Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac Signs

Chinese Astrology

Dream meaning

Fortune telling

Birthday Horoscope

for May 25th

If your Birthday is May 25th and your Zodiac Sign is Gemini

May 25th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 25th of May are presumed to be witty, talkative and imaginative with lots of the typical twin adjustability. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Neptune making you insightful, analytical and compassionate. If you have this birthday a modern outlook and dislike of injustice makes you fairly understanding of others less fortunate. Although
you are usually good at articulating yourself you are also more emotional than other Gemini's. Despite this extra sensitivity and intuitive instincts you may not always trust your emotions. Individuals with a May the twenty fifth birthday are energetic, brave, focused and ambitious. Your streak of creativity emerges as a musical or artistic talent. You are charming, thoughtful and agreeable tending
to prefer going with the flow instead of wanting to lead. You are extremely affectionate and placid but sometimes you display sulky, argumentative and intolerant behavior.

Work and Finances

A suitable working arrangement to a person born on the twenty fifth of May is usually one that pays very well. You are prepared to work incredibly hard if you feel you are paid
generously for your worth. Money is not your only incentive however, you are also strongly desirous of success in your chosen career and some recognition for your effort. When it comes to personal finances you are often a bit too generous sometimes leaving yourself short to help others out. Saving may be difficult especially when you are younger as you like
to live for the moment and find it tough to resist a bargain.

Personal Relationships

For a Gemini, the person born on the twenty fifth day of May is typically youthful, lively and lighthearted in their approach to romance. Although you are not generally a loner you do not mind spending time alone and so it is quite rare for you to rush
into a personal relationship too young. Underneath your somewhat cool and flirtatious front you are really deeply caring and mindful but dislike feeling restricted or smothered emotionally. Even though you do not seem to take much seriously in life when you meet your soul mate your sincere serious side emerges when making a long term love commitment. An initial touch of
caution towards intimacy does not deter you from requiring an equal mix of physical and mental stimulation from a partner. You are likely to believe that variety is the spice of life particularly where sex is concerned.


Illnesses experienced by those born on May 25th tend to be fairly infrequent as you tend to take a keen interest in your overall healthiness.
You are not ordinarily a sporty person but you like to keep toned and trim by partaking in regular exercise. Keeping fit and active helps you expel any nervous energy build ups and stay calm and composed. You have your favorite foods and will enjoy experimenting with cookery but you try to eat and drink sensibly most of the time. People
born on this day should discover that expressing themselves more openly and talking about worries can have added health benefits.

May 25th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are noticeable in your adaptability, even temper and abundance of energy. These strongest positive qualities harmonize well with your secondary fortes of great wit, a colorful imagination and heaps of compassion. Evident personality weaknesses for those born on May 25th usually center on your tendencies for quarrelsome or sulking behaviors. These potential negative characteristics
can cause you to be once in a while overly judgmental and intolerant. These less favorable traits are more likely to break through if you are nervous about something and feeling insecure.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 25th of May fills you with a curious perceptiveness and a heightening of your natural instinctive senses. You see the advantages of using goals
for building secure foundations for the future and will set yourself a few achievement targets. Sticking to predetermined plans is sometimes challenging making you likely to sometimes suddenly change priorities and direction in midlife. You can be a bit psychic and this sixth sense may filter in to your dreams. Visions in your dreaming moments could hold hidden meanings and messages
that you can easily interpret and identify with.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty fifth day of the month the digits in your birth date total a Root number of Seven. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Mystery' indicating the extrasensory awareness and partly concealed emotions you possess. In the Major Arcana the Tarot card
linked to your specific birthday is the 7th symbolizing the Chariot. This is a sign of your strong perseverance, resilience and efficiency. For May the twenty fifth birthdays the luckiest gemstone is imagined to be Jade, wear it for luck with wealth and the possible overcoming of subconscious obstacles.


Astrologically the planet with the most influence on the probabilities of the personalities
of this zodiac group is Mercury. The actual day you were born on, the twenty fifth of May is ruled over by the celestial body Neptune's power determining the uniqueness of your actions and thoughts. Your courageous enterprising spirit and pleasant agreeability can propel you as far in life as you wish to go. Your sharp intuition and responsiveness are fabulous
guides if you can learn to have confidence in them. If you can aim to improve your tolerance levels and gain control of the nervousness in your nature you should fare better and be able to think clearer. A few final advisory thoughts for people born on May the 25th are to try and not make rash decisions and not view
emotional openness as a vulnerability.

May 25th Horoscope Comments

They are all true. Love you all who are Geminis

[ Goretti ] [ Post Reply ]

Also watch ur chinese zodiac

[ Your friend ] [ Post Reply ]

We are really awesome, am proud of my signs,i love everyone born in dis 25th may, am 2000. Baby of de house:* woah

[ Blessing ] [ Post Reply ]

Thats it.. We are the 25thians.. I am May 25 1991. Anybody out there with the same?

[ Vishnu ] [ Post Reply ]

25 of may 1991

[ Alan ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 25/5/1993 and I have written a song and I have got 1.3 million likes on YouTube

[ Matt ] [ Post Reply ]

Wowww...so excited we are special..fact!!

[ Pearson ] [ Post Reply ]

Hello geminis.... I'm born on may 25 1990... Everything is very true... I love my sunsign & lucky 7

[ Sudeep ] [ Post Reply ]

May 25,1962. Leo rising, aquarius moon. Met many geminis. Never really felt simpatico with them, unless they're may 25 gems. It's that may 25 trait of being empathic and sensitive. It sets us apart from the shallowness of most geminis.we feel too much(?) People mistake us for marks. They don't kno
w us, do they? We don't need guns and knives. We have our tongues, pen and paper. Are my brethren as skilled with their words as me? Can bring you down, or raise you up. Tongue is registered with the PD as a lethal weapon!!! All you bad intentioned lames, stay clear of us may 25 babes. What you see
is not always what you'll get.

