Dream Storm Hurricane

Dream meaning Storm or Hurricane


To dream of approaching storm is known to bring sorrows in the already disturbed life. Much similar to the actual storm, these dreams are signs of devastation in particular part of your life. Their effect is generally seen on business or workplace, on health and on relationships.

Storm is the sign of struggle and loss in real life which is known to deteriorate the present conditions of the dreamer. In particular situation storm also represents hidden emotions such as jealousy, anger or some kind of turmoil. In some places it is taken as the positive symbol where it signifies that whatever problems you are facing up are going to end soon and once the storm is gone everything will be peaceful and happy.

General storm and hurricane dream variants associated with their meaning

To see an approaching storm in your dream is significant of the future problems that will bring temporary distress until the storm passes over. To see yourself running and taking a shelter in the storm implies that you will sustain the hardest of troubles and problems in your life. To dream that you are standing in the path of storm and calling it with wide arms implies that you are prepared for any challenges come what may and want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Dreams about storm where you are caught up in middle and struggling to get out of it denotes that you are not ready to accept the troubles surfacing your life. To hear a storm in dream signifies that you will get a bad news about something in near future. Current problems of life may result to dreams of storm that are warning you to be calm and content as the problem will be over soon.

Meaning of storm dreams in your life

These storm dreams are nothing but a signal for a distress in near future but along with it they also signify that this problem is temporary. If you get a storm dream you can realize the importance of such signals to reach the cause of trouble and to remove it. Hurricane also signifies similar warnings about the probable grief coming your way. After having this dream you need to stop for a while and think about the situation rather than rotating in the emotional twister yourself.

A dreary storm dream and its effects

Think about a dream where you are living in a house far away from the local areas placed amongst natural beauty. While you are asleep in this house at night you hear roaring voices around and by a shock you get out of your sleep. Following the sound you get out of the house to see a horrific hurricane or storm reaching towards your house. Until you get time to save and wake your family up the storm touches the abode and destroys it completely leaving you staring awestricken from other side. Storm dreams are more or less of this nature while as far as this dream is concerned it shows a beautiful house getting destroyed in the storm which is the signal of intense distress in near future. Destruction of house by storm is also known for enemy in friend's garb which signifies that you are having a close friend or relative who is having bad intentions about you or your family. Identify that adversary and keep safe distance from him always.

Artistic depiction of Dream meaning Storm or Hurricane Dream meaning Storm or Hurricane

