Daily Horoscope October 5

Daily Horoscope for Today October 5, 2017

The full Hunter's Moon rising in the sky tonight, along with the Venus and Mars in conjunction. Today is the perfect day for everyone to cautiously but aggressively reach their target goals. Embrace both your Venus and your Mars today, your capacity for love and your capacity for confrontation. Seek what you need to reach the high point of your life's journey. Today is a day full of promise and possibility.

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Venus and Mars might be together, Aries, but your Mars is shining brighter. Today, make the decision to embrace your measured aggressiveness. The Apple is there for you to pick it, if only you are willing to reach.

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

The Hunter's Moon directs you to take a walk on your wild side, Taurus. Do something that surprises even yourself. Your daring may spark a new romance, or set the stage for a future career change. You're going to fear energetic and energized. Don't waste it!

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Gemini, seek a new understanding of something that's puzzled you for a while now. Be open to changing your mindset to match reality. This is the true path to making your dream come true. Yellow looms large today.

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Some unexpected demands on your time might set you back a little today, Cancer, but finish what needs to be done and move toward acting on the conjunction of Mars and Venus. How you spend your time is how you spend your life.

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Leos will find success teaching for fun and adventure today. Embrace the opportunity to try a new hobby or activity. Today is a good day to visit a new location. An Aries in your life will try to assert their power. Give them a little space, but don't be a pushover, either. Today is a wonderful day to snack on something extra healthy.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Plant something today that will grow into something special tomorrow, Virgo. While everyone else is attacking through the Hunter's Moon, you'll do better planting the seed for further results. The best hunters know they need to leave something left for next year. Don't overdo it. Step aside when someone seems out of control. They'll rely on you to sustain them in the future.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Mars and Venus in conjunction mean big things for you, Libra. Will you take on the aspects of Mars, or will you lean more toward Venus? The good news is that you can find success in either direction today, if you're willing to commit. Don't overlook any opportunities.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

For Scorpio, today's full moon means romance. Venus looms larger for you than anyone else. You'll be the romantic inspiration for your relationship. Earn the love you're seeking by being honest and giving, and it will return to you ten-fold. Surround yourself with positive energy. Wear something with a flash of orange to grab just a little extra attention.

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Don't fight it, Sagittarius. You can put together a collection of wonderful today, if you're just willing to set aside your expectations and resentments. Cast aside the anchors that have been holding you down. Remain open to the real beauty around you, and there's a chance for both romantic and professional advancement. Look for an opportunity to make an important presentation.

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Where walks Capricorn, today, walks someone in charge of their destiny. Your legacy is yet to be written. How will you take advantage of the positive energy the Hunter's Moon is sending your way? There are more good things ahead for you, if you're willing to stay the course.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Today is a good day to wear red, Aquarius. Use it as a badge of honor, announcing that you're ready for anything. Don't shy away from the attention your accomplishments have sent your way. Find a way to offer help to an enemy. Today is an especially good day to try a new food that you can put into a permanent rotation for your diet.

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today October 5

Work through your decisions by making a pro- and con list today, Pisces. Through some logic, you'll find the right path to take that leads you to your desired destination. Mars and Venus both work to push you in the right direction. Make an honest assessment of all the elements that go into your decision, and you won't go astray.

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