Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for November 10th

If your Birthday is November 10th and your Zodiac Sign is Scorpio

November 10th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 10th of November are believed to be intently curious, independent and assertive with lots of the zodiac Scorpion optimism and persuasiveness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is our Sun guiding you to be rather adventurous, visionary and creative in all you do. If you have this birthday your physical and mental speed
make you competitive and determined with a tendency to learn by instinct. Naturally dignified and patient you are inclined to stick strongly to principles and fight for just causes. Full of pride with a realistic idea of your abilities and limits you are usually kind and helpful but at times you can also be easily preoccupied and overly critical. Individuals with
a November the tenth birthday are intelligent, fairly reserved and thoughtful yet very selective about things they like and dislike. With sound reasoning you possess a great memory and your alertness means you are especially good at noticing the smallest of details or gestures.

Work and Finances

Interests in Science and Art can sometimes direct the career choices most preferable to a person
born on the tenth of November. Your intense observant curiosity may also guide you towards any kind of work that presents regular intellectual challenges, occupations involving research or detective tasks are often popular. You tend to absorb information quickly so you are able to soon pick up new skills in any employment type. Pay rate is not particularly as important as
job satisfaction. You are quite generous with your money and prone to spend foolishly once in a while, this occasional frivolity could cause financial issues if you are not careful.

Personal Relationships

For a Scorpio, the person born on the tenth day of November is typically romantic, passionate and loving as well as being capable of incredible loyalty. You could be a tad
idealistic when it comes to choosing a partner as you seek a spiritual bond with a soul mate so it may take time to settle down and commit to a long term relationship. You have plenty of love to give but you expect the same amount of affection and attention in return. Sharp and sensitive emotionally your awareness helps you to
cope with life's ups and downs and although you are tenderly devoted you also soon display jealousy and possessiveness. An energetic sexy and demanding lover between the sheets your lusty sensual air makes for exciting lovemaking. If you not receive continual stimulation or feel unloved you will become bored and insecure in a committed partnership. Forgiving and forgetting is difficult if
you are betrayed.


The usual natural good health experienced by those born on November 10th usually ensures you rarely have major problems staying fit and well. A proneness to internalize emotion can lead to bouts of stress. Finding ways to unwind and relax are essential to your overall well being. People born on this day have a streak of competitiveness that may
encourage them to push themselves too much. This passion for competing can result in symptoms of exhaustion and the possibility of minor illness if you do not pace yourself more effectually.

November 10th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are expressed within your independence, assertiveness, observance and sense of adventure. These positive qualities and your principled fairness and thoughtfulness grant you a clear balanced view of everything around you. Your artistic talents are an additional forte worth nurturing. The personality weaknesses for those born on November 10th are readily prompted into activation by
boredom or tiredness. These negative tendencies consist of increases in your selectiveness and propensity. In addition you have the likelihood of expressing repetitive and picky behavior in response to these particular circumstances.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 10th of November may indicate you could have some difficulty in deciding on definite goals. In spite of this indecision once you set your
mind to a task you will utilize all your best faculties to achieve a longed for wish. Pursuing an enjoyable career and securing a stable happy relationship are often two of your main priority aspirations. Dreams are likely to feature the memorizing of pleasant past events and visualizing future happiness assisting you to retain a mostly optimistic frame of mind.

Birthday Luck
and Significance

As you were born on the tenth day of the month the sum and reduction of your birth date figures gains you a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' indicating your resolute purposefulness and alert intense energies. In Tarot the 10th card in the Major Arcana deck illustrating the Wheel of Fortune
is associated with your birthday. This is a sign of your instinctive easy adaptation to changes and your predilection to try and live mainly in the present. The lucky gemstone for November the tenth birthdays is a Ruby, to be worn for the possible attraction of stability and the dispelling of negativity.


The powerful planet Pluto is imagined to be the greatest
influence on the probabilities of all Scorpio personalities. The actual day you were born on, the tenth of November is ruled over astrally by the Sun accounting for your slight differences to others in your star sign group. Your persuasive perceptive nature has exceptionally skillful modes of analyzing and remembering. The wisdom of your speedy sharpness along with your usual touch
of reservation help you normally make sensible and favorable decisions. If you can manage to keep both active and relaxed your weaker characteristics should be less acute and apparent. In conclusion a thought for people born on November the 10th is that is will be advantageous to develop flexibility and not be afraid to shine or be trusting.