Comments: Dream meaning Storm or Hurricane

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Shannon 2023-04-13 01:47:21
For years, easily over 10 years I’ve been having reoccurring dreams of hurricanes or tornadoes… Unnatural, like in a deserted city of Doral levitated tall buildings and all you can see is tornado after tornado destroying the town in the distance, and I’m with my family barely avoiding them running from one building to the next… other times I will be in a house with my family trying to see if my cats are out on the patio, and one of them gets taken away by the storm and I’m screaming trying to save them, the most recent dream I had was where I was at work and the storm was coming and we were in the back of the generator company closing the bay doors and rotors are latch the last bay door and start walking back inside that hurricane starts roaring the winds pick up it might employee that is behind me I am unsure of what happened to her but all I remember is screaming her name while I go through the doors racing towards my other friend, seeing the front door open and shut by the wind and her scared underneath the counter I rushed to her, I hold her and I start praying… Is the hurricane gets worse, I pray, the wind gets louder, then it gets quiet and a white light keeps flashing slowly consuming my vision and my friend screams I drowned out and I wake up., Those are the types of dreams I’ve had for over 10 years
Amit 2018-10-13 08:04:37
I dreamt that hurricane with roaring thunderstorm not very loud with lightening is passing by from very vast distance & was very colourful like rainbow moving very slowly..it was picturesque hurricane
Lil 2018-09-20 05:47:20
I had a dream a huge storm filled with lightning was coming so I kept running and running until I woke up
Rhonda 2019-07-29 10:34:26
Similar to the terrible storm that was chasing me. I was trying to get everyone to be quite. The storms followed and destroyed when noise was made. It was frightening.
DIMPLE 2018-06-05 18:56:45
I got a dream about Hurricane chasing me and trying to get rid of it.. Am running to find safe place and found it. I made sure water didn't hurt me and finally Am safe. I fought with all possibility to be safe
bob 2023-03-28 14:03:46
you are ruled by fear...you will spend your whole life running...
Jayla 2017-12-07 01:47:05
I had a dream last night where i was running down a steep hill and i had a camera in my hand which i don't own one but i ran down then i tried to get over these trees that looked like they fell down and im somehow randomly on a beach and its sunny and i look around like im looking for something and i look at this fancy house and it looks like it was burned down or hit by a hurricane and i look back and my cousin said Emma said come on i could tell by her lips but she walks away and i run up the hill and i kept falling and i tried to go around the gate that went around this building that didn't work so i had to go the normal way idk why i was scared but i was standing in that path and i was about to walk up the path and i woke up
Stefanie 2017-09-18 03:13:04
I had a dream where i was swimming with other people but then a water tornado or mini hurricane started forming in the pool in which we were swimming until it got bigger and bigger and became very destructive. It ended randomly and i personally thought it was a very strange yet interesting dream. To be honest when the water tornado or mini hurricane started to form i thought it looked beautiful and the sky was clear which made the dream even more intriguing
Idkwhoiam 2017-07-20 10:11:19
I dreamt that me and some else was stuck in a REALLY bad storm but the other person flew away, and as for me I was trying to get into shelter where friends and family where. It was terrifying. Then in another part of the dream we were kinda running away from something then I was on tv then we were in the woods waiting for fire to spread so we can idk what to do! And I was with a boy through the whole dream that I DONT WVEN KNOW.
idunno 2016-12-22 03:43:35
I had dream i call beautiful yet threatening, i had seen in dream , i heard warning about storm is coming run run, ti had looked around i was the only one standing in middle of road, on one side there was water coming towards me on other side wind was blowing very fast, and suddenly rain started the scene was calming but terrifying, after seeing around i had realise my end is close by i will not make out, so given up, but suddenly i have seen some man came from nowhere and given lift in car and draw away, i got scared and get up , i was nicely sleeping in my bad, i become worried because lots of bad thing is happening in my life, i had seen dangerous people surrounding my house, and i had feeling something terribly is going to go wrong in my life where i will be not able to save my self unless miracle happens.
Darkmadden88 2016-12-14 07:44:33
I dreamt i was in Hawaii but every few hours there was a warning for a storm/tornado. So everytime it passed i headed to the beach or a part that was only for the hotel guests next to where I was staying. I saw a lot of boats so i called my boyfriend asked him what was he doing that day and he said nothing why. I replied well theres a lot of boats here i dont know if they are for fishing because today is friday or are they for the tourist/guest. Suddenly another storm was approaching, I could see the really huge dark gray cloud kind of forming a tornado in one part of it, so i ran and found my family. My dad grabbed me and ran i told him to take cover in the cinema and i pointed. We managed to get there in time. After a lot of these storms hawaii decided to do warning everytime a cloud was approaching. Sometimes i was caught in it but ran inside a movie theather and hold myself against the door until i was led inside and i had to hold the doos because the winds were super strong. Then i appeared doing a line for a attraction ride but i was so worried the storm might ruin it. So i asked the guy what happened if we were in the ride and the storm came, he said he will alarm us, stop the ride and find shelter. So i went inside normal and he said no you have to get out. So i ran outside and the door hit me a bit in my arm because it was closing. So i waited for my turn.
madhushree 2016-11-30 19:33:39
I saw a am in a hkuse near the sea..and it was high tide the sea came just soo near the house that the waves were hitting the windows. .and sometimes it was lightening furiouusly..but no thunder..nothing actually hurt me in the dream..i was woth my sister..and when i saw this..i went to my mom to sleep with my sister and the dream was over..
Uhhuh 2016-11-22 12:46:05
I had a dream i was in a skatepark and the next thing I knew there was an announcement that a hurricane was coming. My friends wanted me to hangout but I couldn't leave the building and I was all the way in Florida for some reason (I live in ga). So we were all huddled together like you would remember the drills in school. There was a girl beside me and I thought I would try to talk to her to help recover from social anxiety. I asked something like "so do you live in FL or visiting" and she scoffed (guessing there were more obvious conversation topics at hand) but still replied that was visiting from ga. Somehow this made sense and I already assumed that she was. Shortly after the storm passed.

