Daily Horoscope

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Zodiac Signs

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Birthday Horoscope

for June 11th

If your Birthday is June 11th and your Zodiac Sign is Gemini

June 11th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 11th of June are believed to be highly intuitive and original with they typical Gemini tendencies to think and act quickly. The ruling astrological planet dominating this particular day is our Moon making you likely to appreciate beauty and have a loathing for conflict or clutter. If you have this birthday a strong belief
in your senses and opinions can present you as a little egotistical but gives you an ambitious leadership quality. You are usually very intelligent, courageous and decisive but can also suffer from nervousness and find it difficult to relax. Individuals with a June the eleventh birthday are ordinarily guided by emotional feelings rather than intellect or logic and often have a
dislike of owing anything to anybody. Tranquil and creative you are great at communicating ideas and tend to rely on hunches. Despite this you are full of foresight and good at spotting and making the most of opportunities.

Work and Finances

Favored occupations to a person born on the eleventh of June are generally work that revolves around your streak of creativity. Although
you possess the skill to lead others you often much prefer working within part of a team. Your ambitions seem to lie more in discovering an enjoyable ideal career instead of simply generating an income. Money matters to you but doing a job you enjoy is just as important. You are usually quite skilled at managing your finances and balancing your
budget. Your wise spending and ability to save is likely to direct you to have the chance of a rosy financial future.

Personal Relationships

For a Gemini, the person born on the eleventh day of June is typically less flirtatious and a bit shier romantically than most other twins. You have fairly high expectations of a love relationship but emotional instability or disharmony
in this area can cause you to be especially restless and irritable. Your wit, intelligence and curiosity make you an interesting and exciting partner and you need someone who can keep up with you and your constant requirement for variety and action. You will usually reserve your deepest emotions for a special soul mate and be undemonstrative in public yet incredibly
loving in private. Feather light touches and erotic insinuation are two of the top ways to turn you on. Overall you are easy to please and your multi tasking talent comes in handy in personal partnerships encouraging them to be normally untroubled by friction.


The usual healthy disposition experienced by those born on June 11th is commonly due to your watchful eye
for problems. You have the tendency to take good care of yourself note of unusual symptoms and seek assistance straight away. The moodiness of your nature can sometimes impact upon your emotions and may induce imaginary or real illnesses. People born on this day are particularly prone to report more health complaints during periods of unhappiness. Eating as healthily as
possible, finding an exercise and relaxation method you enjoy and getting enough rest are all essential for general well being.

June 11th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are probably noticeable in the top levels of instinctive intuition and originality that set you apart from others of your star sign. These strong characteristics portray you as well directed, clever and positive. They also characterize you as diligent, foresighted and self sufficient. Personality weaknesses for those born on June 11th focus on your
tendencies for stubbornness and being a bit strongly opinionated. Aside from these common negative traits your inability to unwind can promote anxiety and your need for neatness and organized order may be a tad annoying.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 11th of June means that you are inclined to follow your instincts to discover advantageous paths. You can be a
daydreamer who is not really a goal orientated type of person but you do like to make a few plans for the life journey ahead. Your quick thought and activity along with faith in personal abilities allow you to push hard to realize any of your aspirations. Dreams often feature scenes satisfying your desire for security financially and emotionally. You dream
of achieving worthwhile objectives and the opportunity to be granted your biggest wish of a secure happy lifestyle.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the eleventh day of the month the double ones in your birth date award you a Root number of Two. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Harmony' reflecting your preference for tranquility and
appreciation of beautiful things. In the Major Arcana the 11th Tarot card symbolizing Justice is linked to your birthday. This highlights your ample degrees of insight and fairness and reinforces your need for balance. The lucky gemstone for June the eleventh birthdays is assumed to be a white Pearl, it should be worn for a possible increase in wealth, calmness and


The planet Mercury's power is imagined astrologically responsible for determining the probabilities of Gemini personalities. The actual day you were born, the eleventh of June, is governed by the Moon's powerful influence adding differences to your zodiac typicalities. Your speedy creativeness and sensitive discernment are some of your finest attributes that you should try and nurture. Your perceptive communication and likelihood
for emotive but resolute decisions makes you a thoughtful nice individual. It should prove beneficial to learn to be less stubborn and consider letting yourself go once in a while to have fun. A final couple of pertinent thoughts for people born on June the 11th are to aim to moderate your views and not see being indebted to others as
a weakness. Becoming more flexible in impressions and judgments and increasing your willingness to accept help should be most enlightening.

