Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for August 23rd

If your Birthday is August 23rd and your Zodiac Sign is Leo

August 23rd Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 23rd of August are assumed to be highly creative and versatile with the typical Virgo virgin streaks of perfectionism and independence. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day and zodiacal group is Mercury enhancing the probable speed of your thoughts and communication. If you have this birthday, clever and nimble with your hands you
usually adopt a rational and analytical approach to life. You are often so focused on body and mind that you tend to class your emotional feelings as second priority presenting you as occasionally aloof. This slightly selfish impatient front hides the caring, sensitive, compassionate and sociable sides to your temperament. Individuals with an August the twenty third birthday are intensely observant
with skill at visualizing, a charming sincere manner and sophisticated tastes. Unassuming and true to yourself you ordinarily understand and try to practice the concept of give and take.

Work and Finances

Job preference to a person born on the twenty third of August is commonly directed by your potential for restlessness and strong need for variety. An enjoyable occupation must provide plenty
of frequent and stimulating challenges as well as appealing to your penchants for efficiency and attention to detail. You seem to prefer to work in a team sharing responsibility rather than alone but make a great group leader if you accept the opportunity. You are able to cope quite well on any level of income and if you have an above
average financial status you will be very generous sharing your good fortune.

Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the twenty third day of August is typically enthusiastic about romance and keen on the commitment of marriage. Despite your outwardly unemotional stance, resistance to dependence on another and private disposition you strongly seek the security of a permanent loving union. A
wonderful listener, you need to be needed and usually yearn for a relationship based on true love, friendship, equality and respect. Although you greatly value your privacy and personal space and dislike depending on someone, you are also immensely thoughtful, kind, loyal and devoted to a soul mate. Likely to be undemonstrative with affection and cool emotionally in public you are
often the complete opposite in the bedroom. Sex talk about trying something new or unusual along with gentle massage are some of the best arousers of your ardent passion.


The general healthiness usually experienced by those born on August 23rd can sometimes be disrupted by your tendency to keep emotions bottled up. In spite of your likelihood to follow recommended guidelines for
staying healthy an emotional upset of any sort will often disturb your usual vitality. You are fairly fond of exercise and this has the double benefit of being an effective method of releasing surplus tension and keeping you in fine shape. People born on this day could have bad reactions to excess sugar in the diet causing possible skin eruptions and
a proneness to episodes of moodiness.

August 23rd Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are seen within your efficient, quick and dexterous deportment and high levels of observancy. These qualities and your additional fortes of generosity, creativity, charm and sincerity help you have a positive and productive outlook and attitude and many friends. The personality weaknesses for those born on August 23rd are displayed every now and then
especially when you are feeling insecure, overly tired or particularly stressed. These negative tendencies can include self centered detachment, aloofness, snappy responsive actions or demonstrating an air of annoyance.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 23rd of August guides you to draw upon your practical, methodical and organized attributes with everything you attempt to do. As you are inclined to learn
from experiences and these lessons can be utilized quickly when necessary for the achievement of goals. Your abundance of enthusiasm gives you lots of motivation and is accompanied by faith in your skills and capabilities. If you are sidetracked from an ambition you are sure to resume your efforts as soon as you can. Your emotions may not be as prioritized
as other wishes yet dreams often feature your craving for inner stability and happiness.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty third day of the month the two and three in your birth date grant you a Root number of Five. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Inquiry' relating to your speedy thought processes, perceptiveness and
communicative spirit. In the Tarot deck of the Major Arcana the 5th card symbolizing the Hierophant is associated with your birthday. This is a sign of human understanding and identifies your natural care and kindness to others. The luckiest gem for August the twenty third birthdays is a Diamond, wear one for increasing finances and generating positivity.



probabilities of all Virgo personalities
are believed to be astrologically influenced by the ruler of this zodiac set, the planet Mercury's authority. The actual day you were born on, the twenty third of August is also ruled over by this same celestial body intensifying your dexterity and grace. Your versatility, cleverness and independent actions and views are a perfect match for your unique blend of modesty
and sophistication. Your imaginative vision and detailed focus seem to steer you in favorable directions. If you can conquer your few insecurities and try and prevent build ups of anxiety it can minimize oversensitivities and tone down ego related behaviors. A closing thought for people born on August the 23rd advises avoiding succumbing to the numerous materialistic captivations connected to life.
Instead endeavor to explore and concentrate on discerning your deeper levels of individuality and expression as knowing yourself better should gain substantial rewards.

August 23rd Horoscope Comments

it's matching a bit with me & my character but I'm a Leo. belongs to 1st decan with Leo sun & moon. Why it's only described as Virgo's

[ Mohan ] [ Post Reply ]

So very true, all comments...love who I am and embrace the combination. I have always wondered why I was so different than the traditional Leo (which I claimed for most of my life). To my fellow cuspers, leovirgians...so special are thou!

