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Birthday Horoscope

for May 8th

If your Birthday is May 8th and your Zodiac Sign is Taurus

May 8th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 8th of May are surmised to be generous, intelligent and kind with the capable practicality of most bulls. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Saturn giving you strong will, discipline and motivation that is activated by challenges. If you have this birthday a serious, calm nature is bestowed on you but also
the ability to see the funny side of life. The realistic sharp judgment you possess is highly attuned to and involved with your surroundings making you sometimes a little critical or pushy. You are usually self sufficient with excellent organizational and communication skills. These attributes help you express your ideas and views with a persuasive confident manner unless it concerns emotions.
When it comes to expressing inner feelings you tend to be a lot more reserved. Individuals with a May the eighth birthday are inclined to gain satisfaction from helping others and improving things.

Work and Finances

Work options to a person born on the eighth of May

are usually unlimited as a result of your high intelligence and capability. Preferred professions will often be
decided before adulthood as your childhood observations can be somewhat influential in your ambition choices. Your array of talents and willingness to put lots of effort into gaining qualifications directs you to ordinarily be successful in your working life. Your natural common sense and calmness makes managing finances easy therefore it is unlikely for you to encounter problems or be tempted
by expensive borrowing methods.

Personal Relationships

For a Taurus, the person born on the eighth day of May is typically softhearted, affectionate and reliable within a loving union. Although you are charming and romantic you are not as demonstrative emotionally as most of your zodiacal counterparts. However your usual slight lack of confidence and cautious approach is not stronger than your need for
the structure and stability of a long term relationship. You seek a partner on the same level with whom you can have a mental as well as physical rapport. With a sensuous sex drive and lots of patience you make a passionate, playful, unhurried, considerate lover. Outside the bedroom you keep a love partnership lively with your focused devoted attitude
and witty caring demeanor. Despite this if you are feeling unloved you can be inflexible and unexpected changes can soon evoke insecurity.


Health issues

experienced by those born on May 8th seem to be few and far between as a consequence of the responsibility and importance you generally place on healthiness. You try to eat healthily, take enough exercise and be safety conscious
thus reducing the possibilities of getting ill. Aside from this you are often openminded to and familiar with the latest research, remedies and advice regarding healthy lifestyles. People born on this day are likely to work and play hard and will find that rest and relaxation are especially important to their overall well being and for speeding up recoveries.

May 8th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are revealed in the sensible motivated determination you exert in all you do. These positive qualities and your compassion, kindness and generosity accumulates you many friends and accomplish any aspirations with ease. Notable personality weaknesses for those born on May 8th are mostly concentrated on your proneness to inflexibility and dislike of sudden change.
These circumstances that trigger the negatives in your temperament can cause you to act and think in an overserious, judgmental or bossy way. Luckily they are as a rule quite infrequent in their appearance.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 8th of May means that you often believe that simply waiting for dreams to come true is a rather foolish method. This
belief encourages you to plan desired goals with plenty of contemplation, care and decisiveness. You are dedicated in your pursuit of success and prefer to take action and put in the required time to achieve your hopes and wishes instead of relying on luck alone. Your self sufficiency and competence sees you rarely asking for or needing assistance. You are probably
happiest when assisting others to reach their potential by guiding and motivating them towards achievement.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the eighth day of the month your birth date figure awards you a Root number of Eight. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Leader' defining your self-control, sharpness and competency. The Tarot card mainly associated with
your birthday is the 8th featuring Courage. This is symbolic of your abundant fortes of charisma, effective decision making and avid perseverance. The luckiest gemstone selected for May the eighth birthdays is imagined to be a Black Pearl. Wear it as an energy booster and for the likelihood of increased luckiness financially and romantically.


The expected

personalities of Taurus individuals are believed to
be astrologically influenced by the powerful celestial forces of the Venus. The actual day you were born on, the eighth of May is ruled over by Saturn's authority, so these two planets are considered primarily accountable for the probability of your individualism. Your resoluteness is ample and strongly filters through into your purpose affecting your opinions, thoughts and actions. Your charismatic
positivity and skillfulness with words tends to improve with age and allows you to get where you want to be in life. If you are able to learn to be a tad more flexible additional personal and professional opportunities could very well be presented to you. An appropriate final thought for people born on May the 8th is to acknowledge your
weaker traits like sarcasm and nurture your more favorable thoughtful characteristics. By knowing yourself to a greater degree you could discover better directions and so progress further and quicker.

May 8th Horoscope Comments

iam luckey to

[ sobdil ] [ Post Reply ]

Eighth day of may

[ Gladwin hlase ] [ Post Reply ]

I born in 8th may 1985 about 6 am Tuesday at Dhaka Bangladesh. I'm restless to success my dream. What should I do in this month? My email sonyaah2@gmail.com

[ Afroja Hossain ( sony) ] [ Post Reply ]

Its gr8 to be born on May 8!!!Infact,I feel blessed to be born on this day.

[ Arhit ] [ Post Reply ]

Sir my date of birth 8 may 1973 time 6.30 Pm which stone sutable for me.

[ Satish Kumar ] [ Post Reply ]

May 8th is a wonderful day my mother got me

[ Kyle Boylan ] [ Post Reply ]

It also falls on mothers day every so often I too was born may the 8th and enjoy my birthday and mothers day. So I hope you and your mother have a great may the 8th.

[ Alexander ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm lucky thank god I was born on May 8!

[ Mary ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah...Go MAY 8th...

[ Pete ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah well what about the bitchy, moody part, it goes hand in hand, not just practicality with money, but also being harsh, and hasty and at not good times, remember Taurus can also make other people livid with us, angry with us, till they will never speak to us again, and that is not good. We love t
o get mad, but when we make others mad it shocks us, or we don't care.

[ Marcos ] [ Post Reply ]

Am glad may 8

[ queen jasmine ] [ Post Reply ]

Lucky to be born on the 8th may

[ Jude zarook ] [ Post Reply ]

am glad that am born on may 08 cos we are prudent about our dealing

[ RIGHT AMOS WEALTHY ] [ Post Reply ]

TrueLucky me

[ erica ] [ Post Reply ]

I am very that I was born on May 8 because everything being mentioned are all true.Yeah, we could be reached someday haha..

[ niks ] [ Post Reply ]

iam so lucky as my birthday is on 8 may :)

[ Sandra ] [ Post Reply ]

We r money oriented people, and am xo glad. Cus I can see a Reflection of myself.

[ Gbaja Adeoluwa Joseph ] [ Post Reply ]

Money, Money, Money makes the world go round and that is all that matters to me.

[ katy the bull venus ] [ Post Reply ]

Shockingly true for most of the things mentioned... they like to give and guide others as it gives them some satisfaction. Control freaks, stubborn and bull headed. They are good friends and very supportive.

[ Kat ] [ Post Reply ]

It's partially true about the money part, but there are always exception to things, to a certain extend.But dont forget that we love to help and guide others.

[ Terri ] [ Post Reply ]

"Eighth May"s to me seem too practical , even to the extent that they weigh everything with money. I've met two of them and this trait exist. Anyone can share more on those being born on the 8th of May?

[ Rita Plymouth ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Rita Plymouth "Eighth May"s to me seem too practical , even to the extent that they weigh everything with money. I've met two of them and this trait exist. Anyone can share more on those being born on the 8th of May?
Agree with Ritz! Money money money! Also, do you agre
e that they like to be on top of the situation too much? Almost intrusive like a bull-dozer to those who are weaker than them (only to those who are more timid)

[ Thomas N ] [ Post Reply ]

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