger as am committed to my girlfriend, i run away from there, only to wake up and feel so relaxed that it was just a dream.
Ericka 2017-02-12 13:45:33
I had a dream that I was married and had about 2 or 3 kids to this guy I'm talking to
Rebecca 2017-02-09 09:14:54
O dreamed early am.around 4 am today..i saw my daughter walking down the aisle on her simple white gown..shes veey happy and im happy seeinh all our relatives around on the wedding..what does it mean?
repunzel 2017-01-19 16:42:15
I had a dream that I'm on my cousin house because my female cousin is getting married and on her wedding day there is rain so much that my dress is full of secrets water as I pass from streets to go to there house .
Dimple 2016-12-18 01:33:14
I dreamt of marrying my bf and I am very happy wearing my new dresses n I also saw my mother in law making including my mom making food for all after my marriage.. Both families are happy. What does this mean?
bridget shah 2016-11-14 00:10:14
i dreamt today morning that a day before her wedding, i come to know that the boy is not good.
Cynthia 2016-09-03 09:40:04
For the past two weeks I've dreamed of getting married. But the person I'm going to marry I don't like or don't know. But i say whatever and agree to marry this person anyway. I never make it to the actual wedding in any of my dreams. I just know I'm not happy with the person I'm about to marty
Cathy 2017-01-02 20:13:12
Did you ever find out what this meant? I'm having the same
Maddie 2016-08-24 21:20:12
I had a dream that I married my crush??
Anjal Adhikari 2016-08-23 20:10:17
I didnt actually dreamt abt my marriage bt i saw that one of my girl classmate was my wife. What may that indicate ?

Cierra 2016-06-23 16:02:39
I had a daydream of me marrying someone I know and I could see his face so clear n he was smiling holding my hands it felt so real any sense I hope this does happen.I'm so into him we had an awesome few days together at his estates..fingers crossed
Anna 2016-05-17 15:50:53
I dreamt of getting married to someone but i didnt saw his face, before my wedding started my ex showed up he's just looking at me but didnt say anything and then I hugged him. What does this dream mean?
sandy 2016-05-09 11:53:46
Dream of my ex was looking towards me and him was getting married to another woman.I had a dream earlier that my marriage was stopped by my friend.
Ally 2016-03-29 17:20:09
My husband had a dream that he got married
Lilian 2016-02-07 20:49:10
I dreamt i was giving people my invitation card for my wedding. What does it mean
Bharti 2016-02-05 19:32:25
I had a dream about wedding dress..we go to shop wedding dress before a day of marry nd I did not like any dress...what does dis dream mean??
Sarah K 2016-01-25 16:08:05
I had a dream of marrying a stranger. Travelling on the wedding bus to the party venue. We passed my boyfriend running. My family was saying isn't that .... I realised I had made a terrible mistake and it was my boyfriend I loved and wanted to spend my life with him, not the stranger I married. Guess I will never find out why I dreamt that.
Cece 2016-01-13 09:03:12
This guy that i was seen Just left before Christmas he is in the marines and he got deployment and i had a dream he had email me and told me when he comes Back he wants to get married . It felt so real i Never have dreams
Mary 2015-12-15 22:21:16
I am married with two kids but this morning I dreamt that I was not married and my ex-boy(my first love) came to seek my hand in marriage. What does that mean?
Becca123454321 2015-12-07 00:38:08
I had a dream that I got married to my boyfriend, at this place where our friends hang out. And I didn't have a ring, but we still got married. What does this mean?
flor 2015-11-19 11:38:37
I had a dream of me getting married with a white gold sparkly dress and my hair was in a bun with a gold color hair accessory. It was a rose lace design and I remember saying it was cheap. But I wored it anyway. I felt I looked pretty. But the odd thing about it, was that I was getting married with someone who is already married in real life. On top of that, he either looked like my friends husband or it felt it was him. I knew I was getting married with someone so I didn't think it would be someone I knew during my "wedding". During the wedding I remember making a speech in English and in spanish thanking my parents that were the most important to me in my family as well as repeatedly saying welcome to the family. After, I seen my husband so happy in excitement his friends started to celebrate by carrying and kind of throwing him up to the air. I remember sitting down on a table and smiling up wondering about something either of my husband or a good memory.
janani 2015-11-08 17:35:57
I had a dream that I got married . is their is any problem will come.

angmo khangserpa 2015-10-29 19:43:52
I had a dream last night i got married to my ex bf..what does it mean??
SungAh 2015-10-26 15:30:32
I had a dream marrying my teacher in front of a church. I don't have a crush on him though.
Toni 2015-10-23 13:16:18
I dream about my parents wedding at the church, what does it mean?
May 2015-10-22 18:09:21
I dreamed about getting married with someone I barely know, what does it means?? o-o
nadia 2015-10-16 06:31:58
i had a dream I got married to a stranger what does it mean?
Bam 2015-09-25 08:22:16
I have dreamed that im getting married but not with my current boyfriend but with the other man. It seems like it was an arrange wedding. Im confused what does it mean.

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