Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for June 25th

If your Birthday is June 25th and your Zodiac Sign is Cancer

June 25th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 25th of June are believed to be charming, attractive and very affectionate with the typical crab protective and sympathetic temperament. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Neptune favoring you with a sensitive, dreamy but responsive and caring side. If you have this birthday your rather humanitarian, nurturing, compassionate nature likes to help
solve the problems of others. You are naturally inquisitive and insightful with analytical thought giving you a love of mysterious things and natural detective skills. Strong emotions and a heightened receptiveness to your surroundings allow you to easily capitalize on any presented opportunities. Individuals with a June the twenty fifth birthday may seem a little unfocused but are actually quite centered
and bolder than they first appear. With an artistic stylish flair and fine eye for detail and design you are likely to see home as a place to express yourself.

Work and Finances

Job choice is considered a fairly important life decision to a person born on the twenty fifth of June. You may not discover it easy to find work that feels
worthwhile enough despite your abundance of versatile abilities and open-minded ways of thinking. Numerous different career paths could have to be traveled before you enter in to a suitable profession that you enjoy working in. Earning a reasonable income is a priority but you generally tend to not place great importance on money. This financial disinterest and proneness to
be too generous can sometimes cause you to be a bit careless or frivolous with cash.

Personal Relationships

For a Cancer, the person born on the twenty fifth day of June is typically friendly and personable although also a tad shy when it comes to matters of romance. In spite of this hesitant reserved streak you can be surprisingly flirtatious with someone you
really fancy. All personal relationships you have are usually made more successful due to your innate and genuine care and understanding with a soul mate. You will ordinarily greatly value togetherness and are willing to compromise if issues creep into a love relationship. If a partner is able to cope with your moody emotional ups and downs and a slight touch
of secretiveness then they will be rewarded with your exceedingly loving loyalty and devotion. Sexually you are free-spirited and require a partner with an equal sex drive and the same appreciation of spontaneity and variety in the bedroom.


Healthiness experienced by those born on June 25th can be variable as a consequence of the current state of your mental attitude. The
more optimistic you are feeling about life the more symptom free and healthier you are likely to be in theory. One method of staying in control of your optimism is to learn to keep a sensible objective distance between your own basic needs and the requirements of others. Your susceptibility to take onboard the worries of others can be detrimental to
your well being. You could have to be a little selfish with your kindness in order to preserve health with energy and positivism.

June 25th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are most noticeable in your empathic perceptive responsiveness and intense need to nurture. These prominent favorable traits and your originality, charm and versatility let you get along famously with the majority. Recognizable personality weaknesses for those born on June 25th are mainly focused on your possible fluctuation in mood. When this negative aspect of
your disposition kicks in it can materialize as temperamental behaviors of over sensitivity, impatience or sulkiness. Fortunately these negativities are normally infrequent and short-lived in their appearance.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 25th of June lavishes you with plenty of creative and practical talents and these specific attributes help you focus both expression and achievement. Your powerful urge to assist others
is highly satisfying so it often features in a large amount of personal goal plans. Your ambitions are usually greater in accomplishing personally meaningful aims as opposed to gaining professional qualifications. Dreams you could have are inclined to be visions of acquiring the things that you believe will make you the happiest. Examples are idyllic environments and a world without disharmony.

Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty fifth day of the month the two and five in your birth date total a Root number of Seven. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Mystery' and pinpoints your curiosity and passion for the unusual. In the Major Arcana the 7th mystic Tarot card picturing the Chariot is linked
to your birthday. This represents productiveness and identifies the efficiency of your combined energies and thought processes. The gemstone regarded luckiest for June the twenty fifth birthdays is Jade, to be carried for the promise of potential increased awareness, wealth and contentment.



likelihoods of all zodiacal Cancer personalities are imagined to be astrologically decided by the influence of our Moon's power. The
actual day you were born on, the twenty fifth of June is cosmically ruled over by the influences of Neptune's presence. Therefore these are the 2 primary influential planets thought partly accountable for your probable characteristics. Your admirable qualities of warmth, sympathy and helpfulness seems to dominate all you do and make you fabulous to know. You well balanced mix of
boldness, kindness and sharp insight direct you to be an excellent companion and capable parent. If you can conquer your tendencies to be once in a while oversensitive, impatient or sulky it should present you as almost perfect. An ending ponderable thought for people born on June the 25th is to attempt to retain a level of objectivity within your emotions
and remember that everyone else may not feel as deeply as you.

