Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac Signs

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Birthday Horoscope

for June 13th

If your Birthday is June 13th and your Zodiac Sign is Gemini

June 13th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 13th of June are predicted to be creative, logical and adventurous with lots of the typical Gemini communicative wit. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Uranus making you a little individualistic yet charming with a strong willfulness and a sense of fun. If you have this birthday your active mind is intellectual
and often way ahead of its time but you are easily frustrated by inaction or boredom. You are especially good at adapting to change as you understand it is often necessary for growth and usually prepare and plan for everything. Your realistic outlook and sense of purpose direct you to not ordinarily let emotion cloud any of your judgments. Individuals with
a June the thirteenth birthday tend to possess their own unique style, moral code and view of the world. Clever and versatile you are a hard worker who is responsible, practical and ambitious with a passion for unusual and interesting things and places.

Work and Finances

Profession choices are usually quite straightforward and easy to make to a person born on the thirteenth
of June. Your intelligence and abundance of talents mean that there are few jobs beyond your capabilities and you are free to choose something you enjoy. Full of ambition and drive you are able to quickly progress at work and as a rule command a reasonable salary for your efforts. Although you have the potential to earn plenty of money when
it comes to handling finances you are inclined to be not as competent. Financial advice may prove useful if you run into serious problems balancing your budget.

Personal Relationships

For a Gemini, the person born on the thirteenth day of June is typically attracted to someone of an intellectually similar level to themselves. Your enjoyment of conversing sees you needing an articulate partner
who will be tolerant of your touch of restlessness and flirty nature and have the same viewpoints and interests. Youthful, lively, humorous and outgoing a love relationship with you is rarely dull but you can be occasionally slightly superficial and stubborn. Despite this you are great at communicating your feelings and can normally charm your way out of arguments to keep
a romance partnership smooth. In a special soul mate relationship you adore pampering your loved one and are generally very kind, affectionate and generous. When committed in a long term amorous union you may sometimes become a bit too overly protective to a partner or spouse.


Minor illness experienced by those on June 13th may be contributed to by your naturally excitable
temperament and nervous energy. Your tendency to frequently suppress frustrations can also be especially detrimental to your overall well being. In addition you could be prone to have the habit of skipping sleep or meals in favor of something more stimulating. Your health often fares better when you are romantically attached and less likely to be self absorbed and neglectful of
taking care of yourself. People born on this day should find that stretching exercises help reduce stress and keep you trim.

June 13th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are probably displayed in the wittiness, cleverness and versatility you exhibit. These favorable traits are accompanied by your other major fortes of excellent communication skills and imaginative futuristic vision. These positive qualities aid you in retaining your forward looking and thinking attitude. Noticeable personality weaknesses for those born on June 13th are based on
your proneness for stubbornness and sulkiness. This negativity can cause you to act in an unrealistic, egotistical or irritable manner, particularly if things are not currently going your way.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 13th of June makes you headstrong, alert and eager to succeed in all areas of life. You appear to revel in the paths progressing towards attaining desired
goals as much as achieving final results. You are not often deterred by obstacles, in fact usually such setbacks will increase your determination and spur you on. Your ambitiousness is not necessarily concentrated just on professional qualifications and often extends to the achievement of personal happiness and a settled lifestyle. A large amount of your dreams about your future seem to
focus on simple wishes to love and be loved.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the thirteenth day of the month your birth date figures add up to a Root number of Four. This numerical reference to your birthday has the attached keyword 'Honesty' emphasizing your forthright nonjudgmental approach and the high principles you adhere to. The 13th Tarot card
in the Major Arcana deck, Death, is associated with your specific birthday. This is simply a symbol of your willingness to accept changes in order to develop. The lucky gem selected for June the thirteenth birthdays is Topaz, wearing this precious stone is imagined to promise boosted wealth, wisdom and calmness.


The probabilities of your Gemini twin personality are assumed to be
astrologically influenced by the authority of the planet Mercury. The actual day you were born on the thirteenth of June is governed by Uranus's power. Therefore these 2 planets are thought primarily responsible for shaping your uniqueness. Your mix of creativity, logic and intellect are a fabulous combination of useful attributes that help satisfy your curiosity and need for variety. Your
ample levels of responsibility, practicality, preparation and planning project you as highly focused and competent. If you are able to tone down your ego a little and try not to capitulate to your inclination to sulk it could make you more likeable and loveable. A summarizing thought for people born on June the 13th is to follow your heart and tune
into your psychic type senses for the most favorable directions.

