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Birthday Horoscope

for April 14th

If your Birthday is April 14th and your Zodiac Sign is Aries

April 14th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 14th of April are believed to be self disciplined and methodical but more rebellious than most rams. This particular day has the designated astrological planet Mercury as its ruler bestowing you with your quick and sometimes critical mind. If you have this birthday your nonconforming nature is a believer in social justice and full of
wholehearted enthusiasm for life. You usually prefer to follow your own path but are not bossy and respect others for their individuality. Neither a leader or a follower you are innovative and careful in your thoughts and actions. You are generous and warm with a sharp intellect and an abundance of energy. Individuals with an April the fourteenth birthday are likely
to have a family orientated empathic temperament. A touch of natural curiosity makes you attracted to new or unusual things and seemingly question everything. It can also cause you to be occasionally restless and a little cautious.

Work and Finances

Work areas found attractive to a person born on the fourteenth of April are usually those that have a real purpose. You are
gifted with many versatile talents and learn quickly allowing the opportunity to be able to choose from a wide variety of positions. Your regard and concern for fellow human beings along with a lack of importance placed on possessions sees you sometimes drawn towards charity based or voluntary jobs. You are generally quite good at ensuring that your usual incoming
and outgoing income is evenly balanced and even manage to save. Financially you are destined to be particularly lucky.

Personal Relationships

For an Aries, the person born on the fourteenth day of April is typically fun loving and sociable yet untypically a bit oldfashioned concerning romance. Your conventional approach and emotional caution can ordinarily stop you rushing impulsively into personal relationships. You seem
to seek a partner who has qualities that make up for your own perceived deficiencies. Natural open communication is one of the essentials you need in a loving partnership, a soul mate must appeal to both your mind and body. In a long term relationship you aim to do everything possible to keep the spark alive with your other half. You
will be imaginatively playful, adventurous and passionate in the bedroom despite your slight fear of intimacy. A perfect match for you would be with someone who has shared interests and are a best friend in addition to a lover.


Health complaints experienced by a person born on April 14th are as a rule fairly infrequent as you try to take your well
being seriously. You often own a strong constitution but others may consider you somewhat fragile as you are prone to getting stressed easily. Your proneness to get into over anxious states can incite the nurturing spirit of those around you. As you are likely to be concerned about your overall appearance staying youthful looking with the right diet and exercise is
an important part of your routine. Accepting the signs of aging could be problematic for some people born on this day.

April 14th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are probably within the social awareness, persuasive mannerisms and powerful presence you possess. These traits and your high degree of empathy compliment each other and present you as an individual whose generosity and focus are well directed. Mentionable personality weaknesses for those born on April 14th coincide with your rebel side. While this can
be positive it also provokes you to display highly agitated or hesitant behavior on occasion. This negative conduct is often displayed more regularly if you are especially tired or worried about something beyond your control.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 14th of April does not usually make you a keen goal setter with specific targets to achieve. Any of your planning
and aims for the future however will be focused and purposeful despite not having set aspirations. Money and recognized accomplishments are not as necessary to you as the need to be emotionally happy. This desire for emotional contentment reflects in your goals and dreams and helps you accomplish worthwhile things personally and for the benefit of others. By avoiding making definite
objectives you are free to follow your instincts to find life happiness and satisfaction.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fourteenth day of the month the one and five in your birth date generate a Root number of Five. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Inquiry' highlighting your inclination to analyze objects and anyone you come
into contact with. The Tarot card closely associated with your birthday is the 14th, representing Temperance. This symbolizes your positivism, wisdom and skill at controlling your passions. A sparkling Diamond is the gem considered luckiest for April the fourteenth birthdays and should be worn to increase wealth, concentration and relaxation.


Generalized descriptions of the personalities of Aries people are formed by
the known influences of the planet Mars. The actual day you were born on, the fourteenth of April is astrologically governed by the celestial body Mercury. Therefore it is this combination of cosmic forces that determines your zodiacal uniqueness and difference from others with the same star sign. Your organized preciseness and energetic disposition all assist you to make your mark
and progress through life without too many problems. When your intellectual nonconformity can be utilized positively it sets you apart and get your opinions across. If you can beat your tendencies to criticize and hesitate unnecessarily it should improve your success. A couple of final applicable thoughts for people born on April the 14th is to not be afraid of changes
and learn to take chances once in a while.

April 14th Horoscope Comments

Wow they got me on point here! =)

[ la Cecilia ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true... I see myself in those words...

[ Dimakatso ] [ Post Reply ]

Its like reading a biography of myself except its not really a biography lol just so weird reading comments of people who share the same thing and birthday lol we have a party and get happy birthdays the same time of year yeesh

[ Jorge Arreaga ] [ Post Reply ]

April hate September especially September 9

[ Ghel ] [ Post Reply ]

So true...it actually described me perfectly

[ Monique ] [ Post Reply ]

So so accurate..me in a nutshell. So.interesting

[ michelle ] [ Post Reply ]

This are so accurate

[ Femi ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi I am able to see in words what are written here it is very great thingtosee in this world

[ Dharam veer prsad ] [ Post Reply ]

wow this is accurate..everything here describes all about me and my guy

[ lavida ] [ Post Reply ]

It's so true....

[ Anita ] [ Post Reply ]

Its damn true...

[ Manzar ] [ Post Reply ]

Definitely they must have studied people born on this day,because it is so darn accurate.

[ Indra ] [ Post Reply ]

this describe me fully and exactly amazed how it could be so true

[ spr98 ] [ Post Reply ]

This is me to a t. Actually quite scary how accurate these are. So interesting to read

[ Miss clio ] [ Post Reply ]

This thing got me freaking out so damn MEEEE

[ Bella ] [ Post Reply ]

You really hit the point and you just described me exectly.

[ tahlil ] [ Post Reply ]

not so accurate and not so wrong. its 50-50 ?)

[ masum ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow so accurate its not even funny

[ Shannon ] [ Post Reply ]

It is really me, i mean it talks about who am i

[ Kraitley Kart ] [ Post Reply ]

Crazy accurate.....comforting to read

[ michelle ] [ Post Reply ]

You made some really good points that are on point. The one error with regard to the number five which should have been four create doubt and a lack of interest. Otherwise, you hit the nail on the head about my lady! Good reading!!!

[ Real Talk ] [ Post Reply ]

On this day my love riya had born so i should gave her a couple of kiss attach her to my heart because we need to link up very fast

[ riya jiju ] [ Post Reply ]

I could tell you right now thats my entire personality in a big ol TEXT BOX

[ DC Awesomness ] [ Post Reply ]

scarily accurate

[ nikolette ] [ Post Reply ]

This was pretty accurate for me!

[ Stephanie ] [ Post Reply ]

Not completely.half right half wrong

[ anonymous ] [ Post Reply ]

In section where you are describing birth number sum one and four, you might wanna change five to four :)

[ SAmeer ] [ Post Reply ]

This was amazing, it really maid me think and maid me want to do more and move forward. This was the perfect way to explain myself when I can't, cause its confusing , it maid everything really clear :D

[ Der Moua ] [ Post Reply ]

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