[ Kathy ] [ Post Reply ]

Hehe!Congo to ol my fellow mates born on 23rd August! Yeah v r special

[ Shaira ] [ Post Reply ]

My cute little son was born on this day all you august 23rds are so charming and cute. Leo/Virgo most adorable.

[ Kitty ] [ Post Reply ]

So all brilliants were gathered here in posting comments V all hav same qualities seen to being here interesting

[ Dinesh ] [ Post Reply ]

Pretty, pretty good!

[ Matt ] [ Post Reply ]

Whoa. Not a big believer in horoscopes but have been doing a lot of soul searching and started to look. Found this.*Gasp* this is so eerily, spot on. Glad there's more of you who feel the same!

[ Trish ] [ Post Reply ]

All above mentioned statements Wer true it belongs to all of us proud to b born on Aug 23 "Born for others " is our slogan

[ Dinesh ] [ Post Reply ]

All this is so true,foreal

[ Shelly ] [ Post Reply ]

Now I know that I'm 2 zodiacs instead of 1. I'm loving it so far.

[ jinohyui ] [ Post Reply ]

A lot of people say I can't be both signs. . Yea sure I was born on the cusp. I love being both signs, two personalities in one can't get no better than that!

[ Lori ] [ Post Reply ]

~Happy Birthday my fellow august 23rd Leo/virgos ~ isn't it great to be both. We are a lucky bunch , appreciate your duel nature. In business it shall bring you far. Not only a go getter but meticulous in anything you are responsible for. Wishing everyone a great year 2015~2016 XxOo

[ ~Teresa ] [ Post Reply ]

I do not believe in astronomical calculations determining one's characteristics. BUT this is so absolutely true. I could help smiling when i read this as i am also 23 aug born, if that is not evident by now. ;)

[ Chi ] [ Post Reply ]

i am a Leo by exact time and latitude of birth, but I have almost all the characteristics of Leo and Virgo; therefore, shopping is a real argument with myself when my Leo self wants to buy something that my Virgo self thinks is an impractical purchase.

[ Patricia ] [ Post Reply ]

How do you get this information

[ dougy ] [ Post Reply ]

accurate and yes frustrating to never know if I should read Leo or virgo horoscope. However defiant people seem to tell me what I am. I just chuckle.

[ jamie ] [ Post Reply ]

Indeed. We are both!

[ diana ] [ Post Reply ]

This about 95% true creepy or not.

[ neal ] [ Post Reply ]

its seems like people born on this date is confuse like how website says sometime Leo and sometime Virgo

[ sammy ] [ Post Reply ]


[ grace ] [ Post Reply ]

Usually when I read articles on horoscopes. It seems like i am a mixture of both a Leo and a Virgo. Then, again I was born on the cusp. :cool:

[ Liz ] [ Post Reply ]

Oh my... This is freaking accurate I can't even....

[ Kendy ] [ Post Reply ]

People say I'm a Leo but I act like a Virgo so which one am i

[ Ahsha ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg this was a slap in the face spot on description of me blown away

[ rory ] [ Post Reply ]

In reading this, everything is so eerily on point. As if the author knew me personally. I also identify with both Leo and Virgo traits and tend to piss folk off in claiming both. I just secretly smile and take emmense joy in knowing its just one of the many things that makes me unique! :angel:

[ Niki ] [ Post Reply ]

Its actually scary at how right it is about me

[ dustin ] [ Post Reply ]

m I Virgo r leo?? plz tell me, but I observe that I have both stars qualities

[ bani awan ] [ Post Reply ]

You are both you were born on the cusp

[ allie ] [ Post Reply ]

Its annoying when some webistes says you're a virgo and other says I'am a leo horoscope

[ sharon ] [ Post Reply ]

I love being a virgo/leo !

[ jazzi ] [ Post Reply ]

Cool... That is totally me!

[ Jayshine ] [ Post Reply ]

when you are feeling insecure, overly tired or particularly stressed. These negative tendencies can include self centered detachment, aloofness, snappy responsive actions or demonstrating an air of annoyance. 100% TRUE AND ILL WORK ON THEM

[ Monwabisi ] [ Post Reply ]

I just couldbt breath i rekate to everylast one of does and hard to believe

[ lamar ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Kunal ] [ Post Reply ]

Much of this describes me so well. Thanks

[ Karen ] [ Post Reply ]

I think this is on point. I really identify with some of the things, but I can also identify whit some Leo traits. I always read both. Since in some magazines or news papers or even online sites put me as a Leo or a Virgo.

[ Eric ] [ Post Reply ]

I do the same, sometimes feel I relate to both

[ Zoe ] [ Post Reply ]

So are we Leo's or virgos? I'd love to know which sign in my weekly horoscope I should be reading...or should it be both?

[ Zoe ] [ Post Reply ]

Im 23rd august but def a leo

[ katie ] [ Post Reply ]

Sums me up to a tee.

[ Meg ] [ Post Reply ]

I found there were lots of things which wre right and I am realy glade to read all the things Good job done

[ Avinash ] [ Post Reply ]

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