Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for May 13th

If your Birthday is May 13th and your Zodiac Sign is Taurus

May 13th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 13th of May are conceptualized to be imaginative, pragmatic and soft natured but still very strong willed like all bulls. The dominant astrological planet that rules this particular day is Uranus making you creative, innovative, ambitious and hard working. If you have this birthday your expressive playful nature is generous, loyal and reliable but also
easily bored and sometimes a little too discriminating. You are steady, responsible, quite patient and easygoing with the ability to be calm and firm in difficult situations. Confident and determined you know what you want from life and have an even temper and lots of modesty. Individuals with a May the thirteenth birthday are usually loving and tender yet emotionally a
bit distant. You are bestowed with plenty of clever wit and a seemingly natural skill for making others laugh. Despite your pleasant temperament you have the tendencies to be occasionally resentful and inflexible.

Work and Finances


a satisfying job to a person born on the thirteenth of May is usually fairly easy due to your numerous talents. Although you often know what you
are best at, you like to express yourself and the high levels of creativity and ambition you possess can direct choices. Money does not ordinarily play a part in your preferences and you are often willing to take a lower paid position if you will find the work more enjoyable. Managing your finances is something that you find simple and it
is rare for you to overspend. You can be a picky buyer who will insist on getting real value for your money.

Personal Relationships

For a Taurus, the person born on the thirteenth day of May is untypical in occasional displays of cool emotions but typical in their quickness to reveal feelings. This contradictory mix of emotional responses can sometimes be confusing to
a partner but this seems to be soon overridden by your highly demonstrative loving side. You like to feel needed, are immensely loyal and will give and receive plenty of reassuring cuddles to express your love in a personal soul mate relationship. You tend to listen to and follow your heart where romance is concerned and have a big desire for
emotional security. Trust and respect are of upmost importance to you in a committed long term love union and make you openly sentimental. Your yearning for comforts and security and dislike of quarrelling encourage you to aim to keep your other half happy and the relationship harmonious.


Some health problems experienced by those born on May 13th could be connected to your
fondness for certain foods. You are inclined to eat what you please and can sometimes suffer digestive symptoms or weight gain as a result. Fortunately your abundance of energy allows you to be enthusiastic about exercise and especially enjoy participating in sporty activities. People born on this day may discover that spending time with loved ones and regular views of natural
scenery are two of the best ways to maintain a sense of well being. Weak spots in your probable healthiness are the ears, nose and throat.

May 13th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are revealed in the straightforward patience and fun loving attitude you show towards others. These qualities and your wittiness add a softness to your cooler sensibilities and make you a fabulous friend, teacher and parent. The strongest personality weakness for those born on May 13th and the hardest to control is usually your stubbornness.
Additional weaknesses include the proneness to behave in an uncharacteristically superficial or erratic manner when very upset. You can also be susceptible to touches of the blues if your diet is not as healthy and varied as it should be.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 13th of May grants you an optimistic mentality regarding the achievement of desired aspirations. Your ambitiousness
and usual positivity drives you to set and stick to goals and always strive to do your best to try and accomplish them despite any restrictions. Success in a professional capacity is not nearly as satisfying to you as contentment and happiness in personal circumstances. You as a rule wish for little more than to be happy in life and may
dream of this more than anything else. Travel to distant lands and experiencing idyllic lifestyles are also likely to be big dreams of yours.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the

thirteenth day of the month the one and three in your birth date total a Root number of Four. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Honesty' indicating
your inspiring degrees of loyalty and reliability. The 13th card in the Major Arcana Tarot depicting Death is associated with your birthday. There is no need to be alarmed this merely represents your slight vulnerability to pessimism and it advises you to avoid living in the past. The luckiest gemstone favored for May the thirteenth birthdays is Topaz to be worn
for increases in wisdom, courage and wealth.


The powers of the planet Venus are assumed the biggest influence astrologically on the likelihoods of Taurus personalities. The actual day you were born on, the thirteenth of May is assumed to have Uranus's cosmic authority dominating it. So the probabilities of your unique expressiveness and thought processes is believed influenced by both these celestial
bodies. Your artistic and inventive imagination keeps your mind active and helps you on occasions when boredom kicks in. Your steadiness and composed air of responsibility along with your disinterest in financial gain makes you refreshing to others. An ending congruous thought for people born on May the 13th advises gaining better control of your good and bad idiosyncrasies and
nurture positive traits.

May 13th Horoscope Comments

I was born on May 13 on 2006 people saying unlucky because I was born on the 13 but il say that all of this is true

[ Thaler ] [ Post Reply ]

So True!

[ NIMRAH ] [ Post Reply ]

13th May 1984 I Feel Life is Something(Majority)Different. I Don't Know Y? Especially Love,Thinking,Earning...Almost Above Words R Speaks About Me...

[ Ismail ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 13th of may but I find it very hard to love..

[ omolola ] [ Post Reply ]

I have the same problems as the website has mentioned. But the ones that were good were very accurate

[ Emma ] [ Post Reply ]

Creepy...but true

[ CatdogCatdog ] [ Post Reply ]

i have a bad habit loving someone very hard

[ pavan ] [ Post Reply ]

Well I was born May 13th 1977 in Miami Florida which is a Friday the 13th day. I just have trouble with loving hard to someone I love so much.

[ Will ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on Friday May 13 1988....same problems

[ Malick ] [ Post Reply ]

Friday the 13th 1994 ;)

[ Rajat ]

Friday the 13th 1955. This describes me.

[ Tom ]

Wow! This is so me...

[ Andrea ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly what I am :love:

[ ria ] [ Post Reply ]

well this is only a guideline but.. i would like to thank now i know what is my weakness

[ may 13 ] [ Post Reply ]

really me

[ arne kyle ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, describes me to a tee! I'm also a parent and teacher!

[ Leon ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow u spoke about me,

[ Mabel ] [ Post Reply ]

Mhmmm great Goooood perfect but others are bit incorrect

[ pastor mbonja ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born in 13 may 1970...very hard life....verry hard I never succeed ...im the one unsuccessful man...

[ Dines ] [ Post Reply ]

may 13, 1987none to share the inner thoughts, yet, to me, there's always a jovial side in my life. :like:

[ maitra ] [ Post Reply ]

It's like knowing about myself

[ vijeet ] [ Post Reply ]

100% correct.WOW

[ kanelani baloyi ] [ Post Reply ]

amazingly correct!!! :love:

[ maitra ] [ Post Reply ]

Everything true...wow!

[ C . Gould ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, this is so amazing. I never knew all this was true. Every last bit of information is true about me. Amazing! :ups:

[ T.LOVE ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly i am, Woww!

[ Fatima N. ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow! Exactlly I Am.Thanks A Lot.. :)

[ 13th may ] [ Post Reply ]

sure case 100% acurate

[ Peter ] [ Post Reply ]

exactly me. thanks

[ gloria ] [ Post Reply ]

This is very much like me... :)

[ A.Person ] [ Post Reply ]

I like this, well done^^

[ theFishyFish ] [ Post Reply ]

Really quite acurate for me!! Thanks whoever wrote this.. :)

[ Neens ] [ Post Reply ]

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