Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Zodiac Signs

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Fortune telling

Birthday Horoscope

for July 15th

If your Birthday is July 15th and your Zodiac Sign is Cancer

July 15th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 15th of July are envisioned to be strong, ambitious and determined yet like all crabs commonly fearful of hurt, disapproval and rejection. The ruling astrological planet designated for this particular day is Venus gracing you with lots of natural charm and elegance and a strong but sensitive nature. If you have this birthday anticipating the
moods and actions of others is one of your fortes and you will usually enjoy sharing possessions and ideas. Orientated by family you are naturally hardworking, enthusiastic and responsible with a strong sense of duty to society. You are highly observant, analytical and cautious in your approach to life and likely to possess a modern optimistic outlook. Individuals with a July
the fifteenth birthday are fairly intuitive, imaginative and clever but they can also be inclined to be prone to occasional crabbiness and often have a slight selfish streak too.

Work and Finances

Rate of pay is an important consideration in career choice to a person born on the fifteenth of July. Your high ambition gives you the need to feel adequately financially rewarded
at work in spite of your sensibilities of socially dutiful responsibility. Your interest and understanding of human psychology often directs you towards lucrative occupations that utilize these skills. However your ideal job is likely to be something that is simply an extension of one of your many hobbies. When it comes to finances the caution within your character ordinarily guides you
to be both careful and sensible.

Personal Relationships

For a Cancer, the person born on the fifteenth day of July is typically rather sweet natured, affectionate, romantic and sentimental. Your slightly perfectionist view of love and romance can be somewhat unrealistic and you tend to sometimes rush into a relationship without guarding your emotions. Your high expectations and a few bad experiences romantically
do not seem to dampen your spirited perspective and hopes for blissful harmony with someone special. Companionship and total devotion with a soul mate are essential personal requirements to make you feel complete and contented. In a committed long term union you are usually tender, responsive, loyal and highly protective of your partner. Lusty and erotic your sexual desires are
destined to be refined and you aim to please your loved one equally in and out of the bedroom.


Some health issues experienced by those born on July 15th may be linked to your tendency to often overindulge in your diet. You appear to adore all aspects of food and really enjoy choosing, preparing, cooking and eating a wide variety of different
cuisine. You are normally a whiz in the kitchen but you can be tempted to binge on your favorites. The weak discipline of people born on this day also steers you to sometimes get by on inadequate amounts of sleep. This lack of rest can aggravate your proneness to be crabby as it can impact on your concentration and you are
unable to think clearly.

July 15th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are best perceived in your top levels of optimism, determination and enthusiasm. These positive traits are wonderful attributes that are greatly influential and inspiring to others around you. Additional strong points are seen in your intense intuition and excellent imagination accentuating your already keen observancy skills. Personality weaknesses for those born on July 15th
are mainly confined to your sporadic tendencies for selfishness and darker moods. Your idealism in some areas of life may cause you some problems and maybe hinder your overall progress.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 15th of July means that getting along well with others and finding the perfect relationship are two of your primary goals in life. Your professional aspirations
will usually have to take a back seat to the attainment of emotional happiness and stability. Further objectives could include numerous materialistic type gains in order to satisfy your yearning for a luxurious lifestyle. Dreams are likely to frequently feature visions of you saving up for or winning the possessions you crave. Your earnest perseverance is of fantastic assistance towards all
desired accomplishments.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fifteenth day of the month your birth date numbers calculate to a Root number of Six. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Social' identifying your longing to interact effectively with close companions and share your knowledge and resources. The 15th Tarot card in the Major Arcana symbolizing the
Devil is associated with your birthday but this is not a bad sign. It merely reflects your ability to overcome constraints and fears to follow your destined path. The lucky gemstone for July the fifteenth birthdays is Turquoise, wear it for courage and possible prosperity.


Our Moon's authority is believed to be the greatest influencer astrologically on the probabilities of all Cancer
personalities. The actual day you were born on, the fifteenth of July is governed in an astral sense by Venus's proximity explaining your tiny differences from other Cancerians. Your stylish refinement seeps through into every part of your temperament especially in your intellect, tastes and perception. Your enthusiastic, caring and warmhearted disposition believes in the power of positivity and helps you
remain hopeful of a rosy future. If you can manage to detect the triggers to your moodiness it could regulate the frequency of their occurrence. A last thought for people born on July the 15th advises you to exploit your talents to favorable ends. Trusting and following your moralistic instincts should serve you well. This single improvement can have a substantial
effect on almost anything in your life so it is worth analyzing to discover how these sullen moments can be minimized.

July 15th Horoscope Comments

Not all me bt not bad!!

[ Atiku ] [ Post Reply ]

Totally me..wow..

[ SHUR ] [ Post Reply ]


[ suggest me a name of islam ] [ Post Reply ]

description of me totally..im calm very warm hearted &sociable  

[ Mashirima ] [ Post Reply ]

Excellent one you really identify it accuratelythank you and remain bless

[ Christian ] [ Post Reply ]

Don't really know if it's me, I've always been able to indenting with Scorpio more....

[ Alex ] [ Post Reply ]

Good one

[ Meens ] [ Post Reply ]

Its amazing how accurate this reading is. It really describes my beautifully. Thsnk you

[ Dina ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazing how accurate this summary of a July 15 spirit is. Thanks for the insight and the lovely description. It is spot on!

[ Merrell ] [ Post Reply ]

Sounds just like me too! Do you ever feel like it's hard to find people who can relate or keep up with you mentally? That's what gets me down. I feel like the things I think about don't translate well to others.

[ Lele ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Lele Sounds just like me too! Do you ever feel like it's hard to find people who can relate or keep up with you mentally? That's what gets me down. I feel like the things I think about don't translate well to others.
Ok. No.

[ Hermes ]

Accurate...to the other 15th of July bday buddies out there, Happy Birthday guys! Make it a great year

[ Christy ] [ Post Reply ]

Yup!! Surprisingly it's me.

[ Moonchild ] [ Post Reply ]

wow, described me tto a tee! I always knew I was slightly different from the other cancers.

[ micchelle staddart ] [ Post Reply ]

If this is true (I belive it is) then I am 50% happy with life now instead of 25%!!!!!!

[ Snakebite ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow! I'm so impressive...except when I'm selfish and sullen. :ups: Oh well, something to work on. =)

[ Janet ] [ Post Reply ]

well that was impressive but i am the opposite of some of those things :angel:

[ annomynous ] [ Post Reply ]

So true

[ Annomynous ] [ Post Reply ]

Yaa actually that's me :D I'm selfish but I love it Accept me as I amHehehehehe!!!!!

[ Himani kapoor ] [ Post Reply ]

Its very helpful to deside my destiny.thank u so much

[ akanksha ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow. very accurate.

[ Danny ] [ Post Reply ]

True, this brighten my grey day.

[ Juliana ] [ Post Reply ]

Absolutely true, it described every thing about me, I'm really pleased.

[ Rita ] [ Post Reply ]

Very true. I make mountains out of mole hills.Moodiness...Yes!

[ Kim ] [ Post Reply ]

true it is :) totally describe me :)

[ Dushyant ] [ Post Reply ]

They are all true N correct


so nice. :)

[ raize ] [ Post Reply ]

But if it's on the Internet it must be true lol

[ Horsesh*t ] [ Post Reply ]

was reading through n it's saying the truth.

[ James ] [ Post Reply ]

It's ridiculous how accurate this sh*t is. Scary actually

[ chris ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazing facts

[ Cyrus ] [ Post Reply ]

most of think's are very true

[ sakuveera ] [ Post Reply ]

Good :love:

[ Diana ] [ Post Reply ]

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