Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for August 1st

If your Birthday is August 1st and your Zodiac Sign is Leo

August 1st Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 1st of August are believed to be jovial, open and focused with the usual zodiac Lion enjoyment of luxuries. The ruling astrological planet selected for this particular day is the Sun, the same ruler of your star sign, intensifying your warmth and generosity. If you have this birthday plenty of self esteem, wit and impulsiveness
makes you loveable but also occasionally arrogant and thoughtless too. Assertive and highly persuasive your warm heart is full of loyalty and you are likely to always stand up for things you believe in. You are charming, creative and stylish with an energetic optimism and the determination and ability to bounce back quickly from any setback. Individuals with an August the
first birthday are self sufficient but they can sometimes be very demanding and dependant on others emotionally. You will usually view the world as it is without any illusions or overly high expectations.

Work and Finances


a suitably paid and stimulating job may be difficult to a person born on the first of August. You can have a competitive element in career choice
and will ordinarily go to great lengths to work for an income to facilitate your desire for a luxurious lifestyle. Your skilled talent of persuasiveness directs you do especially well in sales, marketing and advertising professions. Your financial management plans will usually involve the allocation of some saving funds for the future. An impulsive streak in your temperament can once in
a while disturb your usual good intentions to save.

Personal Relationships

For a Leo, the person born on the first day of August is typically friendly and easily approachable with an idealistic view of romance. Your sociable charm and touch of perfectionism can guide you to be sometimes prone to disillusionment concerning love unions in your youth. Loving and naturally protective you tend
to need a partner who is frank, uncritical and understanding of your continual need for affection, appreciation and attention. Despite the confident proud front you normally display you seem to require frequent emotional reassurance from a soul mate. Expressive and broad minded sexually your strong lustiness can prompt the occasional episode of unintentional selfishness in bed. Passionate, giving and
loyal you are particularly receptive to flattery and can often be flattered into submission by it if your fiery temper surfaces. A perfect partner will keep you calm and quell your primary insecurities.


Illness experienced by those born on August 1st has the possibility of being initiated by your tendency for arrogance regarding healthiness. Your presumption that health takes care of itself
and you know your own body and mind best may cause you to miss or ignore warning symptoms. As you are inclined to be careful bordering on fanatical about your diet and rather active it is rare for you to have issues over weight. People born on this day commonly experience lower back and foot based pain and problems as these
are your weak spots, posture is important and excess stress can trigger this susceptibility.

August 1st Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strength of character that outshines all your other fortes is your skilful way with words. This favorable trait is joined by your cheery openness, wittiness and determined realistic focus and drive. All these positive qualities enable you the potential to be quite successful in life. The principal personality weaknesses for those born on August 1st are
the tendencies to be tactless and self centered. On these infrequent occasions you can be temperamentally sulky and difficult.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 1st of August usually grants you a sense of preferable directions and plenty of motivation to succeed in your working life. You may find professional goals a breeze but emotional growth and contentment are often a little
harder to achieve. Aspiration achievement in relation to emotion or spiritual enlightenment appear to gain you the most satisfaction. Financial security is important to you for peace of mind and it will feature every now and then in some of your dreams. Other yearnings while dreaming may be for ways to express the kind and generous side of your nature.

Birthday Luck
and Significance

As you were born on the first day of the month your date of birth is granted a special Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' highlighting your persistence to accomplish as much as possible in life. In the Major Arcana Tarot the 1st card depicting the Magician is associated with your specific
birthday. This reflects your shrewdness and diplomatic manner and viewpoints. The lucky gemstone selected for August the first birthdays is a Ruby to be worn for added courage and mental clarity as well as dispelling negativity and bad fortune.


Astrologically our Sun is imagined to be the greatest influence in determining the probable traits of all Leo personalities. The actual day you
were born on, the first of August is also governed by the Sun's power accentuating the usual typicalities of your Lion symboled individuality and increasing your levels of passion and benevolence. Your jolly dependable disposition and notable resilience to delays, difficulties and disappointments will help you retain your cheery character and will serve you well throughout life. Your charm, style, assertiveness
and realistic outlook is coupled with lots of dedication and belief in your abilities. Attempting to be less egotistical in your mannerisms and more tactful in your dealings with others can make you even nicer than you already are. A concluding thought for people born on August the 1st is to learn the art of compromise and beware of building
animosity. These two suggestions if followed should prove to be favorable improvements that will help your overall progress.