I almost wonder if the storm and the social anxiety are related because getting rid of my social anxiety has been at the front of my mind recently. It's really difficult to live with and it's been so heavy on my mind it's exhausting. I feel like I shouldn't be stressing so hard about this but I almost feel like I don't have a choice. It's a nightmare. I really hope the passing of the storm means it will go away soon. Also kind of feel like me talking to the girl could have made the storm pass by signifying a decrease in anxiety. I wanna die
leepers 2017-01-31 06:32:16
I have social anxiety/phobia, also. The cause of my anxiety/phobia is my sensitivities toward how I smell, and my awareness/perception of those around me. It is a very complex and perhaps difficult (not impossible) condition to have. Change of how I think has been extremely exhausting and I don't feel confident that it will completely change, but perhaps it will change enough for me to live life. Because of my condition, I have no social life, no job, don't go places, etc....

My dream was clear and succinct. I was in a very nice house where I looked outside the glass accordion doors in the basement. When I looked outside, there was a huge funnel cloud. I could see people running, and some of them were approaching my house. As I was preparing for the event, I invited the people to come inside for safety. The hurricane veered away from my house, and there was great relief.
Sara 2016-10-10 14:16:24
Today I had a dream about night was approaching and I was in my old house with my nephew and sister watching the darkening storm of a hurricane approaching my house. I was with my nephew in the living room and my sister was in her room. Then as the storm was coming my dad comes into the house. But I went to checkup on my sister and noticed the storm from the windows. Next thing you know I was watching the t.v. and news was on right there was 3 tornadoes swirling close to each other and missing my house on the map it was being shown. That's when I woke up.
Anastassia 2016-12-24 19:00:55
i had a similar dream too. its kinda wierd. i feel worried because i heard a news that there is typhoon coming. im scared
M 2016-12-11 00:21:06
I had a similar dream (even with 3 tornadoes) my siblings and I got into a safe but were taken up with the tornado/hurricane and landed eventually... Was this dream interpreter right for you?

