Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for April 8th

If your Birthday is April 8th and your Zodiac Sign is Aries

April 8th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 8th of April are believed to be quite self assured and adamant yet shier and more cautious than other rams. The ruling astrological planet that governs this particular day is Saturn making you likely to be idealistic but also realistic. If you have this birthday your go getter temperament is a lover of challenges and
filled with creativity. Your high levels of determination and humanitarian outlook direct you to be highly motivated and keen on righting wrongs. You have an inventive mind that has fanciful ideas but your common sense and practicality help focus your sense of direction. Although you are usually loyal and dependable the expression of inner feelings is something you may find difficult.
Individuals with an April the eighth birthday are naturally calm and unselfish but can sometimes be impatient and critical. You are good at learning from mistakes but unable to accept assistance from others easily.

Work and Finances

Careers where you expect to be regularly challenged are usually favorite choices to a person born on the eighth of April. You are inclined to be
very practical with a preference for order and balance so jobs involving care, research or utilizing a talent are often the most suitable. As far as finances are concerned you tend to cope with their management well and try to keep spending sprees within your budget. You are fairly adept at saving especially when it is for something that will make
life easier. Even though you are skilled at spotting money making opportunities you will rarely take risks financially.

Personal Relationships

For an Aries, the person born on the eighth day of April is typical in their strong desire for a special soul mate to share life with. Your abundance of self sufficiency and slightly reserved emotional approach are unlikely to deter you from
seeking a long term relationship. The idealisms you possess are high in romance situations and fidelity will be an absolutely essential requirement in a loving partnership. A full stable love commitment sees you at your most secure emotionally and when you are as a rule completely contented. This feeling of security helps you to flourish in all other areas of daily
living. A perfect partner should be able to encourage you to once in a while forget about working and relax and have some fun. In a loving partnership you are ordinarily passionately natured and usually adventurous in the bedroom.


Health issues experienced by those born on April 8th are frequently treated as a top priority as you really value your healthiness. You
understand and practice the importance of looking after yourself properly and monitoring changes. People born on this day commonly own a constitution that has better mental endurance than physical. This often includes the gift of great willpower and the ability to deal calmly with the majority of circumstances. One weak spot to watch out for is the possible tendency for your
bones to be rather fragile requiring you to ensure that calcium intake is adequate.

April 8th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

The main strengths of your character are highlighted in the ethically led, giving and responsible frame of mind you are bestowed with. These characteristics and your loyalty allow you to find following rules and standards easy and gain you a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy. Personality weaknesses for those born on April 8th center on both the softness
and coolness of your emotions. You are prone to be every now and again a bit too self sacrificing, extreme in your behavior and act detached. These negatives seem to break through much more if you are burdened by extra worry.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 8th of April endows you with lots of perseverance, fortitude and a will to succeed.
When it comes to goals you are even more enthusiastic if the accomplishment of them has results that satisfy your moral code. You are neither a quitter or grumbler and will just get on with things if you believe strongly in the value of achieving them. You usually show the same enthusiasm in dreams focusing on your desire for a
successful relationship and a happy home life. You also have a wish to travel to other countries and attempt to do something significant to benefit the welfare of others.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the eighth day of the month your birth date generates a birthday Root number of Eight. This numerical association has the keyword 'Leader' emphasizing your
self reliance, composure and sensible caution. The Tarot card connected to your birthday is the 8th in the Major Arcana deck representing courage and this depiction highlights your moralistic strength. The precious stone considered luckiest for April the eighth birthdays is thought to be a black Pearl. Wearing this gem close is imagined to evoke mental alertness and bring about
a sense of general positivity and happiness.


Astrologically the planet that is assumed to have the greatest influence on all Aries personalities is Mars. The actual day you were born on, the eighth of April is however in Astrology ruled by Saturn's planetary forces. The mix of these cosmic influences helps determine your originality and separate you from your zodiacal counterparts. Your
bit of shyness and hesitancy allow you to calmly assess and evaluate circumstances before acting and learn from experiences. You have both feet on the ground, are full of persistency and motivation and try hard not to let your ideals get in the way of your opinions. An ending advisory thought for people born on April the 8th is to learn
to express yourself more openly can lead to boosted contentment.

April 8th Horoscope Comments

I know someone born April 8th and this description is uncanny.its like you've met her.

[ Tom adang ] [ Post Reply ]

Do all of you have talents? many talents because I'm wondering if we all shared sorts of natural talents? I am a carpenter and I know my Stuff! I'm a welder,fabicrivjatoor, sheet rocker, the best lol, I make stiff out of wood like hopechests beautiful one!! I carve axe handles ,I work with leather!
I'm good at almost everything I do

[ William ] [ Post Reply ]

I consider myself to be a talented musician and singer, but I am also quite crafty. I have successfully worked a table lathe, band saw and belt sander !;)

[ Ella ] [ Post Reply ]

Felt good n yellow my birthdayians....