June 25th Horoscope Comments

wow..so true..im so proud as a cancerian..all that i read is represent me exactly..june 25,1991...

[ joana marie ] [ Post Reply ]

i share this birthday, so happy birthday to you all- and well wishes! you were born on the best day of the year =) . #proudcrab #june25

[ sophia ;) ] [ Post Reply ]

My birthday is also June 25, so happy birthday to my fellow June 25 natives out there!

[ Leah Almirall ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah that's. What we are....love being cancerian Any one same DOB and year 1997-06-25

[ Akash ] [ Post Reply ]

I am born on this day too...

[ sheetal ]

Hey guys! I was born on June 25 and my name is Jade. Isn't amazing?

[ Jade0625 ] [ Post Reply ]

I swear dis is jux d best way 2 discribe me...nd am hapi 2b a june 25th born...wow..i tot i was d only 1 dat culd tel beta ebuh myself..

[ Ginah wealth ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on June 23 1963, but as I was a cesarean section and am unhappy with my June 23 traits I thought I would look up 2 days later to see maybe that was when I may have been born if I had not been a cesarean section and it seems to be more me. Anyway I will never know, but at least I am happy
for LizB for wishes for 1963 Crabs. Are all cesarean sections troubled and unhappy, or haunted almost by their birth traits as I am?

[ Nisha Top-Teagarden ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy b day all, I fit this perfectly.it describes me in a nut shell. Cool horoscope. Other people out there as crazy as I am.lol.

[ jen ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday to all of us :) Have a good one

[ AHypochondriac394 ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi everybody i just wanna say my bday is the same and i love you guys

[ jkoshuA ] [ Post Reply ]

I am also a June born person..1990...

[ Deepak ] [ Post Reply ]

hmmmmmmm,intriguing nd fascinating, am so hapi nd proud 2 b born on d 25th day of June, Dis is a summary of me,I am proud 2 b a cancerian!!!!!

[ Success @ suxie Gold!!! ] [ Post Reply ]

GREETINGS, fellow Birthday mates! I am proud to have been born today! Let the gods decide!

[ Moha ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah its true...but there i found many difficultoes in my career....i wanuna study harder and harder and wanna be like my sister who is gold medolist

[ M.k ] [ Post Reply ]

what sport

[ hi ] [ Post Reply ]

?) :D THIS IS SO ME, and my "friend" I am June 25 she is July 18 or 8 we used to look like twins now we are not friends and I was looking up zodiac signs for June 25 and found June 22-July 22 so I printed the pages and high lighted the majors on it like for her OVER REACTIVE :ups: then I'm here try
ing to stay away from all peoples

[ Fifi ] [ Post Reply ]

This is totally me.. im a musician and a painter. Some people will never know why im so passionate about what i do. And i thought it was funny abot the chariot. I work on cars everyday .somehow....we are all cconnected. .I think somehow us people that were born on the 25th of June should all meet so
meday.. have a epic party or something. ..im going to find a Jade necklace now....:) Love Peace Happiness my friends. And Hope all you folks find Bliss

[ Zack ] [ Post Reply ]

Owww... Really I think we should have a get-together...

[ Mirza ] [ Post Reply ]

Good idea ! at least for a checking up

[ Lorena ] [ Post Reply ]

I love being a cancer and born june 25 1990, i feel very unique and this pretty much describedmy traits down to a tee. I wear a amythest crystal but now i know i need to be wearing a stone of jade. And also i thought it was cool to know that our number 25 is also anumber 7 when the two numbers ar
e added together giving us the tarot card chariot.. it reminds me of the chariots of the gods i feel like i was encarnated on this planet as an important person. Go june 25th people!

[ chaz ] [ Post Reply ]

same here born in 1990 as well your awesome lol

[ crod ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too :D

[ shwey ]

I am totally that the swag of luck and the jade gemstone

[ Strawberries ] [ Post Reply ]

Oh my gosh...this describes my friend so well!!!