Junior Pinon 2016-09-29 06:18:48
I dreamt that i was at the beach with my whole family my aunt's,cousins,everyone in my family we were bearly setting up and i was going into the water when i see a dark dark storm coming our way and it is forming two tornadoes and it was coming fast we quickly got in the car and left half my family on the beach with the storm and when i look back there is nothing just alot of fog and that's when i woke up.I dont know what this means......can anyone tell me what it means.
drew 2016-09-17 08:32:45
I had a dream last night that I was leaving my home with my family, we were all gathered on a bus because there was a hurricane approaching and I knew it would surely destoy my house. I had no idea where we were going but I knew that it was away from the destruction. It was so sad for some reason, I woke up crying.
Kierra 2016-09-08 03:16:54
My dream was me on a shuttle bus with family trying to get back home. We had to take a long narrow trail. Then all of a sudden it started raining and the next thing you know we're caught in a storm and it flooded and wave just keep rocking us back and forth on the narrow path. Everybody is panicking. I'm upset because a dog on the bus keeps biting me so I step on him and he leaves me alone. Then I woke up.
Isabella 2016-08-04 16:41:07
I had a dream where I was on an island and I was with someone I knew. There was hurricane like storms on that island frequently. There was one while I went. We (me and a person i knew) had to stay back because we had to talk to someone I think. We didn't want to miss the ferry that was taking people off the island cause it was the only way off. Anyway we were waiting and a few people joined us. I really wanted to get on the ferry but we had to stay back. Eventually me and all these people miss the ferry. We are all pretty scared. A bunch of stuff happens and the storm never comes.
Jeffrey 2016-06-29 06:59:48
I just woke up to a weird dream, I was out in the front yard of home, and look at the weather from my phone and saw the hurricane and storm icon, then put it away then looked up to the sky looked like a huge storm heading over, for a some reason there were spirals or whatever it was shaped like sprinkles. Lookedup at confused to the point I just woke up. Was wondering what could it mean, is it just the same reasons has its been explained from the dream
Avalon. 2016-06-27 00:45:30
So I was "waking up" in my dream and I was getting ready for work. I drove to work and. I could see it was about to storm. I began to get confused. I got to work early and went to sit in the break room where our homeless workers had been sleeping... But as far as I know I don't work with anyone who is homeless... So I was more confused... They began rolling up the coughts and cleaning u the break room and we heard rolls of thunder. So I went to open the backdoor and the coulds were huvuring right over and we began seeing funnle clouds.. My phone kept freezing in my dream and finally it went to a blue screen. I looked down at my phone and I saw a guy I didtn know and I jumped... I looked back at my.phone and the last next to me held hers up and what she was seeing with her phone camera I was seeing on my screen and what my phone camera was seeing she was seeing on hers I jumped again and then I turned to look out the door and the storm was right ahead of me with a tornado coming right at me. I began running and felt then woke up because I felt I was falling...
When I actually woke up I kept getting storm warnings on my phone and all through work and the lady next to me in my dream was at work with me but that was the first time I had met her...
richard 2016-05-24 05:28:46
i had a dream
Massive Man like as big as a godzilla
Houses destroyed
Hurricane and Tornadoes everywhere
lightning and thunders dropping everywhere
too windy
The maasive man threw pieces of Trees at me but i successfully dodge em all
Erica (a different one) 2016-04-10 04:32:56
Last night I had a dream which started in a storm shelter. Constantly there was a warning being announced for a "Large Hurricane". I was hugging my father and for some reason I had my IPad with me. I didn't dare to use it. Some leaves blew by a window and suddenly everything became cartoony and there was a Girraffe, Elephant, and a Ring Master in a pink cloud. Some guy kicked the animals and they fell and the hurricane stopped. He landed on a building with his wife. He was given a metal which he gave to his wife.
What does that symbolize?
Erica 2016-01-05 05:33:15
I currently live with my fianc , his grandmother and her fianc , and have for awhile. I had a Dream that we were all in the same house together and that it had been raining and I kept telling my boyfriend that the rain will not stick((wired)) and then the wind became harsh to the point we made sure all the doors were shut and windows were locked, it was scary , then the rumbling and the wind became more and more , and so we ran to the basement and took cover , and at this time I am speaking to my mom telling her I love her and she's telling me the same and to take cover ,
Jessy 2016-05-10 13:04:30
Same here too..its start with the rain...i was working in a under construct building, so i go out the building to watch the sky! I saw approaching hurricane i got panic so i hide myself in a safe place, but i almost start crying thingking my families and start to worried then i saw a man with a strong intention trying to chasing me, i didnt even saw his face...
Nathan 2015-10-31 20:03:08
I had a dream where I was in florida with my dad ( I don't know why my dad was in my dream because I'm not having any struggles with him) and we were at the beach together. Somehow we got separated and I ended up at an old church. The church workers were helping infants get to a safe place and I was confused, so I asked to borrow a phone to call my dad. As soon as I called my dad, a very destructive hurricane hit, and everything started to flood. I was not able to breathe and was drowning, and then i suddenly woke up.
irene 2015-10-15 03:36:27
I had a dream last night where I was on a beach and the water was going crazy. Then all of a sudden a hurricane started coming towards me and I was running away looking for shelter. I didn't end up finding shelter I ended up coming across two Pepe I have never seen in my life fighting about something. I dont remember what but I remember there was a lot of yelling. When I woke up it all felt so real. Don't no what this could mean but lately I've been having a lot of unexplainable dreams
wolfvarg 2015-08-29 09:49:48
I had a dream where i was on a ship inside something like a water channel that lead to the sea itself (it wasnt underground- you could see the sky and everything), it was surrounded by buildings to the left and right, but only where i was heading, there was the sea and a storm coming, like a large hurricane or a tornado, it was huge, i remember my mother shouting out that there was a storm coming, and i took a shelter as i jumped out of the ship and out of the water. I jumped on the ground to my left where the buildings are. I remember that the waves werent as strong, but i dont remember what happened afterwards. Right now my mother is on her way to Bulgaria, and that will be a 2600km long trip which will be more than a day travel with a car. I dont know if the storm heading us means something bad, but i hope that they're alright and that God protects them..

