Daily Horoscope September 19

Daily Horoscope for Today September 19, 2017

Change is in the air as Venus makes a move into routine-loving Virgo. This move, combined with the Moon in Virgo, will result in a predominately good-natured but productive energy throughout all aspects of life. If romance does occur it will happen in a very grounded and practical manner, which is good news for some. Emotions will stay within a comfortable and safe realm, making almost everyone feel a certain good-natured ease and relative peace in their relations with others. Mercury remains in Scorpio, so these sensations will be balanced with some strong and intense energy and the need for the truth in all matters of life. Discover what lies ahead for you!

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Someone has been admiring your fire and drive, Aries. Your focus has shifted strongly toward your health and wellness, so don't be surprised if this admirer is a fellow gym-goer or someone in your yoga or cycling class. Few can resist your inspiring charm, and this person is working up the nerve to spark up a conversation with you. Get ready for a love connection!

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Taurus, there is a big focus on creativity for you right now. With Mars, Venus, and the Moon all in your 5th House of Creativity you are eager to create something and leave your mark on the world. You may be thinking a great deal about the contribution you will make to the future and you could even be thinking about whether or not you envision yourself being a parent in the future. These are all big questions and knowing your desires will be key to working it all out!

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

You are feeling very in tune with your home today, Gemini. This is a welcome change for someone who is usually on the go. Take some time to think about what truly nurtures you and re-energizes you. This could be as simple as putting up artwork that you find inspiring or listening to a certain kind of music that really matches what you are feeling. Find a practice that makes you feel at peace and implement it in your home.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

The day has come, Cancer; it's finally time to tell that certain someone how you feel. Venus is in your 3rd House of Communications, meaning you can barely hold in these feelings any longer. Pick a quiet spot where you will have this person's full attention and just speak from the heart. Regardless of the outcome you will have the confidence that comes with being true to yourself.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Leo, you will find yourself lucky when it comes to money today. You have made smart choices recently and have found yourself ahead when it comes to your financial goals. Relish this feeling of accomplishment and make further plans for how you can continue to contribute. Saving for the future is a sure path to happiness.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

You may be feeling a bit torn today, Virgo. Part of you is feeling very comfortable with yourself and who you are, while the other part is urging you to shake things up and make some changes. Try your best to integrate these two viewpoints so that you can truly have the best of both worlds. It's nice to be at home in your own skin, but it's also nice to surprise yourself every once in a while!

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Beware of false flattery today, Libra. Someone has studied you and knows just the right thing to say to get what they want. You're too clever to fall for their tricks so be sure to set them straight. Take the compliment confidently, and then politely tell them you simply cannot help them with their request. They'll soon learn you are nobody's fool.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Scorpios may find themselves surprised by a friendship that's become something more. Maybe you've been feeling the undercurrents of romance too, or maybe this news will come as a total shock to you. Either way, be prepared and perhaps even open to this opportunity. Many of the best romances start from friendships!

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Sagittarius, there is a big focus on your career right now and your notion that you need to move ahead in order to be successful. Try to not get so wrapped up in your ambitions that you lose sight of the bigger picture. You have made so many meaningful contributions and, although they may not have resulted in a promotion yet, they haven't gone unnoticed. Your time will come soon.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Capricorns are focused on exploring their options today. Perhaps you have a big decision on the horizon and you want to make the best choice possible. No one can fault you for doing your due diligence, but don't get so wrapped up in minute details that you lose sight of what's important. You're really only looking to satisfy one need, so keeping an eye on that singular goal will make decision making that much easier.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Aquarians may find that they have outgrown something near and dear to them. This could be a hobby they used to enjoy or even a friendship that once blossomed effortlessly. Sometimes, life is about gracefully letting go of things that no longer serve us. Take heart; every ending makes room for a new beginning.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today September 19

Your marriage or partnership shines today, Pisces. Venus has moved into your 7th House of Marriage and Partnership, putting romance front and center for you. You and your loved one will benefit from some time together doing what you love most! Romantic partnerships are truly one of the greatest pleasures in life. If you aren't connected, it's a perfect night to get out there and make it happen.

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