[ aleemae ] [ Post Reply ]

25/05/1992 here

[ Jess ] [ Post Reply ]

ur life would have changes....observer with your previous

[ Camso ] [ Post Reply ]

confused charater..dnt know what 2 do !;)

[ umesh ] [ Post Reply ]

I think you know what ALL of us SHOULD meet once some were whay u guys say

[ Nelson ] [ Post Reply ]

it's true that I'm quite nervous at times and when I'm stressed I also start complaining alot when angry. Yes I don't like to show my feelings to others. I just cant do it. Anyway after reading this I got some insight. Very good website :)

[ m ] [ Post Reply ]

Wooooooop 25th may born day brothers and sisters!!!! We're awesome xxx

[ Kharis ] [ Post Reply ]

true one

[ nandi ] [ Post Reply ]

Ilovesu all

[ Lakia Hernandez ] [ Post Reply ]

May 25, 2002This is similar to me. I find it funny that jade is lucky for me because it's very valuable in china and I'm Chinese. Although, I'm adopted. That's why I'm typing in English. I heard that Gemini twins are outgoing, really good with blending into environments, aka two faced as someone I k
now describes it. For some reason I've been so interested in this. Epically since I don't know anything about my biological parents.

[ Diver2020 ] [ Post Reply ]

Everything that is written on here is true may 25 1996

[ sara ] [ Post Reply ]

Same here.Same d.o.b 25 May 1996.whats ur birth time.

[ faizan ul haque ] [ Post Reply ]

25th May 1996! Me too =)

[ Maurice ] [ Post Reply ]

i share the same birthday as you :3

[ stef ] [ Post Reply ]

May 25th 1980...hello sisters and brothers

[ Naifeen ] [ Post Reply ]

Corey Barsaleau

[ Corey ] [ Post Reply ]

Everything you said about in my horoscope is right! Kind of e-e-r-y but Great!Happy birthday to all my May 25th buddies and God Bless you all. May 25th, 1954

[ Donna ] [ Post Reply ]

May 25 1995 3

[ Jim ] [ Post Reply ]

Was born on the 25th of May 1986... And everything I've read is true... I just pray that I'm able to overcome my weaknesses

[ Nqobile ] [ Post Reply ]

thanks sir,my bthday is on may 25...my horoscope is absolutely true..

[ blessy ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born on 25th may 1976.i.m v hard working self maid millionaire. zodiac states that born on this day r become army generals g8 pollitications self made millionars top lawyers. they r right i have experience all this coz we born on 25th r blessed with g8 brain, we have lot of qualities skills o
f cooking helping partner in house hold work we have g8 energy.soooo guys u all there i luv u all b happy b positive n do lot of gym soooo u can get rid of nerves energy which can demege our personality. guess what i .m [retd] Army officer

[ f ali khan ] [ Post Reply ]

I Was Born on 25th 1989. Have got all the qualities of being a Typical Gemini. Yeah Lack a bit" in "Wit". :-) I am More Concerned about the abundance of nervous energy. Any Solutions? or Suggestions?

[ Guru JI ] [ Post Reply ]

gees.. I was born may 25 1976. wtf. Heres what Im going to say . For all you guys born on May 25 might not be the same meaning for all gemini. Because year differences(Chinese Zodiac),the numerology(the number sign), the sun sign, moon sign, days signs, examiner sign(animal sign), and type of hands.
For example me born May 25, 1976, year of the dragon, born in Tuesday- Tuesday has meaning. was born 25 which is number 7.But my true numerology is 8.8 has a meaning. Born in 8:31am - my rising sign is Cancer. Meaning my sunsign is Cancer, and my moon sign is Aries the opposite time your born. and
finally type of hand. I'm Type A hand. Theres two type of hand Type A or type B. For more Google it lol..

[ ronjay. ] [ Post Reply ]

me to 25th may!!!! (people's say that i am funny are we........

[ Ben ] [ Post Reply ]

25 May 1974

[ timothychristian ] [ Post Reply ]

May 25th 1989 happy birthday

[ Saloua ] [ Post Reply ]

39 yrs coming up.This is the last year I will be counting :)

[ jimini ] [ Post Reply ]

U told about 6thsesense n dreams ,which s absolutely true. I felt that many times.. Thanks.

[ yamnaa ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Kylie ] [ Post Reply ]

It open my mind I can see my future thanks

[ devon ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born specifically on May 25th, 1993 at 8:15 amI've just decided to text, write down my intensely personal thoughts and feelings here,in a quite small comment space just to tell everybody that I'll bless god if he blesses me too :) and my dearest god, thanks for creating me, a person that every
body finds far from usual ( crazy) :ups:

[ Daniella ] [ Post Reply ]

wow....am also born on 25 May 1993... we shud be friends if u care add me on whatsapp 2348104471023

[ Destiny ] [ Post Reply ]

Actually I'm vietnamese. Daniella is my english name. So if you guys wanna contact, just send me an email through "trang250593@gmail"Thanks so much and sorry for my late response =)

[ Daniella ]

Cool I was born on 1995 May 25 :D my name is also Daniela lol

[ Daniela ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy b day

[ Makayla ]

plz, make my horoscope

[ chohay tayang ] [ Post Reply ]

My birthday is on may 25Th and i'm going to be 32 years old.

[ nelson barlow ] [ Post Reply ]

pls open my horoscope & my future

[ sarita nayak ] [ Post Reply ]

may God bless them.......

[ satnarain ] [ Post Reply ]

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