Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for August 25th

If your Birthday is August 25th and your Zodiac Sign is Virgo

August 25th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 25th of August are believed to be intellectual and charming with the sensible, practical friendliness akin to all Virgo's. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Neptune gracing you with noble principles, quick thought and sharp judgment skills. If you have this birthday your requirement for plenty of mental stimulation gives you a
natural thirst for learning and challenges. Your kind caring temperament guides you to like helping others but your independent streak and dislike of advice directs you to insist on doing anything your own way. Highly communicative and full of creative talent your fairly confident front often tries to compensate for your inner self-doubt. Emotionally you are inclined to be quite open
yet you can also be complicated and demanding of constant approval too. Individuals with an August the twenty fifth birthday are usually not adverse to changes and commonly keen on travel.

Work and Finances

Work choice is often easy to a person born on the twenty fifth of August due to your heaps of destined practicality and common sense. As an intelligent hard
worker you are able to quickly turn your hand to most tasks and ordinarily aim to be continually improving on your strongest abilities. Occupations with the opportunity to move up to managerial positions are popular options. Your chosen profession should ideally offer some financial security in addition to long term stability. You are normally rather frugal with money matters and this
thriftiness rarely seems to alter even if you earn a high income.

Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the twenty fifth of August is typically sociable and somewhat reliant on friendships and personal relationships for emotional support. Loyal and sympathetic yourself you are usually more interested in pleasing than being pleased but you must feel that your devotion is fully
appreciated. You tend to be cautious and unhurried before committing to a soul mate and will commonly consider the commitment of marriage very seriously and maturely. Loving and considerate you require a great line of communication from a perfect partner who excites you mentally as well as physically. Your sincerity, romantic approach and aura of sexual charisma usually diminish your tendency
to be critical or tactless once in a while. Your touch of creativity is often expressed in your lovemaking where you are likely to be sexily innovative and adventurous.


The usual sturdy state of health experienced by those born on August 25th can be influenced by your current psychological state. If you are emotionally unhappy this is speedily reflected in your energy
levels and overall healthiness. As you try to follow a healthy lifestyle regarding diet and moderate exercise any minor fluctuations in your well being are likely to be shortlived. People born on this day may need to discover effective ways to relax to calm their susceptibility to stress and its related symptoms. Regular relaxing breaks will prove beneficial if you have
a particularly stressful job.

August 25th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are revealed best in your principled intellect and energetic charm. These positive fortes present you as clever, capable, interesting and fun without seeming pushy. Your commonsensical awareness and chatty, helpful kindness make you a wonderful friend who can get along with almost everyone. Recognizable personality weaknesses for those born on August the 25th expose
the needy insecure traits you have the inclination to possess. These negative tendencies of possible criticism, thoughtlessness and carelessness can increase in frequency with lack of sleep or meal skipping.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 25th of August is assumed to fill you with an abundant supply of independence, purposefulness and disciplined conduct. This gives you motivation to set the required
direction and management plans for goals in motion towards a desired accomplishment. In your youth the aspirations you are likely to have will be connected to worldly concerns but in later years your attention is drawn to more spiritual objectives. Your longing to go traveling far and wide often features in your dreams in addition to your desire to find an
ideal place to live as a base for achieving your future hopes and wishes.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty fifth day of the month the two and five in your birth date equalize a Root number of Seven. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Mystery' pinpointing your intense yearning to learn especially relating to
metaphysical matters. The 7th Tarot card in the Major Arcana depicting the Chariot is linked to your birthday. This is a symbol of your skill at getting what you want and also identifies your likelihood for some degree of uncertainty too. The lucky gemstone for August the twenty fifth birthdays is Jade for assistance with concentration and relaxation.


The planet Mercury is
thought to be astrologically responsible for determining the probabilities of all Virgo personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twenty fifth of August is governed by the celestial body Neptune's influence. Hence this specific pair of planets are considered the primary authorities on your probable uniqueness. Your admirable practicality and astuteness can sometimes make you appear maturer in spirit
than your true age. Your affable nature and openminded receptivity emphasizes your genuine protective regard for others. Lessening your insecurities with extra rest and regularized nutrition should allow the potential tiny faults in your character to be minimized. Two concluding thoughts for people born on August the 25th offer advice for making the most of yourself. These suggestions are to get
to know and like who you really are and do not waste energies on needing approving comments, stepping out on your own every now and then will be enlightening.