[ J ] [ Post Reply ]

This is me!!!Heloo all Twins :*

[ LANIELETH ] [ Post Reply ]

I am a twin and am what most people call attractive I am trying not to brag but I was born on June 25

[ Morgan ] [ Post Reply ]

Uncanny! So true! Many happies fellow June 25th crabs!! Love & Light xxx

[ Nia ] [ Post Reply ]

Thanks to all my friends; to the friends who are always there for me, understand me and remain with me despite my strong-headedness, i said thank You! Thanks to those who turned their back, for you have help in valuing for you more those who are with me, and aid new space for new good friends. I'm g
etting older and getting wiser and well; i have learnt alot from many people fortunate to come across! With much sincerity and happiness i would like to thank everyone for the Birthday wishes and blessings, from friends and family; far and near. My heartfelt Gratitude goes to who posted on Facebook
wall,message me, sent me mail,ping me,use my picture as Display picture on BBM; create a Blackberry Broadcast,personal message,call or Text to wish me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I would have loved to give reply to each message, especially on facebook personally,but many thing have become a luxury when you a
re on a special day; my joy doubled when i saw your wish on my wall. That's why i write this note.


Happy birthday to you all! Have fun fellow cancers ;)

[ Rylee ] [ Post Reply ]

happy birthday henry my bestie ..lol wife sh u the best in life

[ michael oppong ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so me too!! Happy BIrthday to you all for tomorrow., especially 1963 Crabs!!

[ LizB ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy bthday tomorrow my crabby club 2506

[ Precious Matika ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah for all of June 25 babies. Do you know that it is exactly 6 months to Christmas on our special day and 6 months after Christmas to our special day. We are special, lets all celebrate the June 25 AWESOME birthday. Thanks Mom and DAd

[ Rane ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah, brothers and sisters. Keep up the good name of our birthday :D

[ June 25 ] [ Post Reply ]

Normally I don't luv this kind of stuff but this is so amazingly and mysteriously true. I'm lovin it

[ Alxrina ] [ Post Reply ]

Is it okay that i am wearing diamonds

[ Mildred ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so me, to a tee!

[ Drea ] [ Post Reply ]

Am veryyy happy to know who i am. horoscope hv relllly try for me

[ Sonia george Etinagbedia ] [ Post Reply ]

Yea. here scope is very correct about me

[ Etinagbedia sonia ] [ Post Reply ]

Oh my god this is soo me!

[ Cara ] [ Post Reply ]

Oh my god so true,before i hated Horoscope but now I love it so much!

[ Armira Sanchez Almario ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true because I am very shy during relationship wise

[ Leonna ] [ Post Reply ]

YOOOOOOOOOOawesom!!! ha ha tnx. :angel: :D :)

[ KARAN ] [ Post Reply ]

WOW this is really true. normally I do not have faith in horoscope. But now I do. AWESOM!!!!!!!!

[ KRK ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly, this is me :)

[ Archana Sethi ] [ Post Reply ]

its perfectly absolutly true..my favorite # is 7 because my name starts with letter G the seveth letter from tha alphabet...follow me at twitter @yownokie @nokkiellamera @genexier1 add me as ur friend at facebok nokie llamera

[ genexier ] [ Post Reply ]

good job for time passing

[ shazi ] [ Post Reply ]

really. truee

[ amal ] [ Post Reply ]

perfectly true . :)

[ krishnalatha ] [ Post Reply ]

reallly veryyy trueeee

[ swati lohana ] [ Post Reply ]

very correct! cos I possess all dis

[ nene ] [ Post Reply ]

some what right but its not exactly true, still good.

[ Ankur Jain ] [ Post Reply ]

Completely true

[ X ] [ Post Reply ]

Thats me exactly...i sometimes get mad with my oversensitive side.

[ annie ] [ Post Reply ]

Awesome. SO ME!

[ CR ] [ Post Reply ]

Im so glad I read this.. absolutely true..

[ JOANNA ] [ Post Reply ]

This is very insightful, and true.

[ Dan ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm seeing myself in a different life now...

[ Hope ] [ Post Reply ]

Feel good

[ Rahul Chaudhary ] [ Post Reply ]

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