August 1st Horoscope Comments

Happy Birthday to all my fellow August 1st Leos! Hope it as AWESOME day for us all!

[ T ] [ Post Reply ]

amazing, it was like, it sees through me. THank you!

[ Michaela ] [ Post Reply ]

someone create a group already. our birthday is fast approaching

[ Njoki ] [ Post Reply ]

That's all me August 1Wish to join the August 1 club

[ Olivia eeleh ] [ Post Reply ]

Even add me to this group.01.08.1996 Whatsapp: +918826755106Fb contact : lathashishagarwal@gmail.com

[ Ashish Lath ] [ Post Reply ]

show me my star

[ m.ali ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow this matches me mostly in not really into lots of attention and I dont always need support just in hard times. The part where I can bounce back quickly from any setback is also true I was close with my dad but he is in jail now and I bounced back very fast from it I also have a creative mind and
I'm a very nice person and I have passion for nature even though that's not in there. And I have a few problems with how the world is. I also have a sense of adventure

[ Alicia ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG! That's really true :) I'm a august 1

[ Jonadee ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazingly true!!!Add me to August 1st club. My number +919886157657

[ Vishwa ] [ Post Reply ]

hahaha that's really ture , i would like to meet all august 1st celebrants . that's my whatsapp number 00212660058119

[ kary ] [ Post Reply ]

Fucking true.hahaha I hope we have august 1 club.I wanna meet other august 1 celebrants too.Dm me in IG or snapchat :marjthefirstWhatsapp: +9710569493309

[ Marj ] [ Post Reply ]

Well, I must admit they came pretty darn close to hitting nail on the head. All of it pretty much describes me. Surprised at how many others think so to. Wish I could meet some other august 1 people. I am 1964. It was a good year!

[ james ] [ Post Reply ]

Thanks God for giving me life and birn on august the 1st im so thankful to my parents and do keep praying that the good Lord will guide and keep me forever... To God be the glory :love:

[ caring ] [ Post Reply ]

I thank God that now I know who I am Leo forevere . Please let's form a Leo club and have more lean and teach others .thanks to all

[ Jonathan ] [ Post Reply ]

yah,it's like talking on my life.

[ faith swan ] [ Post Reply ]

I can jokingly be arrogant..but never purposely . I hate arrogant people

[ D.H ] [ Post Reply ]

All the characters are true and i need to work on it to be perfect.

[ Miracle ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG, this sounds true......lol. Happy birthday to me and all Leos

[ Tony ] [ Post Reply ]

I am also born on 1 august and this personality fits me perfectly and today is also my birthday

[ Abbas ] [ Post Reply ]

Sooooo love my bday :-) Aug 1st 1979

[ Talle ] [ Post Reply ]

i am a August 1 leo & this is all true lol

[ nadia ] [ Post Reply ]

Am augst 4th Leo,I welcom all Leo to join the Leo The Lion group on whatsapp.This is just to get to know each other and communicate with people who you share a lot of things in life.. Watsapp me through +255768963915.. ROAR!!!

[ Charles ] [ Post Reply ]

Describes me perfectly, eerie stuff lol

[ Josh ] [ Post Reply ]

When I will get marry and what will be the first letter of my wife name

[ pranjal ] [ Post Reply ]

:) This is definitely me

[ Damarea Kneifl ] [ Post Reply ]

Every bit of every word is me :(

[ Olivia ] [ Post Reply ]

All Is Correct As Far I Am Concern ..!!!!

[ umar bazaz ] [ Post Reply ]

What, me self centered? I think you have the wrong person..oh, no wait that's me. :cool:

[ Queen ] [ Post Reply ]

My 2 year old son is August 1st, and this already sounds like him.

[ Scorpio father ] [ Post Reply ]

buisness problem :angel:

[ fahima ] [ Post Reply ]

This was soo on point.....

[ Heyy ] [ Post Reply ]

I am charming? I did not know that.

[ Dayzs ] [ Post Reply ]

what has been said is how i am a women who is born on the 1st of August, some things are maybe not in me maybe others are like that but most of it is how i am.

[ neeno ] [ Post Reply ]

Would I get buisness and money

[ Greg ] [ Post Reply ]

i want to know about me.

[ haseeb ] [ Post Reply ]

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