Daily Horoscope September 24

Daily Horoscope for Today September 24, 2017

Today is all about seeking knowledge and expanding horizons. The Moon moves into Sagittarius, bringing with it a welcome shift to somewhat more light-hearted energies. There is still the prominent need to seek the truth, but it is coupled with a more philosophical viewpoint and a healthy dose of humor. Venus is still in practical Virgo, so love connections should be stable at this time. This won't be a time of rapid changes, rather a time to sit back and enjoy what you have. Discover what's in store for your sign, below!

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

Aries, today is a great day to expand your horizons. The Moon has moved into your 9th House of Mental Exploration. It's a great time to plan that trip you've had your heart set on. Travel energizes you, and you love nothing more than jet-setting to far-off locations. You are enriched by other cultures, and your personality and well-being are sure to be nurtured from such travels.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

You have been thinking a lot about something or someone that no longer serves you, Taurus. Deep down inside you know it's time to let go but you are finding it difficult. Take comfort in the fact that this doesn't have to be a final goodbye; rather, this person or thing may simply be transferred to a different place in your life. Change is inevitable, but we can control what we keep close to us.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

Geminis may find themselves feeling especially emotional today. This is an uncomfortable realm for someone who usually thinks with their mind and not their heart. It pays to show your softer side sometimes, and those close to you will enjoy knowing exactly how you feel for once. Don't shy away from feeling the love today!

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

You have a certain idea of how you would like a project to go, Cancer. You're not usually one to take charge in these situations, but you fear that things are destined to go horribly off track. Use your signature kindness and finesse to gently take things over, one step at a time. You will be happy you did-and so will everyone else!

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

Leos may find themselves inspired by a great idea today. The Moon is in your 5th House of Creativity, prompting you to effortlessly come up with a solution to a long-standing problem. Share your knowledge and be sure to take credit for thinking of this idea. You'll receive praise and adoration from everyone, which is sure to make you feel wonderful!

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

You may be called upon for your emotional support at home today, Virgo. Someone close to you needs to open their heart to you, and you should make yourself available to this person. Put all other obligations on hold for now and let them know they have your undivided attention. It's time to tend to the relationships that mean the most!

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

Libras may find themselves being brought to other people's problems today. You have enough on your plate as it stands, but people are fond of involving you in their disputes because of your level-headed nature. If you feel you can be rational about the problem, offer your advice! You do have some of the best insight around and others could surely benefit from some clarity.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

You may feel distrustful of a loved one today, Scorpio. This person has been dishonest in the past and you are having some trouble moving on from this breech in trust. You may be over-reacting in this instance, though. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, and they could certainly deserve a second chance. Try to loosen up a little bit.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

Sagittarians may find themselves feeling very in tune with themselves and their needs today. You have been so busy spreading your energy to others, but don't be afraid to say "no" today and focus on yourself. You have some personal matters you need to attend to and they need your undivided attention. So politely tell loved ones you'll have to take a pass-they'll understand!

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

You may be feeling a little down today, Capricorn. The Moon and Saturn are both in your 12th House of Self-Undoing, bringing with them a wave of critical emotions. We all have periods like this, and we can often learn from them. Try not to wallow; instead, identify the problems and find practical solutions. You will find yourself feeling better in no time!

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

Aquarius will find that tonight is a great night to reconnect with friends. Plan that night out on the town you've been craving and allow yourself to let loose! There is not better medicine than laughter, and your group of friends will be full of energy and good times. Sometimes it's necessary to put fun on the agenda-you won't regret it!

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today September 24

You are feeling thrifty today, Pisces, and you're out to save money at all costs! Do your research on the best bargains and deals out there, but don't let this impulse affect your quality of life. You are responsible and have sound judgment when it comes to your finances, so give yourself a little wiggle room. Life is a balancing act!

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