June 11th Horoscope Comments

Nothing is out of joint in the description. All so true, correct to the last punctuation. But I regret being a Gem-in-I because I have failed the promise. I m no gentle gem, and nobody wants an uncut one except to use for cutting and the cut look aimed for later. Rarely uncut things are sought, but
are under-priced for it. Really wish I were a more balanced and socially useful sign, less flashing and more down to earth to have friends.

[ shantisree ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes I should learn to accept help instead of being stubborn. I must also let go of things related to neatness and tidiness. Everything else is so me... :)

[ Madhu Chandra K ] [ Post Reply ]


[ KABDEJAH ] [ Post Reply ]

Yep sums things up. I become stubborn and inflexible when I'm in negative moods. Sometimes careless as well and edgy. It's hard too let shit go specially when our feelings are involved, super intuitive and instinctive. I can read people easily and pick up on the emotional vibes of them as well easil
y and quickly. No words needed. June 11, 1991

[ Elliott ] [ Post Reply ]

Yea for sure. I can just tell when someone is lying. I can feel them tense up inside. Its weird.

[ Scott ] [ Post Reply ]

Very true with the intuition, I can read judgement and yes I can be stubborn and irrational as well as reckless when I'm down. 6/11/1991

[ Elliott ] [ Post Reply ]

wow this describe me exactly the way i am.i love being born on the 11 june..

[ zanele ] [ Post Reply ]

Hugh Laurie is also borned on 11 june. I am so happy that so many people find themselfs iin thiis horoscope me included. We are daydreamers indeed but also very ambitious and intelligents. All the best.

[ Bogdan ] [ Post Reply ]

me to im trippin hard this describes me exact

[ jason storm ] [ Post Reply ]

Verry true. We are intelligent and original.I wonder how many of you guys are succesfull in career(money, house, car kids etc? Dreaming aside we are great bosses!!

[ bogdan ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow this accurately describes me to a T. I've never been big on social signs of thought that when I was born would have any effect on me or my life. But my sister was telling me that it's scary how much truth there is behind zodoac signs so I read it for giggles and was stunned at how perfectly it d
escribes me.

[ Stephen Shown ] [ Post Reply ]

Ok I am born in 11 june

[ Rabi ] [ Post Reply ]

Shia labeouf who's born on June 11 is a doer I do feel like a day dreamer and I don't like it because I want to make my dreams come true like shias motivates us to do in his "just do it" video and mentally I have lots of energy when it comes to do physically committing it's like that tires me out an
d so my goal never be domes a reality

[ Jonathan ] [ Post Reply ]

I love horoscope

[ farah ] [ Post Reply ]

Yep This is me the June 11th wanna be day dreaming star

[ Dawn Barnett ] [ Post Reply ]

yea i hate it...my genius makes me crazy...i just wish i knew what it felt like to be a libra or something i can never just chill

[ david ] [ Post Reply ]

Ikr they got everything on point to

[ Musicisbae4141 ] [ Post Reply ]

Mennnnnnnnnnnnnn, Dis is real Me! Shit, No error at all, so True, Great work

[ RUFUS ] [ Post Reply ]

Man, this is so like me! I cannot believe it, right on dot.

[ Akhila ] [ Post Reply ]

Surprised how accurate this actually was not a fan of reading in my spare time but this made me want to read it because of how accurate it was

[ DG ] [ Post Reply ]

wow..! I cant believe i was reading thinking i was looking at me in the mirror. its time to try out some experiment

[ obi ] [ Post Reply ]

HAHAHAHA I cant believe this is exactly on the dot me, a couple things were different But for the most part yeah, that's me. XD DOPE BRUH!

[ Cody ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg..you describe my husband as stubborn as a mule to the t.

[ caro ] [ Post Reply ]

Yea that was dope and on point..

