Daily Horoscope May 6

Daily Horoscope for Today May 6, 2015

A negative aspect between the Moon and Mars which will take place on May 6, 2015 will promote tendencies for aggressiveness and uncontrollability. Feelings and emotions may now be bursting through the surface. This is why you should try to not respond to any provocations: you may deeply hurt someone and later regret doing so.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

In the morning Aries may show an outburst of energy due to disagreements with its partner. Try to steer your initiative into a constructive direction in order to avoid extra tension in relations. It is likely that you know yourself the other party will respond with politeness and eventually compromise.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

Taurus' union with its partner today can turn into a competition battle. You may count on your rival's relative honesty and hope that they won't resort to illegal mean ways. However, there is no guarantee that your notions of what is allowed are the same in every detail.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

In the morning hours of May 6, 2015 there is a high chance of a quarrel between you and someone you care about. And even though it is not fraught with serious consequences, you should give more thought to your own role in this event.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

Cancer should be in a battle-ready state staring early in the morning. Despite the danger of arguments, you may accomplish a lot in the first half of the day. During this time stressful situations associated with work or household are quite probable.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

Today gives Leo an opportunity to enjoy life and showcase charm to the fullest. People around you, both of the same sex and the opposite gender, will be fascinated by you and quickly forgive your flaws (which you'll most certainly be able to present as bright virtues).

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

In the morning time a probability of urgent monetary spending required by your personal needs or caused by your partner is getting stronger. At the same time, this is the period of the highest efficiency, entrepreneurism and responsiveness.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

In the first half of the day Libra's partner or competitor is prone to some loud words/actions. Let them speak or openly act and the chances that they will eventually succeed are quite high. On your end, you should try to neutralize others' excessive activeness and avoid provoking their extra initiatives.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

Office or household conflicts of this morning remind a storm in a glass of water. Nonetheless, take temporary complications in communication or joint efforts more seriously. If you don't feel well or are exposed to stress for a long period of time, one single argument can put you on the edge of an illness or injury.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

The morning will give you more courage and ardor. Under the influence of adventurousness, Sagittarius may find it in itself to do something for its future that it would never dare to do at any other given time. You may feel like ignoring all decency rules and break some behavioral norms.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

The morning will require the most of Capricorn's energy. During this time of the day you may be torn between your desire to act and the necessity to observe all obligatory decency rules. The contradiction will not be there for long and disappear completely in the second half of the day.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

May 6, 2015 is a successful day for Aquarius. Moreover, the closer the evening, the higher your chances for success are. In the first half of the day heated arguments can be very enjoyable for you especially if you are genuinely attracted to your opponent.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today May 6

Pisces' day may start with it spending more money than it expected under the influence of the best intentions. Don't be upset: the chances are you'll praise yourself for such generosity or find positive moments in your mistake.

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Comments: Daily Horoscope May 6

B i Ʉ




Cece 2015-05-06 22:32:49
OMG that's so creepy. ...

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