[ Prsn ] [ Post Reply ]

I know I m born to succed but now its proved ..

[ Mex ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm so happy to see lot of guys on april8 nd who think familiar might be we r from different parts around the world but we celebrate day April 8 !;)

[ Vijayprakash ] [ Post Reply ]

Very similiar and true how strange

[ Ivana ] [ Post Reply ]

Spot on! I feel my biggest challenge is overcoming my aloofness. Find it challenging to show my true colors with the opposite sex a lot of times.

[ Solomon ] [ Post Reply ]

birthdate 4/8 1963

[ John Solomon ] [ Post Reply ]

True that

[ Coolcat ] [ Post Reply ]

This hit home glad our birthday on a Friday this year payday

[ Joseph ] [ Post Reply ]

You forgot to mention how breathtakingly beautiful and modest people are that are born on April the 8th. Cheers!

[ HeatherB ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm so happy to share my birthday with so many amazing people! Hurray for 8th april-borns!

[ OJ the fiesty ram ] [ Post Reply ]

wow so true.....hahah

[ sue ] [ Post Reply ]

True picture of me there. Great people of 8th April.

[ leo ] [ Post Reply ]

I m myself Pridictor. .... so I knw abt me and others vryclearrly

[ sia ] [ Post Reply ]

sooooooooooo true

[ syyyy ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg I love you guys!!!!

[ Kaayn ] [ Post Reply ]

I knew I was born to be great

[ Cisko ] [ Post Reply ]

Ohh lord how could you just know..how we April 8th born are in reality...very word is like us...u know us somehow...its just impossible..how cud u know our inner self.

[ JITENDER SINGH ] [ Post Reply ]

really unbelievable.....true about me:):):):)

[ jess ] [ Post Reply ]

April 8th is also Bodhi day in Japan! We're in good company :-)

[ Jnana ] [ Post Reply ]

I knew I shared Birthday With Some great People Here YOU ALL ARE......:D :D :D :D :D :) !;) !;)

[ Chhitiz ] [ Post Reply ]

Sounds like they're speaking of me:)most accurate one I've read so far.

[ Gypsy grl ] [ Post Reply ]

True that ;) ^

[ Amanda ] [ Post Reply ]

Sounds kinda like me... Creepy

[ NCR ] [ Post Reply ]

Weirdly true..the bones part,leader and expressing ourselves more openly

[ Tyler ] [ Post Reply ]

Hmm... You are right and really make a lot of meaning to me..

[ raheem ] [ Post Reply ]

Born to be great. thnks fr inspiration

[ prince ] [ Post Reply ]

i used to confuse with my attitude when I compares with others shows 180 degree opposite.Now I can understand after reading the horosope.

[ prasanta ] [ Post Reply ]

this is really true..........unbelieveable

[ nimish ] [ Post Reply ]

true :) #relate

[ gem ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow really sounds like me! Very true.

[ Callie ] [ Post Reply ]

Perfect study ,it is quiet true .

[ Drr ] [ Post Reply ]

So true...

[ amos ] [ Post Reply ]

This is me,right to te core.

[ otrue ] [ Post Reply ]

that is me every word. My life is very mysterious I'm really enjoying it and shout out to everyone that was born on the 8 april god is with us

[ jahmai Mitchell. ] [ Post Reply ]

Very accurate and now I am left to live up to it.

[ Chris ] [ Post Reply ]

yep i think it is true....

[ Yakuza047 ] [ Post Reply ]

Very accurate!

[ Julia ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true it describes me in every way because i am so shy and hesitant

[ tesha ] [ Post Reply ]

I cant understand myself.

[ itzcool ] [ Post Reply ]

Its actually true...realy I get laugh reading this.....

[ tina ] [ Post Reply ]

this is very true, as if you made a study of my life

[ Joune ] [ Post Reply ]

this is actually quite true

[ Fab ] [ Post Reply ]


[ tei ] [ Post Reply ]

My birthday is on that day and i also agree =)

[ Emilia :) ] [ Post Reply ]

I cant help but laugh at this while reading. This is difinitly true;) can i ask something is it true that yourb name itself is connected to your personality??

[ redshane ] [ Post Reply ]

Quite intrigued at reading this. Its so true.Thank you for the advices. I'm bookmarking this page for further read.

[ Hugoe ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes this is true i agree with this i pray good that my life will be full and fill of colours

[ shobha ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes this is true i agree with this i pray god that my life will be full and fill of colours

[ raghav ] [ Post Reply ]

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