June 13th Horoscope Comments

I'm June 13,1990 I can say yes we are but not at all coz every person have own unique personalities and luck on life. It not about the birthday we've born its all about the real you and who do really u r. I actually hated my self by being born on this sign ;((seems liked I don't know my self nd like
there someone or another person on me like wanna comeout from me inside.. And I guess its the twins of mine.but...huhuhu I felt like reincarnated person...

[ Candy ] [ Post Reply ]

Same day 1974

[ Al ] [ Post Reply ]

Born on June 13th and I am to become the greatest vocalist seen by Mankind. God Bless Geminis in the World.

[ Abhinav Vivekanand ] [ Post Reply ]

i am born 13th july 1977

[ sathish ] [ Post Reply ]

Mee too guys......

[ Priya ] [ Post Reply ]

I am born 13/06/95 and am still trying to find out things about my natural self due to a dark past as I'm trying to get over but this explains half of what I'm told and find out and I'm starting to find all pieces to the puzzle hey noe banegas was just wondering would you happen to be able to or at
least know of anyone who can do free vocal lessons and well enough to make a career in music as I've been trying to growing up but could never find anyone for help as music is a huge part of my life and it's what helps me through everything in my life and is an only way to connect to loved ones as I
've lost a few and one isn't very far away and music is my only way through as it was as a little girl. Please & thank you

[ Melanie upton ] [ Post Reply ]

hey ! i born on 13 june 1976 anybody with same date

[ syed saqib ] [ Post Reply ]

Born Friday June 13th 1947....seven decades ago

[ Ty ] [ Post Reply ]

I agree. We are the most amazing people of the few!

[ KateSalva ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 13.06.1991Anybody is there who born on the Same date

[ vidya praveen ] [ Post Reply ]

over here twinnie

[ Ray ] [ Post Reply ]

Being a gemini women life s alwaz a blessingg..being honest n selfless give us feeling of being a real human..geminis are d luckiest ppl on earth..

[ Sonia ] [ Post Reply ]

anyone here born the same date as mine? (June 13,1997)

[ Jeff ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 13th June also, same year Jeff

[ Timmy ] [ Post Reply ]

We are truly unique and awesome for being born on June 13th!

[ Laura ] [ Post Reply ]

My Birthday 13.06.1993 anybody is there who born on this same day

[ Jaga ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi I'm wid the same birthday.. 13.6.93

[ Deepak ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Jaga My Birthday 13.06.1993 anybody is there who born on this same day
06/13/1993 23 years young

[ tjr ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 13th June 1987.. Anybody born on that day .

[ Sikiru ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm also born at the same date June 13 ,1993

[ joydelyn ] [ Post Reply ]

I too am born on the same date.

[ apoorva joshi ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Ayesha ] [ Post Reply ]

Iam 13.06.1990 too

[ Manoj ]

Me! Cool right?

[ Diana ] [ Post Reply ]

A single hope can give your life back !;)

[ riz ] [ Post Reply ]

I've lived all my life thinking that I was a cancer. I've been living a LIE MY ENTIRE LIFE.

[ Nayelee ] [ Post Reply ]

omg so true!

[ pj ] [ Post Reply ]

I am Truely impress with accuracy of my date of birth (June 13, 1962 )

[ Ronn ] [ Post Reply ]

Triplet birth with this awesome characters...wanna meet the female version of me and see how they really are.

[ Mcshaba-June13 ] [ Post Reply ]

Indeed an exciting Horoscope :)

[ Mhyca ] [ Post Reply ]

My lyf is fucked up right now.... And I can't see any hopes

[ vikrant Singh ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow i have same traits which is written by author i feel very surprised when i read that

[ Ankit mehra ] [ Post Reply ]

I am so lucky to born oo13 june ...woww its all true....

[ pradnya ] [ Post Reply ]

Yup!! June 13 guys, we rock the universe. I feel truely blessed being born on this day, even though i'm a bit weird and insecure sometimes --- but that is because of thirst & curiosity to try and experience new things. Because only by true experience, life is more meaningful and fulfilling. And it's
in our blood that we are honest and selfless to every living soul in this planet. It is undeniable that 'Creativity' is our most useful & powerful weapon/instrument. And it would be really really nice to meet a June 13 girl. God bless all.

[ Mahesh Caulfield ] [ Post Reply ]

hello, i'm a girl born on June 13th. :P and i'm curious to know you too

[ june 13 girl ] [ Post Reply ]

Indeed we do rock. Big up to the 13th June

[ mally ] [ Post Reply ]

yes...I am so lucky to be born on June 13th... And girls born on this day rock as well !!! it is an awesome thing to be a Gemini born on June 13. I would like to meet a guy born on this day ...I can imagine it would be really great of really terrible. Lol

[ Reina ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm here :)

[ Tony ]

Am june 13 1982

[ abiola ]

o really ,here i am....:)

[ Aliyan ]

Wow I'm 15 yet it is perfect deffion for me

[ tea ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm also a vocalist and musician lol

[ Noe Banegas ] [ Post Reply ]

amazing..its all true.