[ Sabrina ] [ Post Reply ]

Very typically me. The good bad and the ugly side of my 11th June Personality type. Very interesting personality deconstruction.

[ michelle ] [ Post Reply ]

That's me

[ nicole ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes the stubbornness is very true only stubborn when I need to be it don't fell right but I have to be you know

[ Brian Kephart ] [ Post Reply ]

That's me to the T. Happy to know there are so many others just like me. Welcome guys. We are so connected.

[ shivank ] [ Post Reply ]

That's perfectly who i am, I am the only emotional fool n that's my weakness,,,,,, i hate this trait,

[ eisa shah ] [ Post Reply ]

true !! me too - i find thats my weakness

[ heidi ] [ Post Reply ]


[ senthilkumar ] [ Post Reply ]

trueee....exactly me!

[ british barish ] [ Post Reply ]

That its me is so far out , it's like someone put an entire ant hill for me to farm honey and then took my umbrella away . So much for the freeze dried cat

[ Kenny Kush ] [ Post Reply ]

True, but I'm not emotional and I'm very ambitious!

[ Kareem ] [ Post Reply ]

Truth needs no obvious statement. Yet a good mirror is welcome!

[ sreela ] [ Post Reply ]

wow this is so me! iam so stubborn! this is one of te reasons why i was looking for answers and found it now know why iam stubburn.

[ Vanessa lopez ] [ Post Reply ]

awesome thats me.

[ albie ] [ Post Reply ]

Defiantly me!

[ Davin ] [ Post Reply ]

this is so trueee :D totally me!

[ Beatrice ] [ Post Reply ]

So true describes me and my stubbornness! This is right all the way! :) ^ . ^

[ Adriana ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm stubborn thats all that needs to be said. So me! :angel:

[ True Story ] [ Post Reply ]

Me tooo

[ kzl ] [ Post Reply ]

Awesome reading! Astrology is always interesting. Reading it amazed me. Totally true!

[ Mae ] [ Post Reply ]


[ SAKSHI BISEN ] [ Post Reply ]

It's all about me.. Thank you so much. I was born June 11, 1993.. Add me of FB Omotaryo Darmielorlah Sarmson.

[ Samson ] [ Post Reply ]

Well based on everything that i've read its quite true.... Very nice analysis.... Do agree with everything said.... It's all me.... :cool:

[ Shannon ] [ Post Reply ]


[ ABHISHEK ] [ Post Reply ]

This is true.. My wife is just same as it says 1000 percent

[ Abu Baker ] [ Post Reply ]

Its so true..i have a friend same age as me and same birthday on 11june.we are so close but he had to go move to other country..and its really make me alone tho cuz finding a friend like that i think its so rare. :')

[ Darryl ] [ Post Reply ]

its very cute finding someone who really understand how you work,feel & etc.somebody who accept your character in the inside before the outside any way .... i would like to thank alot the essay writer cause finding 1 out of 1000 who understand your complex character.is good :like:

[ shahd ] [ Post Reply ]

This is really true and matches my ability,strength, weakness. All correct by me. thanks for giving insight.

[ Vinay ] [ Post Reply ]

This is very true..Glad I found this site.

[ R ] [ Post Reply ]

yeh this also belong to me but i have still some question so i just wanna talk to u here it is my us num 2817423857(only in 8am to 4pm to us timimg)

[ rishav ] [ Post Reply ]

So true about me....please add me up if you are my month and date mate!!!

[ okeowo segun daniel ] [ Post Reply ]

Right on the dot!

[ Michaila ] [ Post Reply ]

Very true about me

[ Maame Ama ] [ Post Reply ]


[ STYLEZ ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow.exactly me... :)

[ neethu ] [ Post Reply ]

wow....sums me up...so flattering yet true:)

[ basha ] [ Post Reply ]

Want to know my forecast of my rising sign Sagittarius.

[ Tammy ] [ Post Reply ]

perfectly me ...

[ breezon ] [ Post Reply ]

Whoa! This perfectly describes me :)

[ p ] [ Post Reply ]

Me Too!!! :)

[ Jennifer ] [ Post Reply ]

this is a good site i am glad i found out somethings about myself that i didn't know

[ sasha ] [ Post Reply ]

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