November 10th Horoscope Comments

Absolutely True!! Unbelievable :like: !;)

[ Preethu ] [ Post Reply ]

born on10th nov.nd Scorpio rules

[ Pontsho mpofu ] [ Post Reply ]

this has to be almost 100% accurate for me as a 10th november baby. i really emphasize with all of you because i know you are good people but mostly misunderstood, you get hurt easily and your mind is so damn complicated when analyzing (which is basically 24/7). I assume you love animals because yo
u felt deceit from people. Once we mature and learn about things a few, i think we can get to love people too and we are the most loyal and devoted. also i think we're violent by design but we won't hurt unless provoked. i hardly threw away the first punch but when i did was cause i listned to my gu
t. i quite belive this should be top 10 thrustworthiest personality in the whole world. take care my friends. cheers from bucharest,romania

[ oh my ] [ Post Reply ]


[ REYBEKKA ] [ Post Reply ]

Feels good, the probing restless mind of a scopio, sometimes i ask myself can i just take some rest from everything and relax, the more i draw away from the crowd, the more the magnrtic influence attracts them towards me

[ Deinyefa ] [ Post Reply ]

Scorpios unite! hardest but most rewarding sign in the zodiac, lets go!

[ stevie ] [ Post Reply ]

I am an extrovert through and through great aspect for a Scorpio

[ Joey ] [ Post Reply ]

So True. But are we all introverts also ?Guide me mates.

[ Sin ] [ Post Reply ]

True we are......

[ Sarah ] [ Post Reply ]

Scorpios Unite! We rock!

[ Kim Li ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday lucky people born on Nov.10th

[ Rick ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday. Us xxxxxxx

[ Vanessa ] [ Post Reply ]

#ScorpioGang November 10th babies are the best

[ Scorpio_King ] [ Post Reply ]

I GOT MY Aunties birthday as mine so i guess im a November ten baby and a scorpio..sweet im not alone.

[ Lu Jo ] [ Post Reply ]

Why are we so amazing though

[ pinzu ] [ Post Reply ]

Hell Yeah I am Mysterious & I am Scorpion.True that all you mates....

[ Daddy ] [ Post Reply ]

oh yes,, I'm driven passionate, take no prisoners .. True leader, hate idle chit chat..

[ Trish ] [ Post Reply ]

Glad, it says all about me. We rock :love:

[ Sameer ] [ Post Reply ]

This is me I need that lucky Irish Ruby

[ Natasha so me ] [ Post Reply ]

This is surprisingly accurate. I personally think it is amazing. All you other November tenth people, have joy!! We are awesome.

[ Garhardt W. ] [ Post Reply ]

We were born on that day we rock

[ Stacy ] [ Post Reply ]

its true

[ ddd ] [ Post Reply ]

This is scarily accurate

[ paige ] [ Post Reply ]

I really see Everything in me

[ kerwin ] [ Post Reply ]

This is absolutely true about me. That's amazing!

[ Kondwani Hara ] [ Post Reply ]

Great to know. Goes well with my character !

[ Rama D. ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Holly ] [ Post Reply ]

greatings fellow november 10th born people. I want you all to know, not think, that we are awesome! :) Hope we all do great in this life :) peace

[ LK ] [ Post Reply ]

70% true

[ sujeet ] [ Post Reply ]

Go f*** yourselves this of my day, but I guess I'll share !;)

[ Nate ] [ Post Reply ]

Yup thats me and all u guys who wer born on same date True that ....

[ mridul ] [ Post Reply ]

That's my birthday I love this is all about me

[ henry opeyemi ] [ Post Reply ]

hi, i don,t know who u r but this is my birthday too and i love my star.

[ irfan ] [ Post Reply ]

this is very nice I have it saved under my favourites bar

[ sue.s ] [ Post Reply ]

Thats me 100%! Love this.

[ Cindy M. ] [ Post Reply ]

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