[ krishna ] [ Post Reply ]

I just read this one today and it was exactly describe me. I was really surprised. The author who wrote this one known me for a long time ago lol love it.

[ Aljohn ] [ Post Reply ]

Very much me. I've very creative, supper adventurous, danger seeking (another page says so), witty, good with almost anything i do, charming, easy to get along with, reluctant when it comes to long term relationships (cause I like my sense of freedom) unless we really connect in every level; and I l
ove a woman who is understanding in many levels and is intelligent.

[ Carsch ] [ Post Reply ]

sOo agree,but im

[ nnaz ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow we are all so much alike it's crazy and yes I am also a vocalists for a band and lead guitarist and I have big dreams I hope to come true!

[ June13 ] [ Post Reply ]

Whoa I'm a vocalist / lead guitarist too, for a band we're just starting..I'm also a civil engineering student but I get bored easily so I need a side career ;)

[ june 13 girl ] [ Post Reply ]

Whoa I'm also a vocalist / lead guitarist for a band we're just starting..I'm also a civil engineering student but I get bored easily so I need a side career.

[ june 13 girl ] [ Post Reply ]

I agree I see some key points

[ scratch ] [ Post Reply ]

This was dead on, is this my mother....Lol

[ desirree ] [ Post Reply ]

yes..same here people..feeling so amazed..

[ JJ ] [ Post Reply ]

Most of this rings so true for me. We are amazing June 13s! I have always wondered where I got my drive, stubbornness and ego from. I am a teacher by profession...x

[ Su ] [ Post Reply ]

unbelievable.. so many of us. and what is written here is absolutely stunned me..! soo many of us ! June 13th... any decent girl. plz get back. i wana see my other side. btw. m a vocalist of 4 metal bands, a software engineer (currently) and im planning to visit all the damn places in the world.

[ Abhinav ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow.....m a vocalist too n engineer lol

[ anisha ] [ Post Reply ]

Cool ! I am doing engineering plus I gotta dream of the world tour

[ Ruqayya ]

OMG...I felt as if someone has known me for long & written down about me...

[ kavya ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Ray Cliff ] [ Post Reply ]

They know me now that is interesting and great to know that there are hundreds of people just like me

[ Zack ] [ Post Reply ]

omg this is so me weird, especially the stubborn and communicative and protective part lol. but amazing so geminis !;)

[ makiese da silva ] [ Post Reply ]

True true true...I also have cancerian traits as I'm very emotional but yet can cut off quickly if let down.

[ rosa ] [ Post Reply ]

so true...i could relate vry much to it...grt!

[ piya ] [ Post Reply ]

@piya xxx awesome!

[ Damika ] [ Post Reply ]

I think this is super cool how we are all born on the same date! And how we can connect over this... Quite scary how accurate it is xxx

[ Damika.xxxWolf ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes, that is exactly what I need - a partner who is of the same intellectual level as me. Very accurate description!

[ J ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from J Yes, that is exactly what I need - a partner who is of the same intellectual level as me. Very accurate description!
U r so true

[ bh ] [ Post Reply ]

That was so me! Yeah and it's actually exciting knowing that all of us were born at the same date!

[ Taki ] [ Post Reply ]

Even i'm so stubborn

[ ajay ] [ Post Reply ]

Woooww its true!

[ Wasim ] [ Post Reply ]

Go Gemini! Does anyone else born on June 13 feel like they have Cancer traits? I think I must be on the cusp because I'm way more sensitive/quiet than a Gemini should be! Ps..I love that our b-day is Fri. the 13th every 7 years!

[ Erin ] [ Post Reply ]

That's the true me....

[ sandhya ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes, we have hearts of gold and are very loving and loyal until crossed then we can shut down.

[ Sha ] [ Post Reply ]

We are Paranoid in our nature

[ H ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow it's true! I AM stubbornHhaha and sometimes our Birthday falls on Fri 13:)

[ Mariselle ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes its not tru its reality of life

[ raghav ] [ Post Reply ]

Thanks a lot....it z really true

[ Raveen ] [ Post Reply ]

Sooo true!! Thank u so much

[ Izabella ] [ Post Reply ]


[ B ] [ Post Reply ]

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