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Birthday Horoscope

for November 23rd

If your Birthday is November 23rd and your Zodiac Sign is Sagittarius

November 23rd Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 23rd of November are predicted to be independent, adventurous and incredibly curious with the typical Sagittarius honest directness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mercury bestowing you with a real zest for life and a highly innovative mind. If you have this birthday your free spirited and determined temperament enjoys study and
travel as well as an aim to make the world a better place. Full of ideas and a tad idealistic you are inclined to be rather lively and optimistic with a strong morality and a keen sense of fairness. You are usually alert, organized, good at planning and communicative but you will sometimes bluntly speak before thinking. Individuals with a November
the twenty third birthday are quick witted with an intense thirst for knowledge that guides them to seek diverse wisdom and fun from life experiences. You are likely to possess artistic or musical talents and a fondness of the outdoors but you can be sensitive, restless and hasty too.

Work and Finances

The leadership qualities and enterprising spirit attributable to a person born
on the twenty third of November usually drives a preference for an exciting, challenging job. You seem to enjoy dealing with large amounts of people and may be drawn to educational type settings. Despite these typified preferred selections your craving for travelling can sometimes also direct career choices. You are unlikely to be overly concerned with financial security but you do
prefer to have a comfortable home and lifestyle. This will ordinarily encourage you to budget and save sensibly without being stingy to usually keep your personal finances sufficiently stable.

Personal Relationships

For a Sagittarius, the person born on the twenty third day of November is typically someone with high expectations of love and romance. You tend to appreciate the friendship, honesty and intense
emotional bond formed with a soul mate as part of a loving partnership more than the physical attraction. You are usually great at taking the good times with the bad and will expect the relationship you cherish to be a lifelong commitment. You are especially fond or home comforts but also really like to venture to interesting places regularly so an
ideal partner must share these passions plus have a similar level of intelligence. A seductive and incredibly eager lover you are commonly very passionate, playful and keen to please in the bedroom. As you are quite sociable your chosen partner will need to be happy to participate in your whims to entertain and make any excuse for a celebration.


The tiptop health
usually experienced by those born on November 23rd is assisted by your predilection to keep physically fit. You will often turn to sport in order to stay trim, relieve inner tension and help build confidence. You should aim to eat foods that are calming to the nerves and that supply enough nutrients for your active disposition. It is usually best to
avoid fatty food and remember that visiting the dentist for maintaining healthy teeth and gums is also important to overall healthiness. People born on this day will find that frequent changes of natural landscape can have a real calming effect on your touch of potential restlessness.

November 23rd Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are predicatively expressed in your direct honesty, heightened curiosity and determination. These positive traits are further strengthened by the individualistic spirited humor and energy you possess that seems to filter through into everything you do. The personality weaknesses for those born on November 23rd are mostly connected to your sensitivity to stress and dislike
of mundane routines. An increase in bluntness and idealism are your usual negatively induced responses. Your other negative tendencies of isolated, impulsive or touchy behaviors are prone to emerge following an emotional upset or a big disappointment.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 23rd of November grants you an intense inquisitiveness that appears to be always guiding you towards journeys of discovery.
This is often reflected in the themes of your greatest aspirations for the future. Although you may make plans for set goals you tend to live for the moment and be flexible and accepting of your destiny. Dreams have the inclination to be linked to your appreciation of art and music.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty third
day of the month the two and three in your birth date add up to gain you a Root number of Five. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Inquiry' identifying your favored method of learning from experience to enhance your intellect. In Tarot the 5th Major Arcana card symbolizing the Hierophant is associated with your birthday. This is
a possible indication of your inquiring mind, insightfulness and avid optimism. The lucky gemstone for November the twenty third birthdays is thought to be a Diamond, to be worn for a mystical promise to boost stamina, self-expression, happiness and wealth.


Astrologically the planet Jupiter is presumed to be the most prominent influence on the probabilities of all Sagittarian personalities. The actual day
you were born on, the twenty third of November is ruled over by Mercury's power slightly influencing and changing some of your expected zodiacal characteristics. Your impartiality, thoughtful compassion and moral conduct are admirable qualities that you should develop. Your energetic independence, alertness and fair judgment are extra commendable attributes. If you can discover effective ways to minimize stressfulness and boredom
you will be less likely to act out of character. A completing thought for people born on November the 23rd is to value your autonomy, stick to your principles and do not let others distract you too much from following your destined path.

November 23rd Horoscope Comments

100 percent true.. I m 23 nov born..

[ Deepak ] [ Post Reply ]

Sooooo true

[ Anna ] [ Post Reply ]

It's accurate for me!

[ Valdez ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Ginger ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Jane ] [ Post Reply ]

Pretty accurate!

[ Trish ] [ Post Reply ]

i think its true but when i get good time and money :(

[ nandish ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Chirchir ] [ Post Reply ]

Well i like music i dream about it it is totally me yaaaayyyy:-D

[ Roshni ] [ Post Reply ]


[ t ] [ Post Reply ]

Well said.

[ Ray ] [ Post Reply ]

This is soooo Me. I am really into Arts and Music.

[ Dia ] [ Post Reply ]

This was amazingly accurate!

[ Carla ] [ Post Reply ]

Have we met before?!!!!

[ Shobin Sivadasan ] [ Post Reply ]

To the letter explaining exactly how I look at myself.......just would like more friends in my life that are suited for compatibility. I find myself too strong for many personalities.....I do get very physically attracted to others. I can "fall in love" at the drop of a hat! Thanks

[ RONNY ] [ Post Reply ]

does sound like me :)

[ jennifer ] [ Post Reply ]

Most of this is true

[ Marlene ] [ Post Reply ]

Well, that's about right!

[ Apple Jack ] [ Post Reply ]

Very close to what I am

[ Nitin ] [ Post Reply ]

Spot on.

[ Carrie ] [ Post Reply ]

I love this ,,, pretty good .

[ Roxie ] [ Post Reply ]

Sooooo right !

[ Jk ] [ Post Reply ]

Spot on!

[ Dr. Suz ] [ Post Reply ]

100% me

[ Cc ] [ Post Reply ]

This is dead-on

[ Donnelle ] [ Post Reply ]

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