August 25th Horoscope Comments

Yes....I love people and I am always very kind but I love, love, love my own space. I don't like being around people all of the time. I like to quietly reflect on problems and try to solve them myself but sometimes feel insecure and keep asking my spouse "what should I do?" All in all, I think I'
m very confident and a very hard worker!

[ Debra ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm surprised at how accurate this is!

[ C.W. ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow this freaked me out it's actually pretty accurate about me lol I'm gonna save this

[ Jenna ] [ Post Reply ]

i may be a oddball here but the travel thing it's not my thing but be settled down.Neither i'm much sociable myself, not 'cause i can't make friends but enjoy my own space?everything else was accurate.

[ cap moon, pisces rising ] [ Post Reply ]

Pretty on the money, I was born on 25th of August. My intentions are to travel (witch i have been doing for a few years), then find the perfect place to live, and the perfect girl for me.That was an awesome read.

[ aaron leghissa ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, I can't believe it ! This really explains a lot about my personality ! This sounds so much like me ! Amazing! (08/25/16) I am turning 38 year's old ! =)

[ Nichole Winger ] [ Post Reply ]

Its amazing how they exlained it all straight from A-Z..i love it

[ Asha ] [ Post Reply ]

This is exactly like me and I wouldn't have it any other way.

[ Phil ] [ Post Reply ]

exactly like me

[ Muhammad hamza ] [ Post Reply ]

wow! glad to see so many me(s).. lol .. i love it.. :) love ya'l..

[ sempo ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly like me

[ ujala ] [ Post Reply ]

hahahaha very true

[ JP ] [ Post Reply ]

Hmmmm all well said. This is really me

[ Olabisi ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg this is so true . I'm glad I know more about myself

[ Skyy ] [ Post Reply ]

They forgot short tempered

[ Sela ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Sela They forgot short tempered
Yes..,Correct.. And Have a great birthday.. My Friend

[ Md Ansaar ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Caleb ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday everyone of us -enjoy your day!

[ Larry ] [ Post Reply ]

This is amazing. All are well said! :like:

[ tayl sunbo ] [ Post Reply ]

True..someone who finally understands me :like:

[ Lorraine ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday Lorraine

[ Harleen ] [ Post Reply ]

We're cool dear...

[ tayl sunbo ] [ Post Reply ]

True and almost right!

[ Clifford Peter ] [ Post Reply ]

That's very true

[ Shahzain ] [ Post Reply ]

Its a great feeling to know more about what it really means to be born on the 25 of August Looking forward to this Big Day I pray that may the good Lord keep me

[ Mano ] [ Post Reply ]

soOoOo true :angel:

[ nicole ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Secret identity ] [ Post Reply ]

This seems to be true :love: :like:

[ Adaisah ] [ Post Reply ]

Its me to a T! Life is so beautiful!

[ jade ] [ Post Reply ]

This is realy me because is 99% true

[ Iddrisu Awal ] [ Post Reply ]

99% true

[ mary ] [ Post Reply ]

that amazing ,all r true for me

[ thirihaymar ] [ Post Reply ]

God bless to ul!I' m pleased and amaze of my horoscope... Its really me., though i don't normally believe on it but what i have read are ul true. More power!

[ wendy cuyos magdadaro ] [ Post Reply ]

:cool: that's true.

[ ayla ] [ Post Reply ]

Thankeeeee! :angel: =) :D

[ Bria ] [ Post Reply ]

Thanks !;)

[ rea ] [ Post Reply ]

I love u. Thanks

[ Christian ] [ Post Reply ]

It was really good to know information regarding your date of birth basically everything about you

[ rosy ] [ Post Reply ]

Greetings,I just randomly typed my birthdate in "search" thinking what is the significance of it exactly and my distinct behaviour behind it. This article explains so much that I have come over the years have discovered and have not yet realised yet..till now. So thank you this has led me to take o
n a new ordeal. And hopefully help me be true to myself as a person. :) :angel: :ups: :like:

[ Reaa ] [ Post Reply ]

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