alberthd 2015-08-23 23:51:51
Well I dream that i was in my father's house the second floor was in darkness and i know there was something evil hidden in the darkness, so i went to the first floor it was dark also, then i try to turn on the light but won't work so i left the house and walk, i notice that darkness got to my skin and was covering me too, like a dress stick to my body i call to God Almighty for help them the darkness in me started to leave me and I started to see my face and hands, it was gone. but them I look up to the heavens to the sea and I saw a Gigantic Hurricane going around and around and there was many clouds with it, the i saw a woman in front of the Hurricane it look like a Princess for the way she was dress, i saw she has authority like commanding and i notice she was bringing the Hurricane from the sea toward my direction, i only admire her and who she was, i was not scared then i return to continue my life like nothing was happening.
Lain 2015-08-06 03:29:44
i just woke up from my dream, in my dream i was standing in the kitchen. in an old apartment from my teen years i looked out the window as it looked like it was gonna rain, the sky was grey i heard one of my siblings come in, she had just been outside cause there were chickens laying egg's...i didn't really care much for it but i heard a small noise and my little sister began crying, as i ran into the living room my little sister sat near the sofa crying the egg had hit the ground...the lil baby chicken dead, i heard my sister sob ''i put it on the pillow and, he made it fall'' she refered to my little brother who had been sleeping on the sofa his feet must have hit the pillow that knocked down the egg i began crying and my mom came in all 3 of us was crying but my mom said ''it's just an egg, why are u so sad?!'' renembering the chicken's where laying eggs i took my hoodie on and ran outside i saw a girl there too as i tryed to find a warm egg i noticed it began to rain...after it began storming i heard screams not far away as the wind got much heavier almost blowing me away i ran back..with no egg but as i ran up the stairs the wind got to me and lifted me, pulling me up the last thing i saw was the open door to the apartment with my mom and two siblings inside...i didnt make it in so the dream ended...
ellie 2015-07-04 10:14:53
I had a dream last night but it felt extremely real. I was still in my bed and I could hear the thunder and rain outside. I could also see occasional light flashing.this carried on for a while then my brother screamed out for my mum as he doesn't like storms.the whole time this was happening I thought I was awake so after that I had another dream, completely different and when I woke I still thought the storm had really happened. However when I checked the weather this morning it said it was a clear night and then I knew it was a dreAm but it felt so realistic
A 2015-06-07 15:04:05
I had a dream within a dream. In that dream, there was a storm, but not a normal one. It was like a super storm combining a huge supertornado with an earthquake and possibly a hurricane. It was like nothing ever seen before on Earth. My dad opened the front door, in the dream, and was instantly sucked up into the sky. I slammed the door shut, and if you kept the door shut you were safe, but if you opened it, you'd get sucked up too. In the dream, I woke up, and was now in my bedroom. I thought at first that I was actually awake, but things weren't adding up. In the dream, I thought I'd have to keep charging my Ipad while I used it to check some things, because it was at 34 percent. But in real life, I had it in the charger all night, and it was at 100 when I woke up and checked it, so that bugged me in my dream, cause I thought I was losing it, but then I woke up for real, and just laid there for 10 mins to see if I was actually awake or not. It was weird.
Sharon 2015-01-20 14:42:51
its been 7 months now that i am continuously dreaming about storm and tsunamis i never die in my dreams however my family members do. Im so scared as i dream about this atleast once in a week.
Christian Williams 2014-12-29 18:21:42
I had a dream that my father and sister were in the living room with me until the hurricane hit us and they disappeared. The strange part after that was like time itself reverse itself and I was trying to tell them along with my mother now that it is coming we have to leave they just told me it won't but then boom it